10 things they don’t tell you about menopause

Menopause often comes with hot flashes, night sweats, sudden mood swings, and other symptoms. But this female stage is usually presented with things that they  do not tell you about menopause, some of the following that we will tell you can clarify many doubts.

What they don’t tell you about menopause?

Take a look at these 10 things that they don’t tell you about menopause, that can be annoying, but not serious, or an excuse to lead a normal and happy life.

Bad cholesterol can go up.

In this stage the woman produces a lot of estrogen, which helps regulate periods; but it also keeps LDL (bad cholesterol) levels high and lowers good cholesterol. However, if you lead a healthy lifestyle in menopause, these fluctuations in cholesterol can be avoided. But a cholesterol measurement is not too much when you go through this stage.

You can feel less “social”.

If you are a sociable and outgoing person, this change may surprise you. Menopause is a time of introspection, which translates into emotional changes that could affect your social life.

At this stage, women tend to be more selfish and think more about themselves, leaving others aside. But this is not a change in personality, but a stage that is accompanied by mood swings and very sudden moods due to hormonal changes.

Time to get “greener”.

Many foods we eat contain hormone blockers, which directly affect women going through menopause. That is why it is time to get “greener” and eat healthier and more natural foods, stay away from those that contain parabens, phthalates and BPA.

The correct diet helps in all stages of life, and even more so during menopause where there may be a lack of magnesium, minerals and vitamins, among others. The green food diet can be a great ally in treating the symptoms of menopause. 

It’s time to renew your moisturizer.

In menopause, estrogen levels drop, the production of fats in your skin also decreases, which translates into dry skin and a flaky complexion. That is why we must change the  moisturizer for a more powerful one and even add a facial oil. It is also recommended to drink more water to stay more hydrated.

Prepare for hot flashes.

Hot flashes are probably the best-known symptom of menopause, but prepare to feel the strongest of your life. At night hot flashes will arrive that will probably rob you of sleep. Yoga sessions or a change of breath is recommended to reduce the intensity of hot flashes. In addition to some infusions, they can be very helpful to reduce hot flashes.

Exercise will be your ally.

Weight gain is another of the most detestable symptoms of menopause. The increase in estrogen production causes us to maintain certain body fat (especially in the abdomen and hips). That is why having a good exercise routine at this stage is essential, not only to keep the extra kilos in line, the exercises also improve mood and improve sleep.

Your heart can skip a beat.

In the time before menopause arrives, a stage called “perimenopause”, some women begin to experience heart palpitations, this may be due to a heart problem or hormonal flows, if these palpitations cause dizziness or the feeling of fainting it is advisable attend the doctor.

Your hair will also undergo changes in menopause.

The hormonal changes typical of menopause make hair thin, weak, dry and in some cases, it can even fall out. In these cases, it is recommended to use mild, chemical-free hair products. And you can also opt for natural treatments that help strengthen the hair  and give it proper care.

You will be more sensitive and you may think that you go “crazy”.

In this stage the hormones are in turmoil, which for some women translates into more sensitivity and a considerable boost in libido. That’s why mood swings will be rife on those days, and your hormones will go on a roller coaster ride of emotions.

In this period either before or during, women who are not very aware of their body and this process where there are many hormonal changes, tend to think that they are going “crazy” and start to worry about it. This is because the chemicals in hormones have an effect on our brain and affect our perception of reality.

And that roller coaster will hit a lot in this sense, which must be taken into account both by those around them and by themselves in order to find a way to live in a healthy way with others.

Increased or decreased sleep.

As we said in previous points, menopause affects your hormones, weight, energy levels and even libido; which results in more sleepiness, but can also cause it to disappear.

If naps were not in your repertoire, now they will be, either due to excessive sleep or because you will need to repair the lack of sleep from the night before.

Experts recommend a daily nap of 20 to 30 minutes, that will also lower the level of anxiety. Do not forget to set the alarm so that the nap does not extend twice and then that long nap plays you badly.

How to replenish magnesium in menopause?

A study carried out in 2013 confirms that magnesium deficiency in menopause is the cause of a series of health problems, so the importance of replenishing magnesium at this stage is fundamental.

The hormonal changes faced during menopause cause the magnesium available to our body, in large quantities, to be eliminated through the kidney.

The magnesium is a nutrient that absorb very little through the food. During menopause, magnesium plays a very important role in the metabolism of energy in cells, especially in the cells of the heart.

Other symptoms of menopause to consider.

  • Constant cravings.
  • Swelling in different parts of the body.
  • Not being able to remember your name or other things.
  • Frequent crying, often for no reason.
  • Scream when someone touches you.
  • Weight gain.
  • Hot flashes and night sweats.
  • Water retention.
  • Sweet and chocolate wishes.
  • Worry of going crazy.
  • Feeling of heat very often.
  • Hair growth on different parts of the body.
  • Not being able to sleep at night or being very sleepy.
  • Humor changes.
  • Desires to express things that you did not dare before.
  • Do not tolerate comments that seem stupid to you.
  • You might feel like your brain has left you.
  • Feeling of being on a war path.
  • Excessive sweating.
  • You suddenly want to break into any teenager you come in contact with.

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