12 simple folk remedies for flatulence

There are simple remedies for flatulence or intestinal gas, and many of them you can put into practice in your own home, but the main way to avoid flatulence is to learn to eat properly.

An adult produces daily two gallons of flatus or intestinal gas which is expelled, one part, through the rectum and the other is reabsorbed by the body.

Flatulence is the abnormal excess of this gas that, sometimes, is accompanied by abdominal bloating and pain caused by the gas that has been trapped in the folds of the colon.

The most common causes of flatulence

  • Lactose intolerance
  • The consumption of some foods such as beans (beans, kidney beans, broad beans, beans), beer (dark), bran, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cabbage, carbonated soft drinks, cauliflower, onions and milk among others which have a tendency to generate gas
  • The constipation
  • Overeating, which causes food that has not been fully digested to turn into gas, which generates flatulence.
  • Improper chewing of food, as difficult-to-digest pieces of food take longer to ferment.
  • Eating with your mouth open allows excess air to enter, like chewing gum, smoking and drinking carbonated soft drinks also favors flatulence.
  • Taking baking soda for indigestion can increase the amount of flatus
  • The anxiety and stress
  • the allergies
  • Some medications such as laxatives, cholesterol lowers, and tranquilizers can promote or increase flatulence.

Folk remedies for flatulence

Consume papaya and fresh pineapple, as they contain enzymes that help complete digestion and prevent the formation of gases that cause flatulence.

Food to avoid flatulence

  1. Remove the gas from the beans with a teaspoon of powdered ginger that should be added to the cold water that covers the dried beans. It is brought to a boil and then left to rest for an hour, strained, rinsed and then the beans are cooked with fresh water.
  2. At each meal, sip diluted lemon juice or a mixture of two teaspoons of apple cider vinegar and two of honey in a glass of water.
  3. Take two mustard seeds with a glass of water before breakfast and then increase the number of seeds until reaching 12 per hour. When the gases are under control, the number of seeds can be gradually reduced to take one or two a day.

How to relieve flatulence

  1. To relieve an attack of pain caused by flatulence, the abdomen should be covered with a hot water bottle.
  2. Apply a towel soaked in a mixture of hot water and brandy with a pinch of salt to the abdomen. This remedy also relieves stomach pain caused by gas.

Infusions to calm intestinal gas

  1. Drink herbal teas like cardamom, chamomile, cinnamon or cloves that stimulate digestion, reduce bacteria that cause putrefaction and improve intestinal mobility.
  2. Take, after the meal, a cup of an infusion made with a liter of boiling water over 10 grams of fennel seeds.
  3. Place 1 teaspoon of oregano and lemon verbena in a cup of boiling water. Cover and let it sit for about 6 minutes. Take after meals and it is not necessary to add any sweetener, as the taste is very pleasant.
  4. Boil a bunch of celery in half a liter of water for 5 minutes. Take 1 cup of this preparation before each meal.
  5. Boil a handful of thyme in half a liter of water for 5 minutes. Drink 1 cup daily. If you want, you can add 1 teaspoon of honey.
  6. Take half a cup of aloe vera or aloe vera juice if, in addition to gas, you have abdominal pain caused by flatulence.

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