Eczema – Atopic Dermatitis: Causes and Natural Remedies

Eczema, also known as atopic dermatitis, is a chronic skin disease that causes itching, redness, and inflammation. An estimated seven percent of the population suffers from eczema. Eczema often begins in childhood and can last a lifetime.

Considering some of the causal factors, it is easy to see why. Eczema is generally a symptom of an underlying disorder in the body, so the secret to your success will be to discover what is causing the rash. It often affects people who also suffer from other illnesses such as asthma and hay fever, or who have relatives with this tendency.

The skin affected by eczema appears red, dry and flaky, and is extremely itchy, and can itch and burn. If it is scratched too much, it can break, ooze and crust over, and can even become infected. Eczema can also be wet and water-filled blisters.

Although eczema can affect the entire body, it is usually found in specific areas of the body. For children, the most commonly affected areas are the scalp, cheeks, chin, back, legs, elbows, and arms. Adults are often affected on the eyelids and the skin around the eyes and mouth. Areas of high perspiration such as the creases of the elbows, knees, hands and feet are also commonly affected. If it splits and cracks your hands or blisters on the edges of your fingers, you may have hand eczema.

Eczema first appears in early childhood, often by the age of four months. The face, scalp, neck, and diaper areas are most frequently involved. These sites, especially on the cheeks, become red and scaly. The itching is very serious, and the child can literally tear his skin apart, leading to bleeding ulcers and secondary infections. In most cases the itching actually precedes the appearance of the rash, which is why eczema is commonly known as “the itch of rashes.” As the child grows, the disorder tends to be located in the back of the neck, behind the elbows and knees, and in the wrists and ankles. The affected sites are dry and thickened, and show accentuation of normal skin folds.

In adults, atopic dermatitis can be manifested by scales on the hands and feet,  and by the appearance of dry, circular scaly patches (called nummular eczema) anywhere on the body. Eczema in any season is characterized by moderate to severe itching. Most people with atopic dermatitis experience a clearing of the disease in their thirties, and by the age of thirty, a large number are disease free. About 15 percent of people with atopic dermatitis develop chronic localization to the hands (hand dermatitis).


The cause of atopic dermatitis is not fully understood. Hay fever and asthma are associated with this condition . Heredity certainly plays a role as nearly 70 percent of atopic dermatitis patients have at least one family member with eczema, hay fever, or asthma. Diet (food allergy) is thought to cause and / or aggravate the disease.

Although the exact cause of eczema is unknown, traditional medicine believes that it is caused by an abnormal allergic response from the body’s immune system. Or. This, however, is a fairly limited view. You have to look at the entire body of the eczema sufferer, the parents, the diet and the environment to discover the actual causative factors. As the saying goes, the skin is the window of balance (or imbalance) in the body. Unfortunately, more traditional treatments use steroids, prescription drugs or creams that do not address the underlying cause/s of eczema and have long-term side effects. These traditional treatments suppress the underlying causes by addressing only the symptoms. In many (or all) cases, eczema means that the body is trying to rid itself of toxins. Addressing these causes should have very significant results within a few months.

Since babies often have eczema, called “cradle cap,” it is obvious that the problem begins early in life, even before birth, unlike many other health problems. In 2002, the Journal reported that mothers who took probiotics (the good bacteria) during pregnancy and breastfeeding, improved their anti-inflammatory transforming growth factor (TGF) in their milk. Because there has not been such an increase in allergic diseases, especially among children, one of the best ways to improve a child’s immune system is through breast milk.

Although we are talking about babies, it is important to note that there is a direct relationship between excessive hygiene and the appearance of eczema and asthma in children between 30 and 42 months. Children who washed their hands more than five times a day or bathed more than twice a day were more likely to develop these diseases.  The theory behind this is that less exposure to germs affects the development of the immune system in such a way that it is more prone to allergic reactions.

Causes of eczema.

Doctors who practice natural medicine believe that there are several causes of eczema:

  • Food allergies, especially dairy products, eggs, cereals, soy, sugar, processed products in general.
  • A deficiency of essential fatty acids (EFAs).
  • Toxic in the liver: congested, or not working properly, kidneys or lungs.
  • Vitamin B deficiency.
  • Vitamin D deficiency (lack of sun).
  • A deficiency of potassium chloride (Kali mur.) – For the scaly type.
  • Consuming too much of common table salt – dry type of eczema. Use balanced sea salt (around 80% sodium chloride) instead, as it has all 12 of the tissue salts in balance. Sea salt doesn’t throw the body’s chemical balance out of whack; the common salt form (sodium chloride about 98%) does.
  • A delayed -effect of a vaccine (the theory is possible).
  • Poor digestion in general, see next point and the explanation is detailed below.
  • Excess sugar, alcohol, chemicals, and other things that alter the microflora of the intestine. Poor digestion and toxins are one of the main causes of eczema.
  • Constipation and allergies to a variety of things.

