Why am I getting punctured in the belly?

Stomach punctures are abdominal complaints that have varied causes and symptoms. Know what they are due to and how you could avoid or treat them to improve your quality of life. Did you ever feel pricks in your belly? It is a frequent annoyance and has a varied origin.

Punctures in the belly or ailments in the abdominal area can be due to organic, digestive, intestinal dysfunctions, inflammatory or infectious causes. They can also occur in women as a consequence of premenstrual syndrome.

When these complaints are recurring, it is important to visit a specialist who can examine you to make an accurate diagnosis and provide you with the appropriate treatment. That way you can improve your quality of life and your mood.

Here are some guidelines so that you know the possible causes of punctures in the abdominal area, and some tips that could help you.

Types of abdominal pain

What we usually feel as pricking in the belly, are a series of discomforts that occur in the abdominal area. These pains can be classified as:

  • Generalized. The pain is felt in more than half of the abdomen. It can be due to a stomach virus, gas or indigestion.
  • Located. The pricks are felt only in one part of the abdomen. Possibly, it is pain in an organ, such as the gallbladder, appendix, or stomach.
  • Muscle cramp. This pain is usually not serious, and is usually due to gas and bloating. It can be accompanied by diarrhea. If the pain is more frequent, lasts more than 24 hours, and is accompanied by fever, it can be somewhat more complex.
  • Colic. It is a sudden and intermittent severe pain that comes and goes. Calculations kidney and gallstones are common causes of this type of abdominal pain.

Possible causes of belly punctures

Food poisoning

The food poisoning occurs when food or water containing seeds or ingest any toxin produced by them, which attacks directly to the body.

Symptoms of food poisoning vary depending on the cause of the food contamination. In general, there are symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, pain and stitches in the belly, gas and fever.

Irritable bowel syndrome

The syndrome irritable bowel affects the large intestine, and can cause abdominal cramps, bloating, gas and changes in bowel habits. Some people have constipation, some have diarrhea, and some may have both.

According to the United States National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases, doctors can treat irritable bowel syndrome by recommending diet and lifestyle changes. In addition, they can indicate medicines, probiotics and psychological therapies. Generally, each patient with their doctor can find the most suitable treatment plan.


Appendicitis is an inflammation of the appendix, a small organ that projects from the colon on the lower right side of the abdomen. In most people, the pain begins around the belly button and then travels.

The pain is diffuse at first but can go from low to severe, with increased temperature, vomiting, nausea, and abdominal swelling.

Since the appendix does not currently appear to serve a specific purpose in the human body, if the pain is severe and inflammation is diagnosed, treatment involves surgery to remove the inflamed appendix.

Ectopic pregnancy

This condition occurs when the fertilized egg implants outside the uterus, usually in the fallopian tubes. The ectopic pregnancy progresses but may cause the following symptoms :

  • Abnormal vaginal bleeding
  • Mild colic on one side of the pelvis
  • No menstrual periods
  • Pain in the lower abdomen

Some experience vaginal bleeding and others do not, but the pain  begins suddenly.  These stitches in the belly are actually sharp and persistent stitches.

If the area around the pregnancy ruptures and bleeds, symptoms may worsen. It is important to go to the doctor because if the ectopic pregnancy is not treated in time it can have fatal consequences for the mother.


The pancreas is a gland that is located behind the stomach, in the upper part of the abdomen. When the pancreas becomes inflamed it causes a burning sensation and pain in the upper or middle part of the stomach. The pancreatitis is manifested by an oppressive pain, and the cardinal symptom are multiple episodes of vomiting. As it is an acute process, weight loss will not be evidenced.

Discomfort can appear unexpectedly and disappear within days. But it can also become chronic and last for years. Consult your doctor if, apart from the punctures in the belly, there are several of the following symptoms:

  • Pain when touching the abdomen
  • Abdominal pain that worsens after eating
  • Tachycardia
  • Vomiting
  • Sickness
  • Fever
  • Abdominal pain spreading to the back


Small bumps that form on the inner lining of the digestive system, most often in the lower part of the large intestine (colon), are called diverticula. In general, they do not cause problems. However, they can sometimes become inflamed or infected.

In this case, diverticulitis occurs,  which is more common in people usually over 50 years of age. Diverticulitis can cause severe abdominal pain, fever, nausea, and changes in bowel habits. While mild diverticulitis can be treated with rest, diet changes, and antibiotics, in more severe cases it may require surgery.


The Endometriosis is a disease wherein endometrium, the tissue that lines the uterus internally, growing out of it. It is one of the most common gynecological diseases and its symptoms include pelvic pain and, in some cases, infertility.

Although there is no cure for endometriosis, there are treatments for pain relief and treatments for endometriosis-related infertility.


Both to avoid punctures in the belly and to treat them, it is best to choose:

  • Chew food slowly to give the digestive tract a chance to do its job.
  • Avoid going to sleep when you feel pain in your stomach, it is best to rest seated and stretch your legs.
  • Avoid greasy or highly seasoned foods.
  • Exercise at least 3 times a week.
  • Reduce the consumption of alcohol and cigarettes.
  • Consume 5 servings of food a day.
  • Increase your water intake.


Punctures in the belly or any type of ailment in the abdominal region is a symptom that should not be overlooked. Although sometimes it arises due to an indigestion problem, it can also alert conditions of greater care such as, for example, irritable bowel syndrome and endometriosis.

It is essential to go to the doctor before this type of discomfort, since the professional is responsible for determining its cause and possible treatments. In addition to this, some changes in lifestyle and diet can be considered.


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