Baking soda foot bath to heal corns

Are you dealing with unsightly and painful calluses on your feet and toes? Would you like to get rid of them completely naturally and at home? All you need is some baking soda and milk to make a refreshing and healing baking soda foot bath.

The effort of your feet throughout your life

Imagine all the heavy lifting and abuse your feet have had to endure throughout your life. These support at least 120 percent of your body weight while standing, and they transport you to most of the places you need to go. Statistics say that if you live to be 80, you’ve probably walked at least 170,000 kilometers in your life.

If you do the math, that means your feet will have moved you around the earth’s equator five times. It’s no wonder your humble feet and fingers develop painful conditions like calluses, bunions, and corns. How can you cope with these terrible ailments?

The anatomy of your feet

Your foot can seem very basic if we only look at the heel, ankle, arch and toes. However, these make up a complicated part of the body that contains 100 muscles combined with ligaments, tendons, 30 joints, and 26 bones. Additionally, the five toes on each foot help with balance and mobility.

Did you know that the skin on the soles of your feet is the thickest on your body? It has no sebaceous glands or hair follicles. However, your feet have the highest concentration of sweat glands in your body to keep them cool as you walk. As you get older and after years of walking, your soles tend to get thicker.

Callus formation

Like other skin areas on your body, your foot is constantly shedding dead skin cells and replacing them. Since the soles of the feet do not have sebaceous glands, they can often become dry, itchy and painful cracks can occur. Since feet can sweat a lot, they are prone to fungal and bacterial infections unless they are kept clean and dry.

Your skin has a unique way of defending itself, especially on your feet. When a section of skin is continually rubbed and irritated, it produces additional skin cells to create a rigid protective barrier. And this is what is commonly called corns.

Why are your feet more prone to developing calluses? Consider the shoes you wear as the answer to this question. If you wear tight-fitting shoes that squeeze and rub, it’s no wonder you develop painful calluses. If you walk a lot and don’t keep your feet moisturized, you may also notice more calluses than usual.

Treat corns properly with a baking soda foot bath

Corns are layers of dead skin that cannot be felt and build up to protect living skin. However, they often put pressure on the underlying skin, causing pain and irritation. These can form in any area where there is pressure when walking, specifically on the heels, balls of the feet, and sides of the toes.

Having calluses is very normal, and at least 5 percent of Americans develop them each year. Corns can usually be treated with home remedies such as a baking soda foot bath. Pampering yourself a little every now and then and taking proper care of your toes can save you a visit to the podiatrist.

Of course, prevention is the key to keeping your feet healthy. Wear shoes that fit your size well and take extra care when walking barefoot, especially on hot surfaces or in water. Apply moisturizer regularly and gently remove unwanted calluses with a baking soda foot bath.

Baking soda: one of the best natural remedies

Baking soda can be found in its natural form and can also be manufactured. It is a compound found in a salt called nacolite. The leavening properties of baking soda were discovered in 18th century France by a chemist named Nicholas LeBlanc.

It wasn’t until later in the 19th century that baking soda was made in the United States and used extensively in cooking, baking, and medicinal purposes. Scientists later discovered that it has antimicrobial and antifungal properties, making it an effective natural cleaner and disinfectant.

How to use baking soda at home

Who could imagine that that box of baking soda in your pantry could have so many uses? Not only is baking soda a staple ingredient for baked goods, but you can put a box in your fridge and freezer to eliminate odors.

It is also a mild abrasive that makes it perfect for cleaning surfaces in your home without scratching them. Here are some other wonderful uses for baking soda.

1. Natural toothpaste

Did you know that many of the products you use for your personal care contain sodium bicarbonate? For years, people used it to brush their teeth and freshen their breath, which is why it can commonly be found in commercial toothpaste. It fights the germs that cause cavities and gently whiten the teeth without damaging the enamel.

2. Relieves heartburn and indigestion

When your grandparents suffered from heartburn, they probably mixed a teaspoon of baking soda in a glass of water and drank it for instant relief. Baking soda is a salt that quickly neutralizes acid, which is why you’ll often find it as the main ingredient in tablets and liquid heartburn remedies.

3. It is an effective treatment for the skin

Baking soda is an inexpensive ingredient that you can add to your homemade skincare routine. If you have acne, you can dilute some baking soda and use it to treat these blemishes. Its mild abrasives can gently exfoliate dead skin cells that clog pores. It can also absorb excess oil from the skin that contributes to acne.

4. Feminine hygiene

Baking soda can be a woman’s best friend. To use it you can add a couple of tablespoons in your tub and take a healing bath for feminine hygiene. This helps destroy harmful bacteria that cause itching and odor and supports the natural female flora.

Baking soda is an antifungal that can relieve and cure yeast infections. Some alternative health care providers recommend baking soda vaginal suppositories to their patients who have chronic yeast infections. It works just as well or even better than many commercial varieties.

5. Milk baths

According to Ancient Egyptian records, the legendary queen of the Nile, Cleopatra, regularly bathed in hot tubs of milk for her personal care. Throughout history, others followed Cleopatra’s example and found that milk baths made their skin soft and supple. When you add milk to a foot bath with baking soda, your feet will get double the benefits.

The lactic acid found in milk acts as a gentle exfoliator, softening rough calluses and dead skin on your feet. It is also an effective way to hydrate yourself for smooth feet that are soft to the touch. Milk is a cosmetic secret that the iconic beauty of this historical figure shares with us.

How to Make and Use a Baking Soda Foot Bath

Baking soda is a mild base that most people can safely use on their skin. However, you should always dilute this compound with water and never rub it into your skin undiluted. For safety, apply some of the diluted solution to a small section of your skin to see if you have an allergic reaction.

1. Foot bath with baking soda and milk

You will never tire of these baking soda foot baths for all their benefits. However, limit the use of these baths to a couple of times a week to avoid skin irritation. Make sure to use baking soda and not sodium carbonate in this solution.

What you need:

A plastic or metal container large enough to comfortably soak your feet

Enough lukewarm water to fill the container at least ¾ of its capacity.

1 cup of warm milk or ½ cup of powdered milk

3 tablespoons baking soda


Mix all the ingredients in the foot sink until the baking soda dissolves. Place both feet in the mixture and let them soak for at least 20 minutes.

Use a clean, soft towel to thoroughly dry your feet, especially between the toes. Apply a moisturizer to both feet and put on a clean pair of cotton socks. Sleep with your socks on at night for optimal benefits.

2. Treat calluses with a baking soda foot bath

After your first baking soda foot bath, you will notice that your calluses are softer and less painful. Smaller corns can often be gently peeled off with fingernails. Larger and thicker corns may take a little longer to soften enough to be removed. When your feet are dry after a good soak, you can use a fine pumice stone to gently sand away dry spots and calluses. Follow with a soothing moisturizer, such as organic shea butter or coconut oil. Never use a razor blade to cut a corn as you could damage the living skin and cause an infection.

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