How to treat skin problems?

Chronic skin conditions directly reflect the health of the digestive and excretory systems. Gently treating the liver, kidneys and intestine over time with mild herbal remedies and detoxification, can positively influence the skin and should be the basis of your return to health protocol.

The skin is the largest organ of elimination and is an outlet system for sweat, toxic waste, gases and oils from the body. These toxins, perhaps along with nutritional deficiencies mentioned below, may be the primary underlying cause of eczema.

A clogged liver or kidneys, poor lung function, as well as constipation, can lead to excess toxins circulating in the blood and exiting through the skin. If one or more of these conditions exist, it will be necessary to make corrections in order to minimize the skin problem. We suggest working with your healthcare professional in developing a complete body detox program so that all elimination organs are working well. If the kidneys are overloaded, your skin will take over the elimination of toxins and metabolic waste from the body.

Depending on the severity of your body’s toxicity, you will have to do anywhere from a multi-day cleanse to another that can last two to three weeks. In addition to causing eczema, a clogged or sluggish liver can lead to itchiness due to a breakdown in your ability to digest fats. If you are chronically constipated, the goal will be to have 2-3 bowel movements a day in order to eliminate toxic waste.

Poor digestion can lead to another skin problem – that you may not see the connection – which is itching. Inadequate stomach acid leads to poor calcium metabolism, and its symptom – itching. Chronic indigestion will have to be corrected if you want to see your skin without those problems. Good calcium metabolism is vital for healthy skin. The omega-3 fatty acids found in flaxseed oil help metabolize calcium, and it should relieve itching.

Another cause of itching is a clogged liver and gallbladder. When this is the case, fats of any kind cannot be properly digested, and the result is itching. A liver/gallbladder cleanse will likely help get these organs to function normally. The itching should go away.

How to detect eczema or atopic dermatitis?

The first thing to do is try to identify what is causing the eczema and avoid that substance.  Here are some things to keep in mind:

Soaps – use a pure, unscented glycerin soap, and some have vitamin E, which is beneficial. A boric acid solution can also be used. You can also use pure castile soap, pat dry, then apply a mixture of petroleum jelly and borax.

  1. Detergents– use a fragrance-free detergent.
  2. Dry cleaning of clothes. Dry cleaning fluids are very toxic and can affect your skin.
  3. Various foods– Keep a food diary so you can identify what could be triggering your eczema.
  4. Dairy products.
  5. Eggs.
  6. Chocolate.
  7. Refined flours.
  8. Refined sugar and ulcers.
  9. Peanuts or peanuts.
  10. Soy.
  11. Gluten found in wheat, oats, rye, and barley.
  12. Nail polish.
  13. Stress –eczema is exacerbated by stress, so working on the underlying causes of stress will help relieve eczema.

Traditional treatments.

Traditional allopathic treatment has been to prescribe steroids (hydrocortisone), creams and ointments, and Benadryl to relieve itching. While creams are often effective, they have side effects that make them less than ideal for long-term use. In children these effects are growth retardation, obesity, and muscle weakness. Scratching opens the skin and makes it vulnerable to staph infections. We believe that natural remedies, along with dietary changes and the prevention of certain chemicals will be more effective without the side effects.

Medical treatments for dermatitis and eczema.

Atopic dermatitis is so far a disease without a cure, the condition commonly consumed by itself. However, annoying manifestations can be controlled. The treatment of atopic dermatitis in the control centers of the rash and, of equal importance, the control of itching. The more you scratch, the worse the disorder becomes and the longer it will take to heal.

People with atopic dermatitis should avoid factors that aggravate sensitive skin.  Nails, especially those of infants, should be trimmed as short as possible to avoid injury. Clothing should be soft and loose, and preferably made of cotton, wool and irritating synthetics it is better not to use. Excess moisture, and a lack of it, promote itching and should be avoided.

