Relieve joint pain with gin and raisins

An old-time trick for relieving joint pain is “drunk” raisins from Geneva. Experts know all about glucosamine, chondroitin, hyaluronic acid and MSM for joint pain, but with an ancient remedy expert cannot explain their effect or rather, a relevant study has not yet been done.

Gin-Soaked Raisin Remedy for Joint Pain.

Recipe Ingredients.

  • 1/2 kilo of golden raisins (note: they must be of the golden variety, sometimes called white raisins, not ordinary black raisins, this is an old recipe that points this out).
  • Gin (approximately 1 pint -1/2 liter)
  • Glass container (Pyrex is good – glass is bad)
  • Glass jar with lid.


  1. Arrange the browned raisins evenly on the bottom of the glass bowl and pour enough gin over them to cover them completely.
  2. Leave them that way until all the gin is absorbed. It may take 5 to 7 days.
  3. When the gin is absorbed, transfer the raisins to the jar, replace the lid, and keep it closed. Do not refrigerate.


Then eat nine drunk raisins a day to help with arthritis. (Note: nine raisins a day is the most frequently recommended number, there can be many variations in the amount.)

Does it really work to relieve joint pain?

To date, no double-blind, placebo-controlled studies have been conducted to test the efficacy of the remedy for treating joint pain. However, many “theories” exist as to why this resource might have any value.

Why does this remedy work?

Golden raisin process.

  • Some think it is the sulfur or sulphites used in the process of making the golden or “white” raisins. However, in much of the world, including the US, golden raisins are also known as ‘blanched’ raisins. This is a misnomer, as dark raisins are not bleached. On the contrary, the enzymatic browning that normally occurs in fresh grapes is slowed down by the treatment of sulfur dioxide gases. The raisinsare preserved in a resplendent golden color.

Juniper berries.

  • Some think it is the juniper berries used in gin. “The flavor of the gin comes from the juniper berries. These come from coniferous plants, evergreen trees common in Europe and North America. New berries appear in the fall and may take two to three years to mature. They are rich in vitamin Cand terpenes, the essential oil that, in large quantities, is used to make turpentine. During the Middle Ages the berries were used in bouquets to help block the essence of the plague. For centuries, medicinal use was in anti-inflammatory recipes.”

The raisins.

  • Some think it is raisins. As stated: “ If you benefit from gin and raisins to relieve joint pain, raisins will probably do better than gin. Grapes and raisins contain many anti-arthritic and anti-inflammatory chemicals that relieve pain.”

The placebo effects.

  • Some think that it is the placebo effect that helps relieve joint pain. It is known that when people strongly believe in a treatment, their endorphins and pain mediators increase. Also, arthritis characteristically has periods of highs and lows. You may feel better with gin and raisins when it is actually due to a remission.

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