Study of fibromyalgia with two psychological treatments

In order to better understand the complexity and affectation that fibromyalgia causes in the lives of people who suffer from it, and to respond to their psychological needs, this work was born, which is divided into two well differentiated studies: Descriptive study of fibromyalgia and Effect of two psychological treatments. Study of fibromyalgia with two psychological […]

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12 ways to treat viral gastroenteritis without medication

When a stomach virus hits you, you can feel like everything is backwards. Although the sensation of fighting the viral gastroenteritis, also called the stomach flu, will make you want to seek a medication to relieve symptoms, you may know that natural remedies can be just as effective. How to beat viral gastroenteritis with home remedies If

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30 reasons to make aloe vera home remedies

Over 6,000 years have passed since the Egyptians referred to the common houseplant aloe vera, or aloe, as the “plant of immortality,” due to its myriad uses for everything from acne to baldness to insomnia, digestive disorders, sepsis and cancer. 30 reasons to make aloe vera home remedies Aloe plants produce a variety of substances with antibacterial, anti-fungal,

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