5 ways to use sage as a natural medicine

Sage, like many members of the mint family, (Salvia officinalis) has a distinct smell and resistance that allows it to flourish year after year. Sage leaves are grayish-green in color due to the fine, white strands that cover the leaves. The leaves feel soft, almost velvety, and emit a pungent, but pleasant aroma when crushed. These leaves have healing properties and can be used to treat a variety of health problems.

Benefits of sage as a natural medicine.

Many herbalists consider that sage can be used as a medicinal herb that is capable of helping in the treatment of dandruff, bad breath, treating canker sores, eczema and gingivitis. This herb can also be helpful in reducing symptoms of menopause, including “hot flashes.”

Let’s discover the other benefits that sage can have as a medicinal use.

1. For the cold and flu.

Sage is beneficial in situations where there is excess mucous. When a cold or flu comes along, a cold is usually one of the symptoms that leads to a cough and sore throat or hoarseness. While the anti-catarrhal benefits of sage in reducing the mucosa, the anti-inflammatory action reduces sore throat and hoarseness.

2. For gums and mouth.

Because the anti-inflammatory action of sage is specific to the mouth and throat, many have found it beneficial in relieving the swollen gums and pain associated with gum disease and gingivitis.

3. For digestion.

In addition to helping decrease bacterial overgrowth in the mouth, the antibacterial properties of this multi-faceted herb are helpful in helping digestive disorders, whether related to food poisoning or a general imbalance of bacteria.

Of course, probiotics are essential when you want to balance the digestive system, there are times when the most difficult cases require the support of a natural environment, and this is when this powerful antibacterial that is sage comes into play.

4. For menopause.

As if the anti-catarrhal, anti-inflammatory, and antibacterial benefits weren’t enough, sage also has a role to play in relieving discomfort associated with menopause.

Many menopausal women experience night sweats and hot flashes. The cooling and drying effects of sage cools the body and reduces perspiration, providing a certain ease in life for women with menopause.

5. Other benefits:

  • Regulate sugar levels: When consumed on a regular basis, sage helps reduce blood sugar levels in diabetics.
  • Stimulates good memory: Helps improve mental functions, including memory. This plant contains certain substances also used in medicines to treat Alzheimer’s and delay the onset of senile dementia.
  • A powerful relaxant: Helps calm nerves and refresh the environment.

How to use sage?

Now that much of the properties of sage have been exposed. How can it be applied to your lifestyle?

sage tea can be prepared as an infusion using three or four leaves for each cup of water. In the case of children and the elderly, use fewer leaves or add more water to achieve a less strong infusion.

The leaves are placed in a container that can be closed. The water is boiled, poured over the leaves and the container is closed. It is left for about ten minutes to infuse. You can take three or four cups a day of this drink. Used as a gargle, it helps relieve smokers’ coughs and an itchy throat.

It can also be used topically, either by infusing it as a compressor by using sage essential oil. If essential oil is used, do not apply it directly to the skin. Essential oils are strong, and in some cases, they can irritate or burn the skin.

Two drops of essential oil are all you need in 5-6 cups of hot water. Take a wool or cotton cloth and dip it in. Drain off the excess water and apply the compress to the area to be treated until it cools down. Compresses can be applied to a swollen (closed) wound or to the abdomen in cases of digestive upset.

Sage contraindications.

Sage should not be used during breastfeeding due to the presence of estrogenic compounds that can access breast milk and cause adverse effects on the nursing infant. However, it is not an herb with contraindications, unless consumed in excessive amounts.

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