Why does my hair fall out so much?

It is possible that an excess of heat elements is the cause of hair loss. Likewise, an unbalanced or nutrient-poor diet can also help it.

Hair is falling out and renewing daily. But sometimes its fall may be indicating a health problem.

Every day we lose between 50 and 100 hairs and it is absolutely normal. There is hair in different phases: some are growing, others stabilized and others have to fall. Although hair loss can also be a reaction to the time of year we are in hair loss

Some causes of hair loss

Although there are many causes that can be behind hair loss, some may be due to specific problems such as:

  • Plugged follicles
  • Abrasive shampoo
  • Bad nutrition
  • Hormonal changes
  • Some medications
  • Lack of iron
  • Thyroid problems

Stress and hair loss

It is important to mention stress in a special way as a cause of hair loss, since it has become a fairly frequent problem. Although stress does not cause permanent damage to the hair follicles, it does weaken them and leads to a temporary fall.

Controlling stress through relaxation techniques reduces its effects. Also, once it is diminished, the hair can regain its normal growth rate. 

Hair loss due to poor diet

Poor nutrition, either due to lack of vitamins or restrictive regimes, causes hair to appear dull and weak.

It has a lot to do with stress and the unstable situation we live in, which raises insulin levels. Thus, we are more attracted to sugar-rich foods, such as sweet carbohydrates, with a high glycemic index.

These foods create harmful cellular inflammation for the body.  A good way to stop its fall  is to include vegetables and fruits in our daily routine.

Recommended foods to stop the fall

The most important nutritional elements are vitamins and minerals such as:

  • Vitamin A: We find it in liver, butter, eggs and cheese.
  • Vitamins of group B: Rice, wheat, oats, lentils, walnuts, wheat germ.
  • Vitamin C: All citrus fruits especially oranges, lemons, grapefruits, as well as kiwi and spinach.
  • Iron: We find it in clams, oysters, lentils, chickpeas and liver.
  • Zinc: found in high concentration in celery, asparagus, wheat germ, chickpeas, and liver.

Daily neglect and mistreatment that promote hair loss

In this case, traction alopecia could be named. This is caused by the abuse of very tight ponytails and the use of garters and pliers with a lot of pressure.

This problem consists of hair loss, as a result of subjecting it to excessive tension on a continuous basis. In most cases, alopecia is reversible, but over time it can become permanent.

  • It is advisable to wear your hair down and, if not, cut it according to your comfort.

Another possible abuse is found in treatments that involve the use of excessive heat. Cream or color baths or using a hot air dryer is very harmful to the hair bulb of the hair follicle. Its consequence is the weakening and, later, the fall.

  • It is important to use natural products, without chemicals, parabens, salt, ammonia.
  • Natural products will leave your hair healthy and natural, without causing allergies or diseases on your scalp.
  • You can also prepare homemade products to strengthen your hair.

Perms and hair dyes or colorings, like shampoo, are abrasive and highly invasive to the hair.

The use of plastic combs and stiff artificial bristle brushes can be very damaging to the scalp. Brushes with natural bristles are recommended, which do not damage it.

Worrying red flags

Special attention should be paid if we perceive any of these signals. Likewise, we must go to the dermatologist to obtain a diagnosis if:

  • Hair loss is excessive and sustained over time.
  • After 2 to 4 months the density of the hair has decreased.
  • The hair is thinner and weaker.

Other signs to watch out for include:

  • You begin to lose hair on your eyebrows or eyelashes.
  • The fall leaves circular bald spots in different areas of the scalp.
  • There is itching in the area of ​​less density.
  • Inflammation or redness occurs in the area where hair is being lost.

Washing your hair every day does not cause further loss, as they say.

Likewise, if we do not maintain proper hygiene in our scalp, we will be favoring the deterioration of our capillary health.

Effective treatments to stop hair loss

  • Hair mesotherapy: treats alopecia from its first symptoms and micro grafts can be used in depopulated areas as with natural and scar-free definitive results.
  • Anti-hair loss products: they can lengthen the growth phase and delay resting and falling.

Taking into account all the necessary care on the diet, how we handle the hair and what products we apply, our hair will look strong and vigorous. Put these simple tips into practice and enjoy your hair.

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