All about bad breath causes and solutions

There are a number of causes of bad breath, the main ones being bacteria in the mouth, stomach problems and intestinal disorders, a lazy gut, sinus or throat infection, and tobacco and alcohol use.

Causes of bad breath.

Drinking alcohol causes digestive problems leading to bad breath. Also, alcohol dries out the mouth, which reduces saliva production.

The stress is another cause that may not be apparent when you’re looking for reasons for the problem of halitosis. Stress affects the digestive system. An insufficient supply of digestive enzymes can be another cause.

Other sources of bad breath are in the nose and nasopharynx, the area above the base of the tongue.

Going on an abstinence diet can be a cause of this problem. Since dehydration leads to  constipation and digestive problems, it is very beneficial to drink 6-8 eight-ounce glasses of water a day. Juice, coffee, tea, soda, etc., do not count as a good option.

This problem can come from the back of the throat due to sinus or tonsil infections resulting in excess bacteria . If you have sinus or throat problems you may also have some type of allergy.

Diabetes problems or other diseases.

Bad breath can also be a sign of potentially more serious medical conditions such as diabetes, duodenal ulcer, gastroesophageal reflux, hypoglycemia, liver or kidney malfunction, and respiratory disorders.

The food you eat is also a potential cause of halitosis. Certain foods, such as garlic, onion, and some spices are frequently cited as causing a person’s bad breath. Both vegetarians and those who eat large amounts of meat can develop bad breath, due in part, to the digestive process. Digestion begins in the mouth. Saliva contains enzymes that start the process of digestion, and the type of food eaten can affect the chemistry of the food in the mouth.

Saliva will also pick-up odors from food within several hours after it has been eaten. Smells are strongest from carbohydrates – sugars, starches, and cellulose, less strong from proteins, and almost nonexistent from fats. Bacteria in the mouth react with the decaying residue of food and drink and can be the source of the odor.

Lactose intolerance.

A lactose intolerance is often the cause of bad breath. Eliminate all dairy products and see if they are to blame for this problem, in addition to finding a solution to the problem of halitosis, try alternatives to cow’s milk to get calcium.

The stomach is also an area that causes bad breath problems for many people.  Poor digestion disorders, constipation, or an inflamed intestine can create gas that comes out of the mouth. Insufficient hydrochloric acid in the stomach can cause poor digestion, undigested food will pass into the intestines, rotting and giving off stale gas that rises and causes bad breath. This problem is quite common with the elderly, whose body does not produce enough hydrochloric acid naturally to facilitate the digestion process.

Another common digestive problem is due to the imbalance of good and bad bacteria in the gut. Food is not digested properly and the result can be acid reflux, yeast overgrowth, or fermentation. One of the by-products of this problem is bad breath. To correct this imbalance, use a probiotic.

Diarrhea caused by intestinal parasites is the third leading cause of illness. If you have any of the following symptoms: gas, diarrhea, chronic constipation, bloating, fatigue, skin rash, nail biting, mood swings, insomnia, dry skin, brittle hair, hair loss, weight gain, bad breath, and muscle cramps, you should get tested for parasites.

Dental problems, periodontal diseases and especially dental abscesses, are often the cause of bad breath. These infected areas harbor large amounts of bacteria from infection and eaten food, allowing them to rot. Other dental sources are gaps between teeth or crooked teeth, both areas where food can lodge and cause cavities. Vitamin deficiencies, especially vitamin C and niacin, are the cause of some gum diseases.

Don’t chew gum or eat sweets, as sugar can leave behind residue that promotes rapid growth of bacteria in your mouth. Everyone’s body chemistry is different, so what works for someone may not work for someone else, all because of that person’s chemistry.

Home remedies and solutions for bad breath.

Getting rid of bad breath can be a multi-stage process. By following a step-by-step program, you can find the cause of bad breath and be able to eliminate the problem. Try this program for several weeks and see what works for you.

Oral hygiene.

Practicing good oral hygiene is always important to improve bad breath, so start here. There are three areas of concern in the mouth: the tongue, teeth, and gums.  Brushing, flossing, and gum cleaning, followed by a thorough rinsing, will help minimize the problem by removing bacteria build-up. The tongue can be loaded with decomposing food particles and bacteria that cause bad breath.

  • Brushing or scraping your tongue first thing in the morning and before bed will help you eliminate the problem here. By removing the buildup of spoiled material, a breeding ground for bacteria, it will reduce your plaque as well. Plaque leads to periodontal disease, which, in turn, can lead to heart disease. So, this step oral hygiene is very important for your health in general!
  • Get your teeth cleaned and fill the cavities. Plaque and cavities are an ideal breeding ground for bacteria that cause bad breath.
  • Another way to improve oral hygiene is to use a “water comb” after breakfast. Put one ounce of hydrogen peroxide (hydrogen peroxide) in the water. Wash up.
  • Try brushing your gums and tongue with some powdered cloves or myrrh.
  • Brush your tongue twice a day with a toothbrush soaked in baking soda.
  • Shake the water in your mouth after every meal or snack. This will reduce food or drink particles (mainly sugar) that can lead to bad breath.


