Super green juice to remove toxins from the bloodstream

Green juices generally do not taste very good due to their bitter taste due to the high nutrients they contain. In any case, you should not give up green, because you will miss one of the healthiest drinks that can be found. They will offer you nutrients that will help cleanse the colon, kidneys and liver by eliminating toxins, which will improve your immune system. If you want to feel young, be healthier, eliminate toxins, cleanse your intestine and greatly increase your energy, stimulate your immune system with this green juice and make it part of your diet frequently.

Green juices can also taste good enough to be enjoyed while drinking. Bitterness can always be reduced by adding more sweet fruits and vegetables, such as apples, carrots or beets for example. Always play with the recipes and find the flavor you like the most.

Take the basic idea of ​​a recipe and start playing with it, eliminating what you don’t like and adding what gives the best flavor. This is the only way to get used to the new habits.

Getting used to drinking the green juice of your choice and regularly is one of the best habits that can be acquired. If you have children, they should drink the green juices and smoothies daily. The sooner they start drinking them, the more they will like them.

Super green juice to remove toxins from the bloodstream.


  • 5 carrots.
  • 1 small broccoli.
  • 2 apples.
  • 2 cucumbers.
  • 1 cup parsley.


Put all the ingredients through the blender. At the end you add a glass of water to the blender. In this way the clogged juice is pushed out, in addition to being diluted so it has a less bitter taste.

Carrot juice will help reduce the risk of heart disease and high blood pressure, improve anemia and acne, and cleanse the liver.

Broccoli juice, like carrot juice, helps protect your vision and rid the body of excess estrogen, which has been associated with an increased risk of breast cancer.

Apple juice will help you lower your cholesterol level, increase brain function in the area that helps you better cope with counseling, and prevent kidney and liver disease.

Cucumber juice minimizes the effects of arthritis, improves digestive tract function, and helps with eczema, acne, and psoriasis.

Parsley juice helps reduce bad breath that is usually a sign of a toxic colon, eliminate the infection caused by bacteria in the urinary tract, and improve anemia, lung infection and asthma.

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