Soy isoflavones – the hormonal balancer

Isoflavones are in the group of phytochemicals and are also commonly known as phytoestrogens or “plant estrogens” due to their similar structure to the female sex hormone estrogen. Isoflavones are so-called polyphenolic compounds and are found in high concentrations in various plants such as soybeans, red clover or legumes. Today, weak estrogens, such as isoflavones, are

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Primary biliary cirrhosis: symptoms, causes and risks

Normally, the liver produces a substance known as bile, which is necessary for the proper digestion and absorption of fats. Bile is transported through the intrahepatic and extrahepatic bile ducts to the gallbladder to be stored and subsequently excreted. There is a disease in which autoantibodies are produced that abide by the intrahepatic bile ducts

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How to cure sinus infection with apple cider vinegar

Apple cider vinegar has a myriad of uses in and outside the kitchen. This common ingredient provides numerous health benefits, including relief from persistent and frustrating sinus infection. Sinus infections are often the result of a specific type of virus, and they can remain, even if your symptoms are treated. Such inflammation of the lining of the sinuses causes pain,

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