Excessive bathing and the use of strong soaps contribute to dry skin. A mild, moisturizing soap and bath oil with natural lubricants should be used. Moisturizers should be applied to the skin on a regular and frequent basis.

Individuals with moderate to severe eczema are cared for by a dermatologist. Controlling the itch generally involves the use of steroid ointments and creams. Topical steroids are safe for long-term administration but should be used at a low potency if needed on a chronic basis. Oral antihistamines are in common use, but of doubtful value.

Topical immunomodulators are the most recent advance in the treatment of atopic dermatitis. They are non-steroidal compounds useful in the chronic management of mild to moderate eczema. These can be used on the eyes and groin, the problem areas for steroids. To date, the adverse effects of prolonged use of these agents have not been reported.

Tips to keep in mind to take care of your skin.

  • Bathe with warm water, never hot. Hot water can activate your skin problems.
  • Use a natural bath oil to soften your skin.
  • After taking a bath, apply a body oil that contains lavender bergamot, neroli, or Roman chamomile in a carrier oil such as almond oil.
  • Take a bath with a teaspoon of baking soda in a cup of water. Rinse well with water.
  • After bathing, use a natural moisturizer. This will help keep the water in. Dry skin is a function of water loss. However, some moisturizers promote fluid loss.
  • Check yourself to see if you are allergic to something you eat or wear. An allergic reaction can trigger eczema flare-ups. Keep a journal or list of the foods you eat and the clothes you wear. Are the clothes washed or dry cleaned?
  • Wash your clothes by adding ½ cup of baking soda and 3-10 drops of lemon essential oil to the wash water. A paste of baking soda can be used to pre-treat stains.

Baking soda can be used to make household cleaning and dishwashing liquid.

  1. To clean the house, use a teaspoon of baking soda and a few drops of lemon, lavender, or orange essential oil to a bucket of water.
  2. Make a dishwasher detergent by mixing two tablespoons of baking soda with two tablespoons of borax.
  3. Wash the dishes, making a solution of baking soda and water, rinse with water.
  • Use products and body creams, hair and bath without scents.
  • Stop consuming all dairy products for a few weeks, and then slowly reintroduce them (or leave them completely since they are among the most harmful and acidic processed products for the body).
  • Do the same with wheat products. Many people with eczema are allergic to wheat.
  • To check for food allergies, eliminate food groups from your diet for a couple of weeks, then slowly reintroduce them. Did your eczema get better after you stopped eating certain things and got worse after you started eating them again?
  • Is your house too dry? If the humidity in your home is below 40%, dry air can dry out your skin.
  • People with underlying diseases, such as cirrhosis, hepatitis, and inflammation of the gallbladder, have low levels of the enzyme amylase. When this level rises, the general condition of the person improves.
  • Keep all dry skin well moist and lubricated.
  • When washing, rinse twice to make sure all the detergent is out.
  • Because your eczema can be triggered by allergens, follow an allergen-free diet for four to six weeks to give your body enough time to cleanse the allergens.
  • Cow‘s milk is the most common allergen for babies, so breastfeeding is preferable.
  • If the baby is breastfed, the mother should avoid the foods she is allergic to.
  • If the parents have a food allergy, the baby could have it, too, so dangerous foods should be avoided.
  • Aerobic exercise is beneficial for eczema as it makes the blood flow, but after sweating, shower.
  • Do a parasite cleanse. One school of thought indicates parasites as a possible cause of eczema, psoriasis, and candida. Don’t be alarmed at the idea of ​​having parasites – a large percentage of the population does, and they affect some people more than others.

Alternative treatments.

Diet is the foundation of health, and skin problems are no exception. The food you eat and the drinks you consume must be eliminated from the body. Your metabolic process breaks them down, but all the organs of elimination must be working well in order to avoid problems.

Eating or drinking things that are bad for your body type can cause problems. Switching to a simple, natural diet of whole grains, steamed beans, and vegetables, and avoiding refined meats, dairy products, sugar, and grains can provide beneficial results.

The standard American diet is very heavy in hydrogenated oils and trans fats, and low in essential fatty acids. In most cases, skin problems are caused by a deficiency of good fats or an imbalance between “good” and “bad” fats. To overcome this problem, it is necessary to cut or greatly reduce the latter and increase the former.

Program to improve the intake of good fats.

