10 Uses of lemon in beauty treatments

Lemon accompanies us all year round because it is an all-terrain citrus. We use it both culinary and to help us eliminate bad odors.

But in addition, the uses of lemon for its citric acid content are the perfect complement that helps us maintain a natural beauty because it has many beneficial properties for the dermis, helping to keep it clean and luminous and acting as an exfoliant to eliminate dead cells So it is a very important beauty treatment.

The uses of lemon for beauty treatments

So, you are sure to fall even more in love with lemon yellow, thanks to these 10 uses of lemon in beauty treatments that we list today.

1- Mask to remove impurities from the skin of the face

Lemon, due to its astringent and cleansing property, keeps pimples and blackheads on the face at bay, helping to close pores. To make it, just mix a few drops of lemon with an egg white and apply it to the skin of the face for 20 minutes.

2- Lemon uses as a tonic against oily skin

The areas of the face most prone to fat accumulation are the forehead, nose and chin, so it is there where we will apply a cotton ball moistened in lemon juice and proceed to gently clean those areas. Do not expose yourself to sunlight without first washing your face well with water and it is recommended that you do this treatment at night.

3- Purifying treatment

To have shiny skin and to regain its luminosity, we will add half a cup of natural lemon juice to the bath water, remaining in it for about 20 minutes to treat all the skin of the body.

4- Treatment for strong nails

Having shiny nails and forgetting about brittle nails is possible thanks to the use of lemon. You simply have to introduce your nails to the cuticle for ten minutes in a container with two tablespoons of squeezed lemon and six of olive oil. Afterward, brush them with a brush moistened with a mixture of equal parts white vinegar and warm water. To finish, rinse them well with warm water.

5- Reduce stains on the skin of the hands

If your hands have spots either due to age or some other problem, you can use lemon to treat them. You should rub your hands with a lemon several times a day and rinse them well.

6- Dandruff-free scalp

It is as simple as rubbing your hair with lemon juice before washing it by letting the citric acid act on your hair before proceeding to wash your hair normally. The uses of lemon are also very effective to treat dandruff problems that can often cause the natural beauty of hair to look skewed.

7- Hair full of shine

The uses of lemon extend to the treatment for shinier hair. We will squeeze two lemons and put the juice in a bottle of water. We will use it to rinse the hair after normal washing.

8- Elbows without roughness

It is enough to cut a lemon in half and rub the rough elbows and where you feel rough three times a day letting the acidity of its juice act for approximately ten minutes. Then we will rinse them with soap and plenty of water.

9- Nice knees

We will mix fine salt with squeezed lemon and apply the mixture on the knees, massaging the area before each shower. The use of lemon in this case returns to the knees their natural beauty, removing the rough edges. Also, the use of natural peels is recommended to further improve the appearance of your legs.

10- Uses of lemon to reduce the appearance of varicose veins

Lemon helps reduce the appearance of varicose veins if we apply its juice and rub three times a day (morning, afternoon and night) in the area where varicose veins appear.

Keep in mind that it is not advisable to expose the skin to direct exposure to the sun after doing a beauty treatment with lemon as it increases the sensitivity of the skin to the sun’s rays. In addition, beauty treatments based on this citrus rich in vitamin C should be used in moderation so as not to damage our skin. Likewise, you should bear in mind that there are skins more sensitive than others to lemon due to its citric acid content, so you may have to dilute its juice in some water to reduce its concentration.

When you buy lemons, you must pay close attention to their external appearance, that they do not present spots and that their skin is smooth and without wrinkles. The absence of all this is a sign that denotes the freshness of the fruit and shows that it maintains its texture and flavor characteristics intact and, above all, that it still has all its vitamins and nutrients.

In addition, if you want to keep the lemons as fresh as the day of purchase, you just have to put them in the refrigerator in a plastic bag.

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