5 Healing infusions with honey for a healthy life

Honey from bees is one of nature’s miracles. It is a delicious ingredient in many foods, it has antibacterial properties, it works as a humectant (keeps things moist), it relieves a cough or sore throat. Tea is a thousand times better in healing infusions with honey.  Here are 5 infusions with different foods and spices, which together with honey, result in really effective healing infusions for our health. Prepare these healing infusions with honey, and achieve a healthy life.

5 Healing infusions with honey for a healthy life.

There are a thousand and one recipes to make with honey for almost anything, but in what stands out in its healing properties, and that is why it is one of the ingredients that cannot be missing in your medicine cabinet of natural and healthy remedies.

Accessories for infusing honey: Use 1 cup of honey (raw and organic is best), flavorings to your liking, a pot, strainer, and an 8 oz glass jar with a tight lid.

1. Lemon and honey.

Of course, this is number one. Lemon + honey = amazing. When defenses break down and its flu season, putting lemon and honey (in tea or not) is great to make you feel better.

You will need to:

  • 1 cup of honey.
  • 1 tablespoon lemon zest.
  • 2 fresh lemon slices, juice and put them inside (optional).


Pour 1 cup of honey into the pan and add 1 tablespoon of grated lemon peel. Add 2 slices to enhance flavor if desired. Heat these together for about 10 minutes, making sure to keep the heat relatively low. Burnt honey doesn’t taste as bad as some other burnt things, but you can still avoid it.

Around 115 degrees Fahrenheit (46 degrees C.) releases the flavors very well, but it will depend on your stove. After you’ve heated the mixture, let it sit for 1-2 hours or up to 1-2 weeks. After this place it in a glass jar with a tight-fitting lid. You have to know that the longer it sits, the stronger the flavor will be.

Good to use: If you have a cold or cough, place a healthy serving of your honey lemon infusion in the bottom of a mug. Pour freshly boiled water over the top, and place your tea bag.

Lemon can loosen phlegm, while honey soothes irritation. You can also slowly heat the lemon honey while adding the juice of a freshly squeezed lemon. When it is still warm and liquid, drink slowly.

2. Cinnamon and honey.

The mixture of honey and cinnamon is one of the most powerful because they make a very good combination. Both one and the other have very beneficial properties for health, whenever you can take this mixture.

You will need to:

  • 1 cup of honey.
  • 4-6 cinnamon sticks.
  • A pinch of ground cinnamon (optional).


Pour 1 cup of honey into the pan and add the cinnamon sticks. Push down with a spoon to dip them. For 10 minutes over low heat leave the mixture, and then let it sit for about 2 hours or up to 1-2 weeks. Strain if you wish and store in a glass jar.

It is good if you use it: in tea, like lemon and honey, or eaten directly from the spoon. It is also delicious in a simple piece of toast. Cinnamon is packed with antioxidants, possesses antifungal properties, and helps to break up congestion/clear the sinuses. Just half a teaspoon a day has shown that cholesterol levels can lower.

3. Ginger and honey.

Tasty, but most importantly, good for your health. From colds to sore stomachs, ginger and honey come in a variety of ways to enjoy for their unique composition.

You will need to:

  • 1 cup of honey.
  • 1 tablespoon finely chopped ginger root.
  • A pinch of ground ginger (optional).


Pour 1 cup of honey into a pan and add 1 tablespoon of finely chopped ginger. You can add a pinch of ground ginger if you like as well, but it has a strong flavor. Over low heat, let the mixture rest for 10 minutes. When ready, steep for 2 hours or up to 2 weeks in a glass jar with a tight-fitting lid. Strain when done, if desired.

To use in: In tea when you feel sick, especially with an upset stomach, as both ginger and honey are known to calm the stomach and drive away “bugs”.

The added ginger helps with circulation, flushes toxins through your systems, and helps get rid of aches and chills. If you’ve cut yourself and ended up with a minor scrape, applying this cold infusion and then covering with gauze can help heal, and ginger fights inflammation.

This honey with cloves is made by infusing cloves with honey. Cloves are great for numbing pain (sore throat, toothache, etc.) and honey is a happy medium to ingest.

You will need to:

  • 1 cup of honey.
  • 5-10 cloves.


Pour 1 cup of honey into a pan and add 5-10 whole cloves. Over low heat let it heat for 10 minutes before letting it infuse for 2 hours or up to 2 weeks, putting it in a jar with a tight lid. Strain when done, if desired.

To use in: in tea when you have a sore throat or toothache, or dip directly into the gum for toothache. The eugenol in cloves is a powerful anesthetic agent that was used by dentists before the creation of modern pain relievers, and is so effective that it is still used in modern dentistry in extract.

If you have a small cut or sore in your mouth, this honey infusion can help you heal faster and keep bad bacteria at bay while the nails take care of the discomfort.

5 . Apple cider vinegar and honey.

If you’re concerned about taste, this can’t be the honey to put on a sandwich and give to kids. Although there are candies made with this mixture and they are delicious.

Apple cider vinegar is a substance that seems to help almost all diseases and if you add this wonderful liquid that is honey, and you have a flavor extension that is full of health benefits.

You will need to:

  • 1 cup of honey.
  • 2-3 tablespoons apple cider vinegar.


Add 1 cup of honey to a skillet, and then pour 2-3 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar. Let it simmer for 10 minutes, stirring well. Place in a container and let it steep for as long as you like – its flavor and benefits are there very quickly, and it doesn’t have to sit all the time like other infusions.

Used in: While this is subject to opinion, it tastes good in tea or a glass of lemon water in the morning. Apple cider vinegar can help neutralize and correct excess acidity in the body (contradictory, but many times true) and helps a number of upset stomach issues, relieves a sore throat, and by showing hope in the treatment of diabetes.


The period of use, if stored in a glass jar with a tight lid, is 6 months. Some people say it can last for years, but you have to do your own experimentation. Even with plant matter, it can last a long time (microorganisms have a hard time surviving inside) without needing to be refrigerated.

Simply store in a cool place away from direct sunlight. Straining is more for the sight/taste and is easier when the honey warms up a little after sitting for a couple of hours making it smoother to strain.


  • If crystals form, place the honey (in its jar) in a pot over a double boiler. The crystals “melt” and your honey will be smooth again.
  • A touch of flavor is to add 3 tablespoons of chopped fruit. Apple – strawberry is one of my favorite flavors to eat on buttered toast. I don’t strain them in the end either.
  • The honey flavored makes an impressive gift in a nice decorative jar.
  • Freely adjust to your liking and experiment. It is not an exact science, and it has to do with everything that you like and what is good for you.

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