3 Steps to Cure Seasonal Allergies Naturally

How to Cure Seasonal Allergies Naturally?

When it’s time for seasonal allergies, if you’re like most people, that means you’re looking for ways to prevent, reduce, and even eliminate the symptoms of seasonal allergies. For those who live on daily doses of over-the-counter allergy medications, there’s great news: you can cure seasonal allergies naturally and effectively. Here’s how.

Step One to Cure Seasonal Allergies: Go on An Elimination Diet.

Symptoms of seasonal allergies, like runny nose, itchy eyes, and congestion, are signs that your immune system is responding to something in the environment, such as pollen in the air. But the air you breathe is just one way that foreign substances can enter your body and trigger an immune response.

In fact, 80% of your immune system is in your gut. It’s the place in your body that interacts with the outside world more than any other, taking in nutrients from food and keeping bacteria, pathogens, and undigested food out.

A “sensitivity” to food is not the same as a food allergy.

If you are regularly eating foods that you are sensitive to, those foods are putting your immune system on constant alert. Your over-stimulated immune system becomes hypersensitive to seasonal allergens, and your immune response manifests itself in symptoms such as congestion, coughing, itchy eyes and sneezing.

A “sensitivity” to food is not the same as a food allergy, and you could be sensitive to a particular food without knowing it. The main goal of an elimination diet is to determine which foods are causing problems for your immune system, that is, to which foods you are sensitive or intolerant.

We are looking for IgG or delayed reactions to food rather than IgE or immediate reactions or food allergies. If you have a food allergy, you probably already know. For example, if you eat a strawberry and it breaks out in a rash within an hour, the child is allergic to strawberries, and that is an IgE reaction.

However, if you eat a muffin and two days later you have a headache or a stuffy nose, then that could be a sign of a gluten sensitivity , which is an IgG or delayed immune reaction.

Elimination diet.

During an elimination diet, a number of toxic and inflammatory foods are removed from the diet over a period of a few weeks, and then added again for a time calibrating your symptoms.

In general, if you feel that your symptoms improve or resolve after eliminating certain foods, and if you feel that your symptoms worsen after adding them back to your diet, it is very likely that you are sensitive to that foods and will have to avoid them.

Step Two to Cure Seasonal Allergies: IgG Food Sensitivity Testing.

IgG food sensitivity test.

In addition to doing an elimination diet, which it is recommended that you do it with the support of a specialized doctor, opting to have a blood test called an IgG food sensitivity test, serves to determine any other food to which you may be sensitive.

Food sensitivity testing is different from traditional allergy testing in that it is checking for IgG or delayed immune reactions. Allergy tests check for IgE or immediate immune reactions.

Inappropriate food choices can manifest as food sensitivities.

Food sensitivities or intolerances can develop over time, often due to a poor diet and a leaky gut. The consequences of improper food choices can manifest as food sensitivities and cause weight gain, fatigue , sinus problems , acne , mood swings, and other inflammatory symptoms.

Putting your body in a constant state of inflammation can put you on the autoimmune spectrum and ultimately push you to the brink of autoimmune disease.

Diet low in inflammatory foods reduces symptoms of seasonal allergies.

Because reactions can take up to 72 hours to appear, they can be very difficult to recognize. Eating a diet low in these inflammatory foods reduces excess inflammation and fluid build-up in your tissues, which will aid your body’s healing and detoxification processes and reduce seasonal allergy symptoms.

Step Three to Cure Seasonal Allergies: A Complete Stool Test.

If you have seasonal allergies, you will likely end up with sinus infections and prescribed antibiotics. Unfortunately, antibiotics don’t discriminate between the good bacteria that you need, and the bad bacteria that are making you sick.

When antibiotics kill most or all of your good bacteria, intestinal bacteria can end or overgrowth of Candida.

Candida can only worsen the symptoms of seasonal allergies, as well as the main intestinal damage causing increased intestinal permeability or leaky gut. Leaky gut then further increases susceptibility to food sensitivities, which aggravates the problem and worsens the symptoms of seasonal allergies.

Candida infections can be confirmed by blood tests or a comprehensive stool test.

Typical symptoms of Candida overgrowth include itchiness (especially in the anal or genital region or ears), bloating or gas, eczema-like rash or diaper rash, severe sugar cravings, headache, mental confusion, anxiety, depression, and even mood imbalances such as ADD (Attention Deficit Disorder) and ADHD ((Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder).

Candida infections can be confirmed through blood tests or a comprehensive stool test. Although the comprehensive stool test usually picks up Candida more often than the blood test. Any functional medicine professional should be able to order this exam for you.

An antifungal medication may be prescribed for 30 days, and it is recommended that it be supplemented with candisol or caprylic acid, which are plant-based enzymes that ‘poke holes’ in the yeast cell wall to eradicate Candida.

Don’t let seasonal allergies get in the way this spring. You can get to the root of the problem by identifying food sensitivities and dealing with intestinal infections.

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