Follow this program for 90 days, and you should have a good chance of success:

  1. Cut out all fried foods.
  2. Eliminate all cooking oils that say “hydrogenated” or “partially hydrogenated.” Read all the labels!
  3. Eliminate all processed foods, which are high in trans fat.
  4. Use only olive oil (do not fry it) to eat and for salads.
  5. Take a tablespoon of flaxseed oil a day for the first 30 days. If your skin does not improve, switch to 6-9 small drops of sesame oil a day for the next 30 days. Again, if there is no improvement, switch to six drops of black seed oil for the next 30 days.  Again, if there is not enough improvement, switch to 6-9 fish oil capsules daily.
  6. Eat fatty fish like salmon, mackerel, or herring twice a week.
  7. Add to your diet foods like avocado, and all the variety of foods rich in omega 3 fats.

The idea behind this program is to re-balance the “good” and “bad” oils in your body. Most skin problems are caused by eating the wrong kind of fat, so making the switch is critical to eczema removal . Depending on the severity of the problem it may take a while for this process to show noticeable results. While you are taking this, you should make sure to eat a healthy diet, mostly raw and natural foods.

Things to avoid.

Cut back on sugar and common cooking fats. Many baked goods are very high in processed oils that produce trans fats. Avoid products with hydrogenated oils, as these oils have been chemically modified.

Fast foods are loaded with saturated fats, partially hydrogenated oils, and other types of highly processed oils used to add flavor and texture to fast-prepared foods. Saturated fats are rich in arachidonic acid, which causes inflammation.

Avoid commercial soaps. Many soaps have fragrances or other strong chemicals that can irritate the skin and strip away the natural oils the skin needs.

Chlorine can be very irritating to the skin and is found in most municipal water supplies. Drink filtered water and get a shower head accessory that filters out chlorine and other contaminants. When you shower, your body absorbs a large amount of chlorine, and when you breathe in the water vapor, you inhale even more. Even though taking a bath is not that bad, there is still chlorine in the water. We suggest purchasing a De-Chlorinator Bath crystal ball that is placed in the bathroom to remove chlorine.

The moisturizers tend to aggravate eczema by promoting the loss of moisture in the skin. Use the “high lipid” option in creams.

The antacids reduce the amount of acid in the stomach is occurring, hindering the digestion. Unlike the commercials on television, people need more stomach acid, not less, to digest food properly. use natural antacids better, those do not affect the body’s natural acids. Poor digestion and related problems can lead to skin problems.

Other factors to avoid:

  1. Household cleaning products are loaded with chemicals that can irritate the skin.
  2. Steroid creams thin the skin, leading to bleeding.
  3. Wool or synthetic fabrics. They promote itching. Wear cotton or other natural fiber clothing instead.
  4. Nail polishes and false nails. Chemicals can irritate the skin.
  5. Rapid changes in temperature, especially if you’re going to sweat. They can cause itching.
  6. Baby lotions or other fragranced lotions.
  7. Stress exacerbates eczema, so learn stress management techniques.
  8. Do not use creams or lotions that prevent the skin from breathing. They trap toxins and make eczema worse.
  9. Shampoos that contain, methyl paraben or propylparaben, SLS (sodium lauryl sulfate) and cocamide DEA. Rinse using apple cider vinegar (pure, not imitation) after shampooing and conditioning.

Supplements to treat eczema.

Nutritional deficiencies certainly play a role in skin problems. If eczema is caused by a nutritional deficiency, your skin should quickly return to normal once the deficiency is corrected.

The B vitamins are crucial as these vitamins aid digestion, boost the immune system, and are vital for healthy skin. Vitamin B6 and biotin deficiencies are sometimes linked to atopic dermatitis.

Ordinary black seed oil will
supply the essential fatty acids needed to relieve eczema.  Three to six drops daily.

Borage oil
 is the richest source of one of the essential fatty acids, gamma-linolenic acid (GLA). GLA is necessary for the formation and maintenance of skin cell membranes. Many people are deficient in this essential fatty acid and therefore experience chronic skin problems.

Chlorophyll-rich foods, such as spirulina, blue-green algae, chlorella, and wheatgrass, purify the blood and support healthy skin.

Cod liver oil is one of the ancient letters of credit for eczema.

Enzymes can be low in people with eczema. One study showed that the levels of lipase and trypsin in pancreatic juice were low, as were the blood levels of amylase. As a complement to these enzymes, they help to eliminate the imbalance.

