How to balance the pH of the body with lemon and pineapple

Do you know that there is a relationship between the pH of our body and numerous diseases? Health-conscious people sometimes try to keep the value of it higher than normal.

Low pH increases risk of disease

Having a pH value lower than what is considered healthy is quite common in the world we live in today. Having an acidic pH is very easy. Being alkaline, on the other hand, requires a proper healthy diet , which can also be easily achieved, as we have mentioned.

If you are familiar with the topic of pH balance in the human body, then you probably know that having faulty regulation can lead to some serious health problems and consequences. Our body enzymes require a very specific pH value in order for them to function properly.

Any increase or decrease in the value of this measure can lead to inadequate enzyme work which, in turn, leads to the arrest of some important metabolic processes. Having a low pH value increases your risk of heart disease, arthritis, cancer, and osteoporosis.

How to balance the pH of the body with lemon and pineapple

Fortunately, there are ways to balance it through diet, and this time we recommend a way that, in addition to being tasty on the palate, is very healthy and effective if you are in the task of looking for ways to keep your pH levels in optimal condition. It’s about incorporating pineapple and lemon into your diet. Do you want to know how to use it? Read on and take note.

Natural acidic foods are alkaline

One important thing to know about alkalizing is that when consuming acidic (natural – not processed) foods, the minerals in the food are what count, not the initial acidity of the actual food.

For a pH balance, try consuming pineapple and lemon juice

These juices can be very helpful when it comes to achieving the perfect pH balance in a healthier way. If you want to notice the difference or see results, you need to consume lemon and pineapple juices regularly. You can also eat them in salads if you fancy something more solid, simply dividing the pineapple into cubes, adding cucumber and parsley and squeezing a lemon over it.

You can take the juice in its original form, or you can reduce it with water. By reducing it with water, you have the possibility of hydrating your body more, an extra benefit if you are trying to clean your body. Avoid drinking sparkling water, due to its acidifying effects on the body.

Pineapple and ginger lemonade to balance the pH

Note: you can use only lemon and pineapple if you do not want to add more ingredients to the recipe


  • 1 Pineapple, coarsely chopped
  • 1/2-inch ginger
  • 2 tablespoons lemon juice
  • 2 to 3 tablespoons of Honey optional
  • 3 of Cup of Water
  • Some ice cubes for serving optional


  1. Grind all the above ingredients in the blender with a cup of water.
  2. Blend until smooth.
  3. Strain and dilute with 1 to 2 cups of water.
  4. Add ice – optional.

Take immediately to take advantage of the benefits of the ingredients.

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