Despite mouthwashes you must solve some of the immediate problems, you must get to the root of the cause. Mouthwashes in general are only a temporary mask for the problem and their effects last only half an hour or so. Gargle with an antiseptic mouthwash.

Try to find a mouthwash that contains as little alcohol as possible, as alcohol makes the problem worse. Also, frequent use of a mouthwash with more than 25% alcohol has been linked to a higher incidence of oral cancer. For an alcohol-free mouthwash, use a mixture of 50% hydrogen peroxide (hydrogen peroxide) (3% solution) and 50% water, and gargle for about 30 seconds and expectorate.

Your saliva is important in the fight against bad breath, as it suppresses the bacteria that cause it. Anything that reduces saliva production, such as alcohol, anti-anxiety medications, smoking, stress, and medications such as decongestants and diuretics, allows microorganisms to proliferate.

Diet and good nutrition.

Eliminating certain types of foods, such as foods high in fat, meat, sugar, exotic spices, and dairy products can help you reverse bad breath.

  • The types of food you eat can be one of the reasons for your halitosis problem. Acidic foods, for example, create an environment for bacterial growth. Foods high in fat and high in protein cannot be digested well and produce gas. Some people struggle a lot in metabolizing meat and dairy products, resulting in a bad breath problem.
  • Sugary foods are a problem as the bacteria in the back of the throat feed on the sugar.
  • Garlic, onion, and exotic spices (like curry) are common sources of trouble for many people. As these foods are digested, certain compounds are transmitted from the blood through the lungs and exhaled for up to 24 hours. Despite the benefits of garlic and onion, they can cause very strong breath.
  • Cheeses such as blue, camembert and Roquefort, fish, canned tuna, and especially spicy anchovies and sausages are often the culprits.
  • Drinks like coffee and tea are other possible sources of bad breath. They are both very acidic. Cut back on these and see what happens.

Food recommendation.

Eat more fruits, especially kiwi, papaya, and pineapple, which contain digestive enzymes. Vegetables are very important, too, greens, especially leafy greens.

Improve the function of the digestive system.

One more step in treating bad breath problems is improving your digestive system. By changing your digestion, it is quite possible to eliminate the cause of your bad breath. A high fiber diet emphasizing whole grains, fruits and vegetables is essential for optimal digestion. Stay away from high-fat foods. Eating yogurt or acidophilus will help balance your stomach by adding beneficial bacteria that improve digestion.

Causes of your digestive system malfunction.

First, the digestive system may lack the necessary enzymes for good digestion.  This is especially common in older people. To solve this problem, take 2-4 digestive enzyme tablets with each meal.

An imbalance of good and bad bacteria in your gut, as mentioned above. Take a probiotic supplement that contains good bacteria like acidophilus and bifidus. You can start using  probiotics for they are a solution to celiac disease.

Also, the use of kefir can be very useful to improve the intestinal flora Another way to improve the function of the intestine is to avoid foods that may continue to harm it, so try making your own homemade recipes, such as Probiotic Sauerkraut (Fermented Cabbage) And its wonderful health benefits!

A second problem may be a lack of sufficient hydrochloric acid, the production of which decreases with age. To remedy this, take a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar before each meal. Another way to get the necessary hydrochloric acid is to take 10-grain betaine or pepsin tablets before each meal to aid digestion.

Detoxify the gut to treat halitosis.

Bowel detoxification is another important step to do since having so many health problems are caused by poor bowel functions. For example, constipation can be the cause of your bad breath. Rotten food can get trapped in your intestines and emit harmful gases. Many people who are constipated do not drink enough water. For optimal health, drink eight 8-ounce glasses of water a day.

Another important thing to do is eat a lot of fiber. Eating several servings of yogurt with live cultures will help restore a balanced intestinal flora and get the intestine to function as it should. This will help the problem of constipation and you will get your intestines to work properly.

Or, you may not specifically realize that you have an intestinal problem, so it is important to clean the intestine to eliminate this as a possible source. If you have a tendency to overeat, the digestive enzymes in your stomach may not complete the digestion process and gas may be released from the intestines.

See these links for a possible solution against constipation: Make your own fiber against Constipation. You can also learn how to prepare natural and rich juice to relieve constipation.

In some cases, a deficiency of vitamin B6 is the cause. Since B6 is not abundant in food, this deficiency occurs frequently.

Remedies for bad breath problems.

Apple cider vinegar.

Take a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar before each meal. You may want to drink it in a glass of water. This will help your digestion.

Baking soda.

Brushing your teeth with baking soda (or a paste made with hydrogen peroxide – hydrogen peroxide) will help reduce acidity in your mouth and create a less favorable environment for bacteria to grow.

Take 5 grams of charcoal.

Take activated charcoal daily to cleanse the stomach and intestines. Charcoal absorbs toxins and is a natural purifier.

