Color and texture of the tongue and its meaning

The color and texture of the tongue has been used for the diagnosis of the disease since ancient times in both Eastern and Western medicine.

The color of the tongue and its shape can indicate problems related to health and certain physical conditions, so it is important that you know the color of your tongue, its shape and then you can see what is the meaning of your type of language and what is due.

Overview of the color and texture of the tongue and its meaning.

The colors and shapes of the tongue tell us a lot about our state of health. Any swelling can be serious, so see a doctor immediately. It can be caused by an infection inside the tongue, an abscess, or even cancer. The inflammation can block the throat.

Types of diagnoses.

Western medicine uses the tongue as an indicator of immediate health. The color and texture of the tongue can indicate everything from mild infection to simple side effects of medication, or a lack of essential vitamins and minerals in the diet. In addition to modern Western methods, there are others, including Indian and Chinese medical traditions, that use the color of the tongue to help diagnose various health conditions.


Ayurveda, the original medical system of India, developed from about 2000 – 600 BC the emphasis is on examining the person in general, not just a group of symptoms.

  1. He defines health as a balance between the elements that make up human life: air and ether, fire and water, water and earth. Disruption in the body of the relationships between these will cause disease. Disruptions can be caused by internal or external problems, genetic predisposition, or both. This means that the elements cannot work in harmony with each other. Also, stress is recognized as a major factor in poor health, and yoga and other forms of meditation are part of some cures.
  2. Diagnosis in the Ayurvedic tradition is primarily by observing and listening to the patient’s heart, lungs, and digestive tract. The tongue is also important in this process of understanding the general health of the patientAnalysis of the color, texture and size of the tongue is used to determine problems with the internal organs.
  3. Prevention is an important factor, and hygiene is a starting point.
  4. Cures involve plant-derived medications, used both externally and internally. Minerals, in small quantities, are also used, including arsenic, gold, sulfur, and others.


When cancer occurs, it usually manifests as bumps below the surface, although any bumps under the surface does not mean it is cancerous. Also, many growths are benign tumors, so you should see a doctor about any abnormalities in your mouth.

The tongue cancer is usually in the form of a tumor, gray, white or pink in appearance, and on the side of the tongue. It is sensitive and bleeds easily when disturbed. It is often preceded by leukoplakia and erythroplasia. Other symptoms are earache, bleeding in the areas of the mouth, including the teeth, a sore or wound that does not heal, and pain when swallowing. These symptoms alone do not mean cancer, and many are associated with conditions that are often easily treated.

The colors of the tongue in the diagnosis of health.

White or off-white color:

  • Dehydration.
  • Antibiotic side effects.
  • Leukoplakia, plaques that form on the mucous membranes and tongue, and are usually caused by smoking or any other use of tobacco products.
  • Alcohol consumption.
  • When the taste buds are raised and look like miniature cauliflowers, they can be warts acquired by close contact of the mouth with the genitals, and should be seen by a doctor.

White tongue:

The taste buds become discolored and painful. This can be due to:

Geographic tongue, a condition possibly linked to diet and also appears to be genetic. It is also linked to hormonal changes, and is more common in women, and especially during pregnancy. Some patients report that the symptoms are helped by zinc and vitamin B. Others, such as leukoplakia.

Red tongue:

Erythroplasia, which makes smooth red patches. This must be seen by a doctor. Bright red in color, also called a strawberry tongue when the taste buds are swollen:

  • Scarlet fever.
  • Toxic shock syndrome from a bacterial infection, which is very serious and must be treated immediately.
  • Kawasaki disease, which affects medium-sized arteries, and also needs to be treated right away.
  • Canker sores, which can cause one side or part of the tongue to become red. They are usually caused by a lack of folic acid, zinc, and vitamins B12 and B6 in the diet.

Smooth red tongue, without buds, also called bald tongue:

This is usually caused by anemia (lack of oxygen in the tissues). You should consult a doctor.

Red and white:

Tongue papillitis, also called ‘lie bumps’, caused by a yeast infection, possibly related to stress and other changes in body chemistry

Yellow tongue:

Jaundice: the accumulation of bacteria, which can also trap food scraps. Eliminate by brushing your tongue when brushing your teeth.

The brown or black tongue:

This may be ‘hairy tongue’, which is due to bacteria-laden taste buds. Bacteria, which are medically harmless, can be the result of frequent tobacco use, antibiotics, not brushing teeth, and others.

Blue or brown spots on the tongue:

Bruising from an injury or from biting your tongue during sleep; or a benign group of blood vessels, more than usual, in that particular location.

Violet tongue:

Stripes or areas of different texture on a finger extension can be Lichen planus, a skin rash, which needs to be treated by a doctor.

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