Essential fatty acids
(AGE) are beneficial fats necessary for many functions of the body, and they are necessary to repair damaged skin cells and keep the skin lubricated. They are found in high concentrations in linseed, evening primrose and fish oils, and in lower concentrations in other oils. These fatty acids help regulate prostaglandins that regulate many processes, including inflammation. Prostaglandins have a lot to do with skin health.  They are not stored in the body, but must be synthesized from essential fatty acids that come from the diet.

A deficiency in essential fatty acids can be devastating to the skin. A deficiency in one of the EFAs, gamma-linolenic acid (GLA) can lead to an imbalance of prostaglandins, which in turn can lead to dry skin, itching and eczema. GLAs are found in evening primrose oil (9%), black currant oil (17%), and borage oil (24%). People with eczema have problems with their digestion of essential fatty acids, so taking these EFAs will be very important in overcoming their eczema.

Evening primrose oil (EPO) offers a beneficial balance of Omega-3 and Omega-6 fatty acids and can alleviate eczema symptoms and help normalize the digestion of essential fatty acids. EPO is also a rich source of gamma-linolenic acid (GLA), an essential fatty acid that is critical for skin health, and helps to moderate inflammation.

GLA has been approved in England for the treatment of eczema. Aging, diet and stress reduce the enzymes that can convert other essential fatty acids to GLA, so the use of supplements will meet the needs of the body. It has been reported that more than half of eczema sufferers improve after taking EPO supplements.

Fish provides many essential fatty acids. Many people with eczema may not be able to metabolize other types of essential fatty acids properly, so taking fish oil supplements or eating cold-water fish may be the best way to obtain these nutrients.

Flaxseed oil provides the body with Omega-3 and Omega-6 fatty acids that help nourish the skin from within. You can also buy the whole flax seeds and grind them and sprinkle them on cereals or salads. Do not use capsules for two reasons: They may have sat on a shelf, without refrigeration, and you will have to take a lot of them to equal the same amount of flaxseed oil in a can. Start by taking one tablespoon a day for two weeks and see if there are any changes.

If there is no change, increase the dose by one tablespoon for the next two to three weeks, and continue to increase the dose by one tablespoon at a time until the desired result occurs. Using flaxseed oil in conjunction with EPO (evening primrose oil), the body is much more likely to convert it into GLA (gamma-linoleic acid) to beneficial prostaglandins, thereby reducing inflammation. Omega-3 fatty acids also inhibit the body’s production of inflammation caused by arachidonic acid found in saturated fats. You can also take flaxseed oil along with regular black seed oil or sesame oil.

Herbs can be helpful in restoring and maintaining skin health , but it must be remembered that the healing process is slow and can take many months. Be patient. Use some of the herbs listed below.

Lubrication of the skin has proven to be very helpful in keeping the skin healthy.  Ayurvedic medicine recommends a full body lubrication with sesame, sunflower or coconut oil once a week. Don’t do this if you are pregnant or have broken skin.

Sesame seed oil provides essential fatty acids to relieve eczema. Three to six drops a day, or a teaspoon of crude oil.

Vitamin C and bioflavonoids are very helpful in controlling eczema. At least 1,000 mg each day.

Vitamins A, D, and We are also essential for good healing and nourishment of fast-healing skin. Vitamins A and E are fat-soluble antioxidants that are essential for fair skin.

Many people are dehydrated and don’t even know it. 
You need to drink eight 8 – glasses of water for adequate hydration. The skin needs water to maintain adequate elasticity, and since it is exposed to the elements, it is the first organ to be affected by a lack of water. Also, the water will help flush out allergens that can cause skin irritation.

Zinc. Many people with eczema have been shown to be deficient in this mineral. Take 50 mg a day. Zinc is also important in fatty acid metabolism, which is why a lack of zinc may be why many eczema sufferers have trouble digesting fatty acids.

Home remedies for atopic dermatitis.

Aloe is very soothing and helps promote skin healing. Use pure aloe cream, gel or juice at least twice a day. Drink one ounce of juice after every meal. This aids digestion and strengthens the lining of the intestines, thereby preventing toxins from re-entering the bloodstream.

Alum. Make an alum wash and apply to the affected area with a cotton ball or a clean cloth.

Amaranth. Make a tea by adding 2 teaspoons of seeds to three cups of boiling water, cover and cook over low heat for five minutes, let it steep for 30 minutes. Use in washes and drink two cups a day.

Apis. It is used to treat rashes and inflammations.

