10 healing foods that you can grow in your home

Nature has always offered us natural solutions not only to prevent, but to be able to treat a large series of health problems. Medicinal plants and healing foods can even be grown at home, and this can be a blessing.

Why waste gas running to the drugstore for “pepto” when you can “pluck” relief from your window herb garden?
In addition to adding another dimension to your kitchen, freshly harvested herbs can soothe dozens of common health problems, and it is possible to grow a wide variety of home remedies in a couple of pots in a sunny location.

Look for seedlings of these plants and herbs at any garden store, or if you are really ambitious, buy a packet of seeds and try to sprout them on your own.

10 healing foods that you can grow in your home.

Aloe Vera Crécela: Pots placed in full sun. Water well.
Uses: Take out the thick leaves and apply the gel from its leaf on the skin to relieve sunburn. “It’s 96 percent water and 4 percent active ingredients, including amino acids and enzymes that nourish damaged skin.”

Crécelain Basil: This sweet and fragrant herb is ideal for growing in pots. Remove the white flowers as soon as they appear to prevent seeds from spreading and the herbs from tasting bitter.
Uses: Rub crushed leaves on the temple to relieve headaches. Pour boiling water over the basil leaves for a foot bath to ease the pain.

Crécela  Lavender: This sun-loving plant has good drainage. Use a small pot filled with gravel and a light soil.
Uses: It has antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties. Crush a handful of the heads and add to a bowl of boiling water to use as a steam bath for the face.

Crécela: Put it in a pot or it will colonize your garden.
Uses: Use it to cure and prevent cold sores. Also, rub the leaves directly on the skin as a natural insect repellent or to soothe bites. It is also effective for physical problems of a nervous nature, stress, anguish, insomnia. (Infusion of one tablespoon per glass of water for 15 minutes. 3 or 4 glasses a day between meals).

Crécela Mint: In a deep pot, as it grows vigorously.
Uses: Ideal for the treatment of butterflies in the stomach (nerves in the stomach). Drink tea made with fresh peppermint leaves to relieve stomach aches, nausea, and flatulence.  For a natural decongestant, place a handful of mint leaves in a bowl and cover with boiling water. Lean over it, place a towel over your head, and breathe in the steam.

Crécelo Parsley: grows in a pot in the sun as long as the soil is kept moist. Feed with organic fertilizer.
Uses: Strengthens the immune system. Eat a tablespoon of chopped smooth or curly leaf parsley daily. Chewing parsley neutralizes odors in your mouth.

Crécelo: This perennial loves the sun in a pot.
Uses: Tea made from a thumb-sized chunk has been known to lift spirits in people suffering from seasonal affective disorder (SAD) and hangovers, studies have also shown that it is good for memory. Infuse tintotibio wine with rosemary, cinnamon, and cloves to soothe winter colds.

Crécela: Needs full sun and dry sandy soil. Salvia means “to be in good health.”
Uses: Gargle with a broth made from a quarter cup of the leaves (and refrigerate it) to soothe a sore throat. Useful in the treatment of urinary retention and cystitis. It is used externally in mouthwashes, this to control gingivitis or pharyngitis. Do not use if you suffer from kidney failure or neurovegetative instability. It also has a certain abortive capacity and estrogenic action.

Crécelo: Plant in dry light soil. It needs sun.
Uses: A powerful antioxidant and antiseptic. Drink lemon thyme tea to treat colds before bed. It is indicated for conditions such as pressure ulcers. It is advisable to take a cup of the infusion after each meal, as it not only benefits the digestive functions, but also has great virtues as a general tonic. If taken on an empty stomach, it usually eliminates intestinal parasites. Warning: Don’t use thyme during pregnancy.

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