Homemade recipes to heal the gut

Our digestion and the health of the gut determines the health of every cell in our body.  Strong and efficient digestion equals great energy, glowing skin, deep sleep, and good mood. Poor digestion leads to low energy, pimples on the skin, insomnia, mood swings.

Homemade recipes to heal the intestine.

While many aspects come into play in healing and optimizing digestion, food is one of the most essential pieces. Here are three recipes if you want to restore your gut.

1. Tea for a swollen belly.

This simple tea works well for a bloated belly and improves bowel function. It can be taken once or twice a day before lunch and dinner. It is best to drink this tea half an hour before meals.

Add 1/2 tsp. each of coriander seeds, cumin seeds and fennel seeds in 4 cups of water.  Bring to a boil, let stand, strain and drink. In the summer, add fresh mint and lemon juice.

Coriander, cumin, fennel tea is refreshing and calming for the mind, digestion and urinary tract. These three cooking spices are balanced for all seasons and body types.

2. Green soup for a happy belly.

This soup can be a side dish for breakfast, lunch, or dinner. It is good in all seasons, only change for some seasonal vegetables and spices. Once you have found the best way to prepare it, you will be able to create your favorite variants. Make it lighter or thicker, depending on your preference. Feel free to add hemp seeds, avocado, almonds, or coconut milk for a richer variation. It’s fast, simple, and belly-friendly. Serve with sprouts toasts, eggs, quinoa, or on the side of a salmon dish. Many variations are possible.


For 4 people.

  • 1 tbsp. olive oil or clarified butter (Ghee) You can learn how to make Ghee.
  • 2 garlic cloves, minced.
  • 1-inch fresh ginger, peeled and minced.
  • 4 cups fresh zucchini (you can use broccoli, cauliflower, or any seasonal vegetable).
  • 1/2 kilo of fresh spinach leaves (you can use any green leafy vegetable: arugula, kale, chard).
  • A handful of fresh cilantros, minced.
  • 4 cups of water or non-dairy milk (vegetable).
  • 2 tsp. curry powder or dosha which is a mixture of spices.
  • Sea salt, fresh lemon juice and pepper to taste.
  • Optional: add hemp seeds.

To accompany:
Flaxseed cookies, quinoa salad, or whole grain bread.

Recipe preparation.

Heat the olive oil in a large pot over medium heat. Add the garlic and minced ginger, shake, until transparent. Add the curry powder or your dosha mix, and salt to taste. Cook for 1 minute. Add the zucchini and stir to mix well. Add enough water to cover the zucchini; bring to a boil and simmer for 10 minutes, or until zucchini is soft.

Using a blender or food processor, grind the zucchini mixture with the spinach, cilantro, water or non-dairy milk, and hemp seeds. Add more hot water if the soup is too thick. Transfer back to the pot and bring to a simmer and season with black pepper and a few drops of lemon juice.

3. Yellow Lentil and Pumpkin Soup to improve the intestine.

It is a perfectly smooth and aromatic food.


  • 2 tbsp. olive oil or clarified butter.
  • Half a red onion, minced.
  • 2 garlic cloves, minced.
  • 1 inch ginger, peeled and minced.
  • 1/2 tsp. each, turmeric, cumin, ground coriander, garam masala (spice mix).
  • 1 bay leaf.
  • 1-1 / 2 cups red lentils, (soaked overnight).
  • 1/2 pumpkin/zucchini/zucchini, peeled, seeded and minced.
  • 5 cups of water with 1 tsp. sea ​​salt.

Way to do it.

In a large pot, heat the oil and add the onion, garlic and ginger. Let it cook until it is half softened and half brown.

Add the spices and bay leaf, stirring. Add the lentils, squash, and 5 cups of water and stir over high heat until boiling. Scoop off any foam that rises. Lower the heat to medium-low, cover, and simmer for 25 minutes.

When the squash is soft and the lentils are fully cooked (about 20-25 minutes), remove the bay leaf and puree the soup until silky smooth, or leave as is. Serve in soup bowls. Add hemp seeds, chopped fresh cilantro, or stir in fresh spinach leaves. Makes 4 servings.

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