Apple cider vinegar (ACV). Drink 1-2 tablespoons of ACV with each meal. Also, dilute some ACV and apply on the skin. As we mentioned in the causes section above, a deficiency in potassium chloride is a possible cause, and this mineral is contained in apples.

Avocado oil, used for a long period of time, has proven to be very beneficial for treating eczema. This may be because avocado oil is rich in vitamins A, D, and E, all of which help maintain healthy skin. Use this oil either topically, internally, or in salads.

Molasses. Eat one tablespoon daily.

Borage/Frankincense oil. Make a balm by mixing a few drops of frankincense.

essential oil with a little borage oil. This mixture is especially good for dry and hard skin.  You may have to experiment with the mixture to get the right formula for you.

Brewer’s yeast. Heat 2 tablespoons a day.

Burdock root. It stimulates the liver and gallbladder to increase the flow of bile and is indicated for chronic skin diseases with inflammation. Burdock root is probably the most widely used blood purifier, and is therefore beneficial in various skin conditions. Traditional Chinese medicine uses burdock root seeds extensively for dry, itchy, and flaking skin problems. To make a tea, add 4 teaspoons of the root to a liter of boiling water, simmer for 7 minutes, then steep for two hours. Drink at least two cups a day on an empty stomach. It can also be used as a skin wash.

Decoction of burdock/chamomile. Put 1 oz of dried burdock seeds and 1 oz. of dried chamomile flowers in a liter of boiling water, simmer for 10-15 minutes, strain through a gauze or other fine cloth. Use cold. Drink a couple of ounces, four times a day, for two weeks.

Calendula is antibacterial, antifungal, antiviral and anti-inflammatory and is ideal for all types of skin problems. Helps speed wound healing. Buy a calendula cream or make a balm by combining equal parts calendula oil and vegetables.

* Calendula and Vaseline. Melt one tablespoon of petroleum jelly with two tablespoons of calendula petals, strain and store in a clean jar. This is useful if you are not allergic to petroleum jelly.

Cat’s claw helps promote skin healing.

Chamomile is anti-inflammatory. Make a tea and use as a compress. Some people have a reaction to chamomile as it is a member of the ragweed family.

German chamomile essential oil. Make sure you get this product without impurities, as impurities in cheap products can actually cause dermatitis. German chamomile oil is an anti-allergy remedy used in aromatherapy, and it is especially good on allergic eczema patches. It can also be diluted to skin tolerance (use a drop of chamomile essential oil in a teaspoon of cold-pressed almond or olive oil). If you can’t tolerate oil, use a teaspoon of an unscented moisturizing gel or cream.

Mix a little chamomile, lavender and lemon balm in a little carrier oil and massage into the skin.

Chamomile/sage/geranium/lavender essential oils, mix with a carrier oil and massage into the affected area.

Chickweed ointment can be applied to the inflamed area.

Chaparral. This herb has been used successfully by Native American Indians for many diseases. Pour the content of two capsules in a pint of just boiled water, let cool and strain a very fine cloth. Dip a clean cloth in the tea and apply to eczema for 15 minutes twice a day.

Pepino. It has a long history of soothing skin irritations. Put a little cucumber in the blender along with a carrier oil, such as avocado or sesame and apply gently on the affected area and leave it there for up to an hour. You can also rub cucumber juice on your skin to ease inflammation.

Emu oil. Reduces irritation and inflammation. It can be used as the oil of choice for any of our remedies. Emu oil is high in both linoleic and linolenic essential fatty acids.

Feverfew. This feverfew herb has an anti-inflammatory effect by slowing down inflammatory agents called leukotrienes.

Scrofularia. has a disruptive effect on lymph, blood, and skin.

Fish oil
. Apply to skin, cover with flannel and tape.

Garlic. Make a skin ointment by mixing equal parts zinc oxide ointment and lanolin until well mixed, adding an equal number of garlic powder a little bit at a time to prevent sticking. Blend until smooth. Store in a covered jar.

Glycerin/borax. Make a mixture of two ounces of glycerin with one teaspoon of boric acid.

Gold seal. Helps promote skin healing. Also, its mixture with honey and goldenseal can help treat eczema.

Gotu kola, an Ayurvedic herb, stimulates the regeneration of skin cells, and in clinical trials it has been shown to be beneficial in treating eczema.

. This herb promotes healing of the skin.

