Crafts help improve the brain

The rhythmic and repetitive nature of knitting is calming, comforting, and contemplative. It is not difficult to imagine that knitting is like a mindfulness practice, or perhaps a form of meditation. For this reason, crafts have a positive effect on improving brain health.

Research in neuroscience shows that crafts such as knitting and other forms of textile crafts such as sewing, knitting and crocheting have much in common with mindfulness and meditation – all are reported to have a positive impact on mental health and well-being.

Crafts and mood affect the brain.

In an online survey of more than 3,545 knitters more than half of those surveyed reported that knitting made them feel “ very happy”. And many said they knit for the effects of relaxation, stress relief and creativity.

The study found a significant relationship between the frequency of tissue and the mood and perceived feelings of the respondents. Frequent knitters (those who knit more than 3 times a week) were calmer, happier, less sad, less anxious, and more confident.

The Corkhill study concluded, “Knitting has psychological and social benefits, which can contribute to well-being and quality of life.”

Interestingly, the study also found that group weavers were even happier than solo weavers.

How Crafts Help Improve Your Brain?

  1. Mental challenge and problem solving.
  2. Social connection.
  3. Fullness.
  4. Development of hand-eye coordination, spatial perception, and fine motor skills.
  5. Learn and teach.
  6. Focus attention and thoughts on a task.
  7. Promotion of active creativity.
  8. Gives a sense of pride and accomplishment.
  9. Teach patience and perseverance.
  10. Facilitates memory formation and recovery.

According to article, “ The skills and feelings experienced while doing crafts such as knitting and embroidery can also be used to facilitate learning of techniques such as meditation, relaxation and rhythm that are commonly taught in courses in pain management, or in the treatment of depression. ”

Crafts like knitting calm the mind.

“Weaving as a tool to achieve a meditative state of mind could allow a much wider population to experience the benefits of meditation, since it does not involve having to understand, accept or participate in a prolonged learning period of the practice. It happens as a “natural tissue side effect”.

Others have compared crafts (“crafiting”) to entering a present state, of “flow”, what the psychologist describes as “a state of concentration or complete absorption with the activity in question and the situation. It is a state in which people are so involved in an activity that nothing else seems to matter. ”

Neuroscientists are beginning to understand how mindfulness, meditation, and the impact of brain “flow” are experienced. Research shows that these practices improve depression, anxiety, coping style, improve quality of life, and significantly reduce stress. All vital to maintaining brain health and well-being.

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