The different types of breast cancer

Did you know that there are different types of breast cancer and that these different classifications are due to the type of complexity, progression and severity that the tumors present? In either case, preventing cancer is the best option you can take against this evil.

The vast majority of tumors that occur in the chest are usually benign, without becoming cancerous tumors and can be the product of fibrocystic formations. However, we need to understand what is a cyst and what is a tumor in order to understand in a deeper way when we refer to the types of breast cancer.

Differences between tumor and cyst.

The cyst is like a bag filled with fluid and fibrosis is an abnormal development of the connective tissue. Fibrosis does not increase the risk of developing a tumor and does not require special treatment. The cysts, when they are big, can be painful. Removing the fluid with a puncture usually makes the pain go away. The presence of one or more cysts does not favor the appearance of malignant tumors.

Genetic factors are directly related to tumors of benign origin and their symptoms are generally characterized by severe pain and inflammation in the area, and in most cases, this does not represent a health hazard.

Within the malignant tumors, there are several types depending on the place in the breast where the abnormal growth of cells occurs and according to their stage.

Classifications of breast cancer types.

The tumors can be localized or have spread, through the blood vessels or through the lymphatic vessels, and have given rise to metastasis, that is, to a cancer in an organ distant from the original one.

Of all cases of breast cancer, only 7-10% of them present with initial metastases.

Ductal carcinoma in situ.

It originates from cells in the walls of the mammary ducts. It is a very localized cancer, which has not spread to other areas or metastasized. For this reason, this ‘premalignant’ disease can be easily removed. The cure rate is around 100%. This type of tumor can be detected through a mammogram.

Infiltrating ductal carcinoma.

(or invasive) is the one that begins in the mammary duct but manages to cross it and passes to the fatty tissue of the breast and can then spread to other parts of the body. It is the most common of breast carcinomas, it occurs in 80% of cases.

Lobular carcinoma in situ.

originates in the mammary glands (or lobules) and, although it is not a true cancer, it increases the risk that a woman may develop a tumor in the future. It is usually given before menopause. Once it is detected, it is important for the woman to have a follow-up mammogram every year and several clinical exams to monitor the possible development of cancer.

Infiltrative (or invasive) lobular carcinoma.

This type of tumor begins in the mammary glands but can spread and destroy other tissues in the body. Between 10% and 15% of breast tumors are of this type. This carcinoma is more difficult to detect through a mammogram.

Inflammatory carcinoma.

It is a rare cancer; it only represents 1% of all cancerous breast tumors. It is aggressive and fast growing. It makes the skin of the breast redden and increase its temperature. The appearance of the skin becomes thick and hollow, like that of an orange, and wrinkles and bumps may appear. These symptoms are due to the blockage that cancer cells produce on the lymphatic vessels.

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