The best alternative treatments for fibromyalgia

If you did not know that there are already new alternative treatments for fibromyalgia, the following article will tell you about the treatments that have been used for years in people with this condition with remission rates of up to 10 years in some cases. The protocol includes: spotting allergies, restoring good digestion, establishing a healthy acid-to-alkaline balance and immune system, eating alkaline foods, and taking supplements to scavenge free radicals. Therapies such as massages, acupuncture, biofeedback and physical exercises such as yoga, are also part of this therapy, which as a whole, has proven to have effective results in people with fibromyalgia who have known how to handle it with discipline.

What is fibromyalgia?

An estimated 1 in 50 people in the US alone struggles with fibromyalgia. This number could be higher as diagnostic tests improve. There is no known cure for it, and the cause is officially and clearly unknown, it can be very frustrating for those who suffer with it. Since there is no cure, many sufferers seek natural and holistic treatments as a means of managing their suffering and symptoms. Fibromyalgia causes individual musculoskeletal pain, fatigue, sleep problems, concentration, memory, and mood, to name a few, because there are usually many more. Some believe that fibromyalgia increases the sensation of pain felt by the person, and the way the brain processes this perception of pain.

Fibromyalgia symptoms.

Fibromyalgia can sometimes start after the individual suffers physical trauma, have had major surgery, a significant infection, or are suffering from psychological stress.  There are other cases in which symptoms accumulate over time with no clear trigger. Women are much more likely to develop fibromyalgia than are men, although the reason is unknown. Fibromyalgia symptoms include: tension headaches, cognitive problems, depression, temporomandibular joint (TMJ) disorders, irritable bowel syndrome, sleep problems, such as restless legs from anxiety and depression, general pain, pain trigger points, abdominal cramps, fatigue, daytime sleepiness, and sleep apnea syndrome. The individual often has difficulty with focus, their ability to pay attention, and their ability to carry out mental tasks.

Causes of fibromyalgia.

It is not known what causes fibromyalgia, but there are some theories. One of them is genetics, as they are finding in research that it often runs in families. Certain genetic mutations seem to increase the chances of acquiring the disease. Also, certain infections seem to trigger fibromyalgia. Significant emotional trauma appears to be linked to the activation of fibromyalgia. This seems to be especially present in the person suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder. There is also a theory that a chemical called “substance P” is up to 4 times more common in the cerebrospinal fluid of the person with fibromyalgia. Increased neurotransmitters in the brain are also believed to cause fibromyalgia sufferers to overreact to pain signals.

The Best Alternative Treatments and Supplements for Fibromyalgia.


Vitamin D.

People with fibromyalgia have been shown to have low levels of vitamin D and magnesium. Vitamin D has been shown to have some effects on nerve and muscle function. There are ongoing studies exploring the links between low vitamin D levels and chronic fibromyalgia pain.


Low levels of magnesium have been found in people with fibromyalgia.


This hormone helps with sleep, and it is also believed to help relieve fibromyalgia pain.

5-HTP (5-hydroxytryptophan).

This is believed to help increase the serotonin levels and mood of the individual. There is also a study that suggests that 5-HTP supplements help with anxiety, insomnia, fibromyalgia pain, and morning stiffness.

SAM (S-adenosyl-L-methionine).

This is another supplement that is believed to increase serotonin as well as dopamine which is a chemical that is also believed to help with mood and sleep.

Grass of San Juan.

It is thought to relieve some symptoms of fibromyalgia. It is also the most studied supplement for the treatment of depression. It has been shown in numerous studies to help with mood, but may limit the effectiveness of some medications. It is important to talk to your doctor about whether you are on one of those medications.

Alternative treatments.

Alkaline diet.

The key to coping with almost any disease, and especially fibromyalgia, is to eat an alkaline diet and drink alkaline ionized water. While converting to an alkaline diet is often a struggle, drinking ionized water is simple and very effective. That is not to say that you can drink alkaline ionized water and still fill your body with acidic foods. Our bodies are meant to be alkaline, and our highly acidic diets put enormous pressure on our systems. When you eat foods that create acidity in your body, most of the toxic waste is eliminated from the body through the bladder and intestines, and some is eliminated by breathing and through the skin. However, some of the waste is stored in the protective fat cells, and some is absorbed into the bloodstream and is carried throughout the body. These toxins can be causing many of the conditions that the person with fibromyalgia suffers, such as digestive problems, joint pain, brain fog and others.

You should also take tests for allergies and food intolerances before starting an alkaline diet, or in any case, a healthy diet, since if you have them, and which is the safest thing, they may be constantly having your immune system compromised and therefore so much to have you with inflammation.


Acupuncture is a branch of Chinese medicine and therefore one of the oldest therapies to treat chronic pain. Several studies have shown promise in reducing fibromyalgia pain.  There are three studies that indicated an increase in efficacy with a pulsed electrical current called electro-acupuncture. While the treatment appears to relieve pain, the results are not long-lasting, which is why many people go weekly to twice a week for treatments.


Massages are one of the most common treatments for fibromyalgia. There is a certain type of massage called a massage trigger point, which can be very therapeutic and release pain. Like acupuncture, the results are not long lasting, so you will have to return biweekly or monthly.


Use the mind-body connection to help you learn to control your chronic pain with your mind. The feedback comes from muscle tension, skin temperature, or brain wave measurements. Biofeedback is now available through applications and programs that can be purchased for your PC or laptop.

What you can do for yourself and with a therapist?

There are a number of things you can do for yourself through lifestyle changes, and the help of an individual therapist to alleviate your pain and suffering. Heat can reduce stiffness and pain deep down. Invest in a hot pad, take a hot shower or bath, or take a sauna bath.  Cold can be helpful, but it is generally believed not to be as effective as heat. Do light exercise like stretching or yoga to help stretch your muscles. Get 7-9 hours of sleep each night, and eat a healthy diet. If you are going to eat a diet high in carbohydrates and sugar in your fibromyalgia treatment, you are not going to have any progress, such as having a diet of clean and healthy foods.

Fibromyalgia symptoms impact your work, relationships, and ability to manage your daily activities. Therapy can help you become aware of what you are doing that you have no control over, and it can help you focus on the things you can control. To do this, implement a combination of treatments, including exercise, healthy eating, supplements, alternative treatments, and individual therapy. This is the best option for a holistic approach that shows the greatest overall benefit. It is difficult to accept and adjust to living with a chronic illness. Therapists know that there is a connection between pain, depression, and anxiety. Your emotional health is as important as your physical health. Make sure to keep that in mind when you are treating your fibromyalgia comprehensively.

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