Hair loss after childbirth: what to do?

You have three months to avoid hair loss after childbirth, and in this article, we will show you some tips to achieve it.

About three months after the birth of a baby, many women find, to their dismay, impressive hair loss that can last up to 6 months. This hair loss after childbirth is hormonal. Although it is impossible to prevent it completely, it can be mitigated.

Why do we lose hair after childbirth?

Hair becomes vigorous, thicker and shinier during pregnancy; however, it loses strength after delivery. This is known as reaction hair loss. Several factors are responsible for  postpartum alopecia.

The main cause is a hormonal disorder, since when a woman is pregnant, estrogen hormones increase massively, stimulate the entire body and prolong the life of the hair. However, postpartum estrogen levels decrease, resulting in massive and simultaneous hair loss “naturally”.

Birth indicates the beginning of a new life, and is a stressful time for most moms. This stress and excessive fatigue due to lack of sleep and returning to work can also be responsible for hair devitalization.

If you are prone to iron deficiency, it is best to consult your doctor or dermatologist, as a lack of iron can aggravate alopecia.

Hair care during pregnancy.

Reducing hair loss after childbirth is a job that starts early, during pregnancy. Give your hair all the attention it deserves and you will minimize the effects of hormones:

  • Get vitamin supplements that prevent hair loss. Your hairdresser or pharmacist can advise you.
  • Keep your scalp healthy. Choose a shampoo that thoroughly cleanses your scalp of any residue from dye or other styling products.
  • Use a special hair conditioner after shampooing. The serum or lotion may give a little tingling sensation. In fact, they stimulate the absorption of vitamins by the root of the hair.

Care against hair loss after childbirth.

On average, women see the effects of hormones in their hair three months after giving birth, but it is advisable to treat the hair immediately after giving birth, giving it personalized attention:

  • Continue or begin a vitamin hair treatment. It takes three months before you see the first results of your food supplements. With a little luck, you will avoid losing a lot of hair.
  • Keep your scalp healthy with an anti-hair loss shampoo and a specialized serum. You can try this homemade shampoo for hair loss.
  • Hair loss is often accompanied by dull hair: regularly apply a conditioner or a nourishing mask.
  • Some women also notice that their hair is thinner after childbirth. If you tend to keep your hair long, this is a good time to cut the ends.
  • After giving birth, taking care of yourself is essential to feeling good about your role as a mother.

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