Jewelweed. Also known as “impatient” and “don’t touch me”, it can be used to stop itching and dry up blisters. Rub the affected area with the leaves of this plant. Clinical studies have shown that this method works as well as cortisone creams. The juice from the stems can also be used, rub gently several times in a day and allow to dry. Excessive lightning, however, can irritate the area. A third variation is to boil the leaves, stems and flowers until the water turns a deep orange color, and clean the affected area or apply as a compress. This method may be easier for large areas

Apply pure lavender essential oil for eczema every night for a month to see results.  Lavender is an aromatherapy oil to heal the skin. Eczema is aggravated by stress and lavender helps relieve stress and reduces itching. Mix a few drops of lavender oil with either almond or olive oil.

Lemon juice. Rub the affected area with freshly squeezed lemon juice. Although this may be itchy at first, it will help the skin heal quickly.

* Mix a tablespoon of lemon juice, 1 tablespoon of honey and a pinch of cayenne pepper in a glass of warm water and drink every morning before breakfast.

Melissa (Melissa officinalis). It has an antihistamine action that helps allergic skin conditions.

Lemon oil. Mix 8 drops of lemon essential oil with a tablespoon of honey and add the mixture to a cup of warm water. Dip a clean cloth into the mixture, wring out the excess, and wrap the affected area. Leave on for 20 minutes. Repeat 2-3 times a day. This will help prevent infection and reduce the urge to scratch. Honey is an anti-inflammatory. After each treatment gently rub some evening primrose oil on the eczema. This will help regenerate the skin.

Calendula. This herb has anti-inflammatory properties. It can be taken internally, or you can make a strong infusion and bathe the affected area. Make a tea by putting 1 oz of flowers in a liter of boiling water; Strain, and take as needed.

Margosa oil. Used in Ayurvedic medicine for centuries, it hydrates and protects the

skin while helping to heal lesions, peeling, and irritation. It also has a cooling effect, and is an effective analgesic and anti-inflammatory agent. It is probably one of the most beneficial treatments for eczema.

Nettle. Take some nettle leaves and make a decoction, boil until a paste remains.

* Make an infusion and drink a cup, once or twice a day or use as a wash.

Oatmeal. Use natural oatmeal soap instead of regular soap. Oatmeal is good for all

types of skin irritations, as it contains soothing substances that help relieve itching. You can also put a cup of oatmeal in your bathroom. Another way to use oatmeal is to make a fine paste and put it on the affected area, let it dry and gently wipe it off. Put a handful of oatmeal on a cloth, wet it completely, and clean.

Oregon grape. Take a dropper three times a day until your relief.

Banana. Crush the leaves and rub on the skin.

Potatoes. Eating raw two a day for several weeks has been very successful in many cases. Be careful, however, if you are allergic to nightshades.

Potato/camphor. Make a poultice of fresh potato and a small amount of camphor.

Red clover is an alternative for the lymphatic system and is useful for eczema. It can be used both orally and topically. It has anti-inflammatory properties.

Roman chamomile. Add this aromatherapy essential oil to your bath water.

Oolong tea. Partially fermented tea has a high concentration of polyphenols which may be the reason for its success in curing eczema. It also has tannins that relieve inflammation.  Drinking 4-5 cups a day for a month should produce a noticeable improvement in your condition. The benefits of drinking oolong tea were reported in the Archives of Dermatology in 2001.

Turmeric is good for any inflammatory skin condition. It can be used as a dry powder, or made into a paste with water or a carrier oil. Turmeric can also be combined with DMSO, which helps the healing properties of the skin.

Vitamin E oil. Apply to affected area.

* Vitamin E oil mixed with goldenseal is good for dry and itchy parts. Vitamin E cream mixed with evening primrose oil is also helpful.

Berro. Eat a few teaspoons a day. Watercress helps purify the blood. Watercress juice can also be applied to the skin.

Witch hazel or witch hazel
. Contains generous amounts of tannins, astringents that help with skin problems. It also promotes blood flow to the damaged area. The German Commission E has approved the use of witch hazel in the treatment of dermatitis. You can put some with a cotton ball or put the witch hazel in a spray bottle and use when necessary.

Yellow dock root. It is used specifically for chronic skin conditions that are moist, oozing, or oily, often accompanied by constipation.

Homeopathic remedies.

Calcarea carbonica 30C for itchy patches on the face and scalp that are slow to get better, but improve in dry weather and get worse when the temperature drops.

Graphites 12C for mild to moderate problems behind the ears or on the scalp.

Psorinum 12C for sore knees and elbows.

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