Home remedies for gestational diabetes

The most important natural treatments for gestational diabetes incorporate vitamin C and D, the use of balanced diets, astragalus, proteins, carbohydrates from whole foods, eliminating sugar consumption, the use of flax seeds, in together with physical exercise.

What is gestational diabetes?

Gestational diabetes is the least common type of diabetes and affects pregnant women, usually in their third trimester, and is characterized by low blood sugar levels, like other forms of diabetes.

Common symptoms of this type of diabetes.

The symptoms of gestational diabetes can usually be very mild, but they can still cause a number of problems for both mother and child, for this reason it must be treated with great care. Although symptoms usually disappear after pregnancy, a person’s risk of developing type 2 diabetes in the future still increases.

The cause of diabetes, including gestational diabetes, is the incorrect function of insulin receptors, which causes elevated blood sugar levels and blood sugar plunges, which can be very uncomfortable, and even fatal in serious situations. The children whose mother suffers from gestational diabetes and carries no treatment, are often more likely to develop childhood obesity and are likely candidates for diabetes, jaundice or other health problems.

As with other forms of diabetes, there is no formal cure for gestational diabetes, mere  treatment options like a GI diet, exercise, or insulin therapy. However, due to the complications of having a baby in the womb, many people start to turn away from insulin therapy and instead choose natural or herbal remedies to treat gestational diabetes.

Natural treatments for gestational diabetes.

These remedies can be used either alone or in combination with other more traditional methods of gestational diabetes treatment. Below are some of the most popular and effective home remedies for gestational diabetes.

The exercise:

As with other forms of diabetes, regular exercise can help prevent a sedentary lifestyle and unhealthy weight gain. Obviously, during pregnancy, normal weight gain is expected, but it can certainly be managed in a healthy way. Aim for regular thirty-minute periods of exercise at least twice a day and your heart will receive a higher heart rate, stimulate metabolism and prevent the development of gestational diabetes.

Obviously, running and other strenuous exercises are not recommended, but swimming, training with stationary machines, and any type of light cardiovascular exercise (even walking around the block a couple of times a day) will help prevent or minimize symptoms of gestational diabetes.

Subsistence allowance:

The various types of diabetes have a common problem and it is the mistake of eating at different times, which will make your body unable to get used to a nutritional rhythm, which will not allow you to have a correct control of blood sugar levels. This uncontrolled diet can spoil the body’s natural metabolic activity and negatively affect the functionality of insulin receptors.

One way to start with the treatment or prevention of gestational diabetes is to follow a controlled diet with meal times. Experts actually recommend eating small meals every two hours to get your body used to regular treatment and nutrient absorption, helping to avoid the blood sugar peaks and valleys that characterize diabetes.

High fiber diet:

The most appropriate advice for the management and treatment of diabetes is to increase your fiber intake. Fiber can stimulate the activity of insulin receptors and can also inhibit the release of excess insulin into the bloodstream, which helps balance insulin levels and prevent the onset of diabetes.

Fiber should be part of your diet in pregnancy, due to its important digestive and cardiovascular effects, but its specific relationship with insulin receptors makes it crucial.  There are various types of fibers such as linseed that are readily available today. The whole grains are some of the best sources of dietary fiber that can improve your chances of avoiding gestational diabetes.

Vitamin D:

The vitamin D is vital as it makes a very significant number of processes in the body, including the efficient absorption of essential vitamins and nutrients, including calcium, phosphate, iron and magnesium. Due to the increased absorption of nutrients in the intestine from foods such as salmon, mushrooms, or tofu, which are rich in vitamin D, you can get an effective and constant dose of these nutrients throughout the day. Vitamin D also helps streamline the growth of beneficial bacteria in the gut, which is essential for a healthy pregnancy.

Vitamin C:

Unlike vitamin D, vitamin C receives a lot of attention from medical professionals and the general public. However, that doesn’t mean that pregnant women get enough of it, but they should. The vitamin C deficiency has been directly related to gestational diabetes. Research has shown that in women with gestational diabetes, those who increased their intake of vitamin C were much less likely to experience severe symptoms and were less likely to develop type 2 diabetes later in life.

Eliminate sugar from the diet:

Diabetes is related to a diet full of sugars and also to obesity, since the disease is directly related to insulin receptors. Therefore, an effective way to avoid gestational diabetes is to eliminate sugar from your diet completely. There are plenty of alternatives when you are living in a sugar-free world, including things like stevia for example, which is one of the natural sweeteners with more complex sugars than the body needs, rather than simple sugars. exacerbate or cause gestational diabetes.


Research on natural herbal remedies for gestational diabetes has shown that Astragalus has very strong and beneficial effects. Research has revealed that women who take Astragalus in conjunction with their traditional treatments to treat this form of diabetes, demonstrate significant control of blood sugar and have much milder symptoms of gestational diabetes. However, due to the fact that herbs can have complex side effects, it is important to speak with a medical professional before adding any herbs to your regular diet, particularly during the delicate period of pregnancy.

Whole food carbohydrates:

You need to understand that not all carbohydrates are the same. Complex carbohydrates are broken down into more valuable forms of sugar that are harder to digest and have less of an impact on insulin fluctuations in your body. Therefore, if you are pregnant or have already developed gestational diabetes, eliminating simple carbohydrates could help prevent or treat the condition.


One of the important functions of protein in our diet is to help break down carbohydrates into more manageable and useful molecules. Therefore, if you are following the recommendation to eat several small meals throughout the day, try to always pair carbohydrates with proteins. This will facilitate the digestive process and regulate your metabolism only to release or use the necessary amounts of insulin. Protein is vital for development and growth, essential for the development of the fetus.

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