Home remedies for laxation

In this article we are going to show some tips for all those people who suffer from constipation problems and how to apply these home remedies for laxation. On the one hand, we are going to learn to prevent it and on the other to offer the best home treatments that exist to evacuate or laxation. Although they are totally natural remedies, we must be careful to apply them to people with certain types of diseases and their use is not recommended in children.

Prevention of constipation

There are a series of habits that we can adopt to prevent constipation and that in general are going to be very beneficial for our body. Among them we have to highlight:

  1. A diet based on fiber and rich in fruits and vegetables.
    2. Consume at least 8 glasses of water every day.
    3. Avoid red meats, especially spicy foods and those with a large amount of caffeine or theine, such as coffee and tea.
    4. In no case should we trust the artificial laxatives that are marketed, since in addition to presenting cases of dependency they can negatively alter our intestinal flora.
    5. If we are medicating ourselves for treatment with antihistamines, diuretics or antidepressants, we must carefully review the contraindications, since in some cases they can cause constipation.
    6. If you feel like going to the bathroom, don’t wait a second, since holding the evacuation is not going to help you at all. And it’s not good to try too hard either, as pushing too hard can cause hemorrhoid problems to appear.
    7. A moderate physical activity is highly recommended, especially if it is done after lunch. In this sense, walking at a good pace for half an hour after eating is ideal.

Home remedies for laxation

  1. Apple
    juice Apple juice is one of the best natural laxatives out there. The way of preparation is very simple, we just have to mix half a cup of juice with another half of olive oil and drink it before going to bed.
  2. Dried
    plums Plums and other similar fruits are excellent to combat constipation and use as home remedies for laxation. To increase its effectiveness, we recommend that you put half a dozen dried plums in a glass with boiling water, cover it with a cloth and leave them to hydrate overnight. The next morning, we add a teaspoon of honey, we drink the liquid and eat the plums.
  3. Aloe Vera
    For this remedy we have to boil a liter of water and wait for it to cool. Once this is done, we transfer it to a glass bottle with a lid. On the other hand, we are going to wash a few aloes leaves very well, peel them and pour the peel into the container along with the water. It only remains to put it in the refrigerator so that it is very cold and drink a couple of cups a day for at least a week.

This remedy is very powerful, but we can control the laxative effect by using more or less leaves of aloe vera. Specialists advise us to be very careful and avoid its use in pregnant women, children and in general in people with very delicate health.

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