Use hydrogen peroxide.

The sinuses can become infected and cause bad breath. If this is your problem, the best treatment is to use hydrogen peroxide (H2O2). Use the pharmacy variety, which is three percent, dilute 50% with water and put five to ten drops in each nostril and smell strongly.  It can burn a bit. Do this twice a day and see if it helps. If you don’t, your sinuses are not the problem.

Water, salt. Gargling with salt water will help clear bacteria, mucus, and food particles on your tonsils or the back of your throat that may be causing your bad breath.

Herbal solutions.

  • Alfalfa tablets. These herbs can help eliminate bad breath.
  • Chew anise, cardamom, dill, or fennel to help mask odors. Anise, the flavored liquor ice seed, kills odor-causing bacteria.
  • Try liquid chlorophyll or chlorophyll tablets that you can buy at the pharmacy.  Chlorophyll has a deodorizing effect and is used in a number of products for that purpose.
  • Clove. This is a powerful antiseptic that helps improve oral health. Make a tea by putting all or 3 1/4 teaspoons of ground cloves in 2 cups of hot water and steep for 20 minutes, stirring occasionally. Pour through a fine strainer and use as a mouthwash or gargle twice a day.
  • Fennel is another useful herb and can be used in a number of ways. Slowly chew the leaves and allow the saliva to collect in your mouth. Or, mix the contents of a fennel capsule with baking soda, turn it into a paste, and brush your teeth, gums, and tongue with it. The fluid extract of fennel can be rubbed on the gums and tongue.
  • Hazelnuts Chew some hazelnuts little by little, as it will absorb bad breath.
  • Chewing mint, parsley, basil, rosemary, thyme, and wintergreen herbs will help mitigate bad breath.
  • Suck a lemon wedge with salt to stop onion or garlic breath.
  • Mira. Dissolving a pea-sized piece in your mouth before bed or sucking on a small piece of cinnamon bark during the day can help alleviate the problem.
  • The spirulina is a very good source of chlorophyll and can already buy it in capsules or loosely. Start with 500 mg three times a day.
  • Peppermint or fenugreek are other good herbs to use in a tea to soothe stomach pain. It is exhaled through the lungs and helps to sweeten the breath.
  • Chewing on sprigs of parsley or mint leaves has been a resource used for thousands of years. These herbs are especially good if garlic and onions are the source of your bad breath. Parsley is very high in chlorophyll. Chew on a few sprigs of parsley dipped in vinegar for immediate relief. If you swallow the leaves after chewing, they will be digested and continue to provide fresh breath for quite some time. These plants appear to reduce intestinal gas production by promoting better digestion.
  • Natural chewing gums made with peppermint or spearmint essential oils are also helpful. These oils kill odor-causing bacteria, and the chewing action stimulates the production of saliva that helps fight bad breath.
  • Tea Tree Oil Derived from the leaves of the Australian native Melaleuca alternifolia tree, tea tree oil contains antiseptic compounds that make it a powerful disinfectant. Try using a toothpaste that contains tea tree oil, or putting a few drops of tea tree oil on your toothbrush alone, or with your regular toothpaste. It has a strong and aromatic flavor.

Infusions that help.

  • Myrrh tea. To make the tea add 2 sprigs of chopped parsley, 3 whole spice cloves, 1 teaspoon of powdered myrrh and 1/4 teaspoon of powdered goldenseal to a liter of boiling water. Stir occasionally while it cools, then strain and use as a mouthwash.
  • Parsley tea. Another tea can be made by adding 2 sprigs of chopped parsley, 3 cloves, 1 teaspoon of powdered myrrh and 1/4 teaspoon of powdered goldenseal to 1 liter of boiling water. Stir occasionally while it cools, strain and use as a mouthwash. It can also be used for a sore throat.
  • Drink alfalfa tea several times a day to keep your breath fresh. To make the tea, put two tablespoons of dried leaves in a cup of boiling water and let it steep for 10-20 minutes.  You can also find alfalfa tablets at an herbalist or health food store.

Juices to avoid bad breath.

Natural nutritional juices and drinks, especially citrus fruits, have the power to counteract bad breath, as they provide minerals that help to better hydrate and thus stimulate the secretion of saliva, act as antibacterial and also provide us with many health benefits usually. It is recommended that you consult the root causes that can cause bad breath, but this is an alternative solution to treat bad breath problems.

  • Lemon is one of the best enemies of halitosis, as it is astringent and bactericidal.
  • Citrus fruits are also great for fighting bad breath. They stimulate salivation, an ally in the fight against halitosis and bacterial plaque.
  • Mint can be the main ingredient or it can be added to some juices. It stimulates the functioning of the digestive system and leaves a freshness in the mouth.
  • A good recipe is to put a liter of ice water, fresh lemon balm leaves and a liter of lemon juice in the blender.
  • Foods rich in fiber, vitamins, and minerals help hydrate and stimulate saliva production.

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