Tips and Tricks to Relieve Infant Colic

From the age of one month, a baby’s first colic can occur, and they appear most often at night when the baby cries after feeding from a bottle. The infant colic is a stomach ache or swelling that puts baby in a situation of great discomfort.

Tips to relieve infant colic.

In the face of colic, many new moms have no idea what to do, because they do not have the ability to do anything to relieve the baby. If it is true that many parents cannot take care of the baby or at least relieve it when it screams loudly, it is also true that there are  solutions against colic that will allow you to avoid them and others that will help to relieve a baby.

Identify infant colic.

To alleviate it, you must know how to identify colic in a baby. The symptoms to recognize colic are numerous, although the most common are screaming and crying.  Remember that crying is the only way your baby can express what he feels, and it is not the same as crying as he usually does, since there he only seeks the attention of the parents. The baby who cries when he has colic is strident, and seems inconsolable, since he is crying because of the great stomach pain that he must feel.

Also, a baby suffering from colic sometimes squirms in all directions while sleeping, or it also happens that he turns red when he has a bloated stomach. Another common symptom of colic in babies is that they have a lot of gas. When these symptoms appear simultaneously, it is very likely that the baby is suffering from colic.

Prevent colic.

By not being able to definitively rule out the risk of colic, it is possible to reduce them.  Reducing the risk or intensity of colic is to ensure that the baby has less air in the intestines: for this, you must avoid swallowing too much during breastfeeding, or when feeding from a bottle.

Breastfeeding position is another important factor in avoiding colic. Make sure her lower lip is firmly attached to your breast during the process. Also, if you are bottle feeding, take some precautions such as the following: when you shake the bottle to dissolve the powdered milk in the water, avoid doing it with too much force, as air bubbles will form and the baby will swallow them.

Treat colic.

Fortunately, it is possible to ease a baby’s intestinal pain. Abdominal massages will be your first ally to make you pass the pain. With a few drops of warm milk in the palm of your hand, make circular movements on your baby’s belly, and gently place one hand on his tummy by turning it to the right. This movement will help to expel those gases that torment you.

Grandmothers have their recipes for colic too, and from experience, they work. The most famous is the infusion of fennel seeds. Many mothers who have suffered from seeing their child writhing in colicky pain say this technique is essential. Other mothers opt for chamomile or linden tea to cure colic. Obviously, if any of these methods still do not satisfy your baby, do not hesitate to consult a doctor.

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