The brain is the organ of our bodies that controls and contains our life, its operation is still a mystery, but we know that anything that affects it will have an impact on our life in a decisive way. That is why brain health is important for the efficient performance of our daily activities.
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5 therapies that help brain health.
In a more general sense, the brain is a set of elements of the central nervous system, studies carried out by medical science guide us to affirm that it is the home of higher functions, speech and emotions. The definitions of these functions could take us pages, but knowing their importance is enough to justify our endeavor to provide a list of therapies that help improve the brain.
1. Food therapy.
As is well known, food is one of the most important therapies to take into account for our life, it is the fuel we consume daily, in the end we will be everything we eat, and eating can be a very healthy enjoyment, that is why One of the best therapies for the brain is food therapy, if you have been suffering with some ailments related to memory or learning processes, or you notice that now you have trouble remembering some things that were easy for you before, do not worry here You will be able to see what things to eat so that your brain gets everything it needs to continue to function properly for many years to come.
If you can find them, eating a few of them a day will be a gift for your brain, they are full of antioxidants and omega 3, a must for your brain.
The broccoli, versatile and delicious vegetable will help you optimize multiple mental skills and stimulate the speed of information processing in your brain.
Here we are not talking about industrial chocolate, that accomplice that we love and enjoy a lot, if not the cocoa bean with which it is produced. The ideal will be to find 100% pure and organic cocoa, and prepare it with milks such as hazelnut or walnut. Cocoa is considered a miraculous element for the brain as it enhances learning, regulates emotions, and serves as an antioxidant, among many other properties.
The turmeric is a popular food seasoning in North Africa, has as its main ingredient curcumin, a full ingredient of antioxidants that help your brain maintain their cognitive functions and not wear out before the passage of age.
Nuts, in addition to being a delicious food and an excellent protagonist for snacks, as a dressing and endless other use can be combined with dozens of dishes, it will provide you with a good amount of vitamin E, an essential ingredient for the development of memory.
These little sea animals are full of vitamin B12, a supplement that will allow your nervous system to relax, always giving you clarity of thought, and will also give your brain energy to carry out functions in a more agile and specific way. Always go organic.
Wild salmon.
Wild? Well, yes, we do not want you to buy or consume the captive-bred salmon, that salmon is full of hormones and is fed with transgenic products that will bring you more problems than benefits, but the natural one is an incredible source of protein and omega 3. It will promote your synaptic function, your arteries, and reduce the risk of contracting mental diseases such as Alzheimer’s.
Pumpkin seeds.
A cup of these delicious seeds will supply you with all the zinc your body needs, thus promoting various mental abilities such as memory and agility.
Green Tea.
No pre-made green tea drinks, here we mean real green tea, matcha or a refined Japanese sencha. This drink is loaded with amino acids, such as L-theanine, which will accompany your lucidity and tranquility.
A very successful therapy is to keep these allies in your daily diet; thus, you will be guaranteeing you have all the nutrients for their effective functioning.
2. Aromatherapy.
The essential oils are the lifeblood of a plant and have tremendous burden of plant energy, olfactory stimuli are always associated with memories and emotions, who has not remembered a place or a great love, or an unpleasant situation at the particular smell stimulus? Aromatherapy is about that, influencing your brain functions through olfactory stimuli. Nothing to discuss then. Here you will see how to use aromas for the health of your brain.
Buy in a perfumery, natural essences of the following aromas, with a good diffuser, either electric or candle, you can create your own environment to improve the health of your brain. The main essential oils and their known benefits for the brain are basil, which is used for migraines, headaches and to relieve mental fatigue, bergamot, relieves tension and anxiety, is useful for cases of depression or decay; The stimulating effects of cinnamon They are well known, there are very old recipes to make cinnamon essence, in aromatherapy it is a great stimulant. The cedar aroma has sedative effects and is enhanced when mixed with lavender.
Practice it every night before bed, it is sure very soon you will be enjoying aromatherapy as a daily habit.
3. Music therapy.
Music therapy favors cognitive and functional abilities, personal identity and communication with the environment; We all love music, we have surely noticed how when listening to music our mood changes, who has not danced cleaning the bathroom? Or cooking, singing while taking a shower, or dancing Zumba; So, no one can deny the effect of music on brain functions, this therapy that we propose is very simple.
Select and classify your music according to the effects it generates for you, you can feel different sensations in the music you listen to, activation, relaxation, motivation, and always accompany your activities with music, this will cause you to be constantly receiving appropriate stimuli for the activity that you realize, never underestimate the potential of music, its rhythms will act on your brain like gymnastics keeping it active and in harmony.
4. Meditation.
Meditation is traditionally associated with spiritual life, but there are many studies that support that it also provides physical and psychological benefits.
In several studies, scientists took MRI images of volunteers two weeks before and after taking an eight-week meditation course. The analysis of the images after the meditative practices showed significant changes in the balance of activity in the cerebral hemispheres, they provided greater stability and voluntary control of brain functions.
Meditating is not that complicated; you start with the purpose and do this exercise daily.
- Sit down, close your eyes, and begin to relax paying attention to your breathing.
- Let the thoughts that come to your head flow and go.
- After a few minutes, when your breathing is slow and calm, focus your attention on the right brain and your right eye.
- Imagine that you are looking at a tree or a landscape in the rain.
- Then repeat the process with your left-brain hemisphere and your left eye, but this time visualize that same tree in full sunlight.
- Try to fix the two opposite images in your head and then mix them creating a single image, for example, with the same tree at sunset.
Believe in yourself, you are your best teacher, your greatest friend and your best connoisseur of yourself, let your intuition mark the best way to perform this exercise and find the balance of your hemispheres.
5. Brain gymnastics.
This therapy was developed in the United States, seeking to solve mostly learning problems, however today these simple and fun brain gymnastics exercises are practiced by people of all ages who want to learn or solve problems that limit their life or to acquire or recover brain skills, so there are for children, adolescents, seniors.
These are some exercises to improve and strengthen the brain with brain gymnastics:
- Open and close the water tap with your left hand (if you are right-handed).
- Do a crossword.
- Putting together puzzles.
- Read newspapers aloud.
- To cross fingers. It involves simultaneously exchanging the index and little fingers of each hand, a routine that helps the two brain hemispheres connect. They allow the interconnection of different areas of the cerebral cortex, so that when you do an activity, there will be a better potential.
- Cross movement. Sitting in a chair, raise your right knee and touch it with your left hand. Raise your left knee and touch it with your right hand. Repeat the two movements ten times.
We have done an exhaustive tour in the field of therapies that help brain health, this due to the importance of staying alive and that the quality of our life is higher every day, to implement our advice, so we will lead a happier life and productive for us and all our loved ones.