The benefits of practicing Tai Chi

“Use the mind to direct the chi and the chi to mobilize the body.”

Brief history of Tai Chi.

Tai chi chuan literally means “final supreme fist.” It is a Chinese martial art that is often practiced these days to promote health and improve agility. There are many accounts of the way tai chi chuan was created by the Taoist master Chang San-Feng during the Sung dynasty (960-1279 AD). The most common of these stories tells how Master Chang once saw a crane fighting a snake and mimicked the slow, coiled movements of its movement.
Its initial form consisted of only thirteen postures, corresponding to the eight trigrams of the I Ching and the five elements of nature (metal, wood, water, fire and earth).

These days there are many new styles and hybrid styles of tai chi, but each of them can be traced back to Master Chang. Over the past twenty years, tai chi has become very popular in the Western world and in contemporary times this slow-moving exercise is used for relaxation, meditation, and health, as well as self-defense.

Benefits of practicing Tai Chi.

Positional Tai Chi the importance of moving slowly through a form in order to improve connectivity and fluidity of movements. All movement starts in the spine, goes to the waist and moves up the legs to the feet and up simultaneously through the arms, hands and fingers. Breathing should always be focused on your tent or center of energy and your knees slightly bent throughout the form to allow for maximum flexibility and balance.

Once you have learned the form, while you are practicing tai chi, your mind should be clear and empty of thoughts, sounds, or images.

“Through this practice you learn to relax your mind and body so that internal pressure is replaced with inner peace.”

As you practice tai chi, you should be aware of feeling the straightness of your spine and the energy or chi flowing through the center of your body and the balance and weight shift as you go through the movements.

Tai Chi functions.

Tai chi has a number of health benefits. These include:

– Lower risk of falling.
– Improved mobility.
– Greater flexibility.
– Improved circulation.
– Better cardiovascular health.
– Reduced risk of high blood pressure and heart disease.
– Better sleep.
– Improved posture.
– Reduced pain.

A typical Tai Chi lesson.

A typical tai chi lesson usually lasts about an hour and a half and consumes about 260 calories. The session may include some or all of the following:

Tai chi warm-up exercises Tai chi.
Dance Tai chi.
Partner exercises.
Tai chi yoga.


There are a few things to consider before and after starting tai chi classes. These are:

Always start learning tai chi in class rather than on a DVD or video. Although you can try to follow the movements in the video correctly, you will not have the benefit of a personal instructor who can physically show you the movements and help correct them. This can prevent you from hurting yourself and learning incorrectly. Make sure the teacher has the appropriate certification and experience. Always warm up before a tai chi class and cool down after one. Always take your time and don’t try to push yourself too hard, to avoid forcing yourself.

These were some of the benefits of practicing tai chi.

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