Apple cider vinegar helps with diabetes

With an estimated 86 million diagnosed with diabetes, and more than 29 million diagnosed with pre-diabetes in the US alone, it’s time to take a serious look at the nutrients that can help regulate or reduce the factors that are responsible of diabetes. The cider vinegar apple is a food that provides these nutrients.

Apple cider vinegar for type 2 diabetes.

Diabetes is classified into type 1 diabetes and type 2 diabetes. In type 2 diabetes, two of the main factors responsible for the condition are blood sugar and insulin levels.

The type 2 diabetes occurs when the ability to regulate the levels of blood sugar, either as a result of insulin resistance or due to lack of insulin is lost.

Nutrients that facilitate the ability to regulate blood sugar levels are therefore very beneficial in helping people reduce or treat diabetes type 2. Apple cider vinegar has earned a reputation as one of these nutrients.

Here are a series of studies showing how to use vinegar for blood sugar regulation and how much you need to consume.

Apple cider vinegar can have similar effects to diabetes medications

Certain diabetes medications are designed to block the digestion of sugars and starches. By blocking the digestion of these compounds, these drugs can prevent blood sugar spikes, and therefore can help regulate blood sugar levels.

According a professor, apple cider vinegar (VSM) may also help block the body’s ability to digest sugar and starch, which means it is similar in its actions as some medications.

Apple Cider Vinegar for Type 1 Diabetes -Research.

Meals pose the biggest problems for people with type 1 diabetes. When you eat, the sugar and carbohydrates in your meals are converted into glucose, which enters the bloodstream. For patients with type I diabetes, this sudden spike in blood sugar levels can be dangerous.

In a study researchers found that VSM helped lower blood sugar levels after meals in type 1 diabetes patients. The study’s conclusion suggests that adding two tablespoons of VSM to a meal can be very effective in helping to regulate blood sugar levels after a meal.

Apple Cider Vinegar for Type 2 Diabetes – Research.

Insulin resistance plays a very important role in some patients who have been diagnosed with type II diabetes. Therefore, finding healthy ways to improve insulin sensitivity is highly beneficial for these individuals.

In a study published in Diabetes Care, 29 patients received 40 grams of VSM with 40 grams of water and 1 teaspoon of saccharin after a meal consisting of a white muffin with butter and orange juice. Blood glucose levels and insulin levels were measured to determine if VSM had an effect on insulin sensitivity.

The study found that consumption of vinegar improved insulin sensitivity in type II diabetes and insulin resistant patients.

Other studies on VSM and diabetes.

Consuming apple cider vinegar after meals.

VSM is not only effective in people with type 1 diabetes or type 2 diabetes. In a study published researchers studied the effects of acetic acid in vinegar in healthy people in response to blood glucose after of a meal.

In that study, the researchers gave test subjects a meal consisting of a salad with or without vinegar as part of the salad dressing. The results of the study showed that acetic acid in vinegar had a significant effect on the glycemic response of individuals. In other words, adding vinegar helped regulate post-meal blood sugar levels in healthy people as well.

Fasting VSM to regulate sugar levels.

Apple cider vinegar may even be beneficial in helping to regulate fasting blood sugar levels, which are the blood sugar levels after a period of fasting. These levels are most often determined when you wake up in the morning before eating anything.

In a study published in Diabetes Care, researchers studied the effects of two tablespoons of VSM before bed to determine if it had an effect on fasting blood glucose.

Study results showed that two tablespoons of VSM at bedtime helped regulate fasting blood glucose levels the next day in patients with type 2 diabetes.

How much apple cider vinegar to drink for diabetes?

  • Although VSM results vary from individual to individual, if most of these VSM studies are taken into account, then a tablespoon or two appears to be sufficient to obtain the benefits associated with regulating vinegar and blood glucose. .
  • To help regulate blood sugar after a meal, adding two tablespoons of VSM to salad dressing or a glass of water may be enough to help regulate blood sugar levels after a meal.
  • In order to regulate fasting blood sugar levels, two tablespoons of vinegar at bedtime could also be beneficial in regulating blood sugar levels while sleeping.
  • Adding two tablespoons of VSM to a glass of water before bed could therefore help manage blood sugar levels.
  • As a general note, do not consume VSM undiluted, as it erodes tooth enamel and can cause burns to sensitive tissues in the mouth and throat, not exceeding the allowed amount.

Honey and apple cider vinegar.

Many people like to add honey to their ACV to offset the sour taste and enjoy the combined health benefits of vinegar and honey. Although honey offers some health benefits, it is important to understand that honey is primarily sugar and increases your calorie and carbohydrate intake. To control diabetes, honey must be calculated as part of your total carbohydrate intake.

Various studies on honey showed that it cannot have the same impact on blood sugar levels as sugar. If you have well-managed diabetes, are not overweight, and are otherwise healthy, then honey as a sugar substitute can be beneficial. If you have any doubts, it is best to consult with your doctor on this issue and in general with respect to apple cider vinegar for the purpose of regulating blood sugar.

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