What is aloe for and how to benefit your health with it

Aloe Vera, also known as aloe vera, is considered the “miracle plant”. It belongs to the succulent variety of plants that generally grows without a stem and has fleshy, green stalks that can grow quite large.

Aloe Vera was considered “the plant of immortality” by the ancient Egyptians and has been used by a variety of cultures over the centuries for its healthful properties. In particular, there are 6 benefits of aloe that are directly effective for the health of our skin.

Aloe properties

Aloe contains a clear gel that is considered to have great medicinal value. The gel is made up of 96% water and also contains some organic and inorganic compounds. It is rich in vitamins and minerals, as well as containing 18 different amino acids that can also be found in the human body.

Most people are familiar with marketed aloe gel that is sold for sunburn relief, but this gel generally only contains a very small amount of the actual gel cut from aloe and mixed with synthetic ingredients.

What is Aloe Vera for?

Aloe vera gel or pure aloe vera gel extracted directly from the leaves has a wide range of benefits for the human body that should not be wasted.

Provides antioxidants

Antioxidants are essential for good health. Oxidative stress and the resulting inflammation contribute to almost every modern chronic disease imaginable. This is because oxidative stress interferes with the energy-producing structures of cells (mitochondria) and inhibits healing in the body.

Aloe contains antioxidant vitamins such as vitamin A, C, E, as well as minerals that help control inflammation in the body. Aloe Vera’s antibacterial effects also help control inflammation by ridding the body of unwanted pathogens and supporting a healthy immune response.

These effects are especially beneficial for the gut, as many people have problems with gastrointestinal disorders that inhibit its ability to extract nutrition from the food they eat.

Ideal for oral health

Researchers found that aloe gel has the ability to fight germs and is safe to consume internally. Consequently, it has been shown to heal and reduce pain caused by inflammatory and bacterial conditions of the mouth.

It effectively fights cavities, reduces dental plaque, and can be used as an effective alternative to commercial mouthwashes. You can use pure aloe vera gel or find oral hygiene products that include it in their formulas.

Improves digestion

Aloe Vera can improve digestion by healing the gut and balancing the internal environment. Aloe juice has been shown to help restore the lining of the gut lining, inhibit unwanted bacteria, and provide support for those suffering from irritable bowel symptoms.

Finally, the aloin present in aloe vera gel is metabolized by intestinal bacteria to produce a new compound, known as aloe-emodin, which stimulates a mild laxative effect, making it an effective remedy for constipation.

Regulates blood sugar

Aloe vera was used as the traditional remedy for diabetes. Some preliminary tests suggest that it improves blood sugar control and improves insulin sensitivity.

A 1996 clinical trial followed a group of diabetic patients with one tablespoon of aloe juice twice a day for at least two weeks and found that, compared to a control group, the group that received aloe experienced a significant decrease in the blood sugar and triglyceride levels.

Raise your defenses

Aloe vera can indirectly boost immunity due to its anti-inflammatory effects on the body. At the same time, taken internally, it can help cleanse the intestinal tract of unwanted bacteria, which will also enhance immunity.

Detoxifies the body

An important property of aloe is that it works for detoxification of the body. It helps the body to release toxins indirectly through its other physiological actions.

First, it provides anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects to help scavenge harmful free radicals. In addition, it helps to eliminate accumulated waste in the colon through its laxative effect. Finally, it helps cleanse the digestive tract of harmful pathogens that can release toxins into the colon.

Because the colon is one of the most important parts of the body that requires detoxification, keeping it clean allows the body to better eliminate harmful waste.

Reduces acne

Many commercial acne treatments are expensive and damaging to the skin. Acne often results from skin that is chronically inflamed and oily, with an imbalance of bad bacteria. Aloe Vera can help heal the skin by providing anti-inflammatory and antibacterial benefits without contributing to overproduction of oil.

After cleansing acne-prone areas with a natural soap, you can apply the gel from the fresh aloe leaf to help soothe and nourish your skin.

Heals wounds and burns

Aloe could be an important item in the first aid kit as it provides powerful relief for damaged skin. The US government conducted research on aloe as a potential agent to heal the skin from radiation-induced damage in the military.

If you have recent injuries or wounds, apply aloe vera gel to speed up the healing process. In cases of deeper cuts or scratches, it accelerates the cell reproduction process. In addition to speeding up the healing process, the cooling effect of this plant can provide comforting relief from any burning sensation you may experience.

How could you read, if you were wondering what aloe is for, you may already know that it is very beneficial for the skin, but not only there, since it also provides great benefits to the entire body, from the inside out, and from the outside in.

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