In addition to making your hair shine, apple cider vinegar is a natural antiseptic that helps eliminate oil and reduce the appearance of dandruff and seborrhea in a completely natural way.
Dandruff and seborrhea are two very common scalp problems, which can occur in anyone at any age. Seborrhea can even trigger a great series of problems and discomforts; in addition, the formation of dandruff gives our hair a neglected appearance reducing its vitality.
The presence of flakes from dandruff can show that you have a dry scalp, which is why these small loose particles tend to fall on your shoulders, and are more noticeable when wearing dark clothing; also, people who suffer from it feel quite uncomfortable. In the case of seborrhea, the problem is even more serious because the scalp forms crusts and scales, causing hair loss, itching and redness of the skin and in some cases, causing some type of infection.
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Causes of dandruff
Dandruff can be caused by several factors, here are some of them:
- The presence of a fungus
- Poor nutrition
- The use of treatments and chemicals (such as hair dyes, for example).
- Chronic and excessive stress
Natural remedies to eliminate seborrhea
Learn about the most effective natural remedies to combat dandruff and seborrhea without side effects or damage to the hair, making it recover its natural life and improving its appearance.
Eliminate and treat seborrhea with pure honey
A very effective home remedy is based on the use of pure honey from bees, since scientific studies have shown that honey has a healing power on this scalp problem. The group of people, who had this problem and underwent a treatment with honey, achieved a general improvement in their condition of presence of dandruff and seborrhea in a little time.
To carry out this natural and home remedy, you simply have to use a mixture of 90% pure honey with 10% hot water. Apply to the scalp with a gentle massage, then cover your head with a cloth and let it sit for at least three hours, then rinse with warm water. Treatment should be done every day for a month, then it can be continued for six months but only once a week. With this treatment the symptoms and discomfort of seborrhea or dandruff will gradually disappear, and after several months (between 4 to 7 months) all problems will have completely disappeared.
Cypress massage
When problems of excess oil appear in the hair, you can use a bunch of cypress twigs, which simply should be boiled in a liter of water. When it cools down, you can massage your entire scalp and then wash it as usual.
Infusion of diete de león
This is an effective remedy to treat dandruff and crasiness problems on the scalp, for this you will only have to prepare an infusion by placing some dandelion leaves in a cup of boiling water, let it cool and then it will be ready for you to drink. This infusion should be taken 2 or 3 times a day until the symptoms subside.
Tea tree oil
The oil Tea tree can also be an effective remedy to combat seborrhea and dandruff, as this natural product has antibacterial properties, is an antiseptic, antifungal and antibiotic therefore offers hope for an early solution to this trouble.
Take care of the diet
People who have this scalp problem must be very careful with the food they eat so as not to worsen the symptoms. Foods that are high in fat, such as processed or fried foods and many sauces, should be avoided sharply. It is best to select all types of vegetables, especially those that are rich in selenium and zinc, such as asparagus, cucumber, pumpkin, onions, figs, eggplant, and walnuts, among others.
Natural remedy to eliminate dandruff
To reduce the production of dandruff, rubbing the scalp with apple cider vinegar is very effective, which is applied by gently massaging the scalp with the fingers. For approximately 25 minutes and then rinse the hair with plenty of warm water. You can use this remedy two or three times a week.
Horse tail
Another infusion that is useful for treating seborrhea and dandruff is a natural remedy made from horsetail. Use the same procedure as above, using only one tablespoon of dried plant for each cup of water. You can drink it once a day.
Preparation with mint, rosemary and vinegar
Another natural remedy that can produce very good results in a short period of time is one made with apple cider vinegar, rosemary and mint. To prepare it, you need a liter of apple cider vinegar, a few sprigs of fresh mint and a few sprigs of fresh rosemary; You must put the apple cider vinegar in a bottle with a lid, add the sprigs of rosemary and mint, the lid must be closed well and placed in a dark place at room temperature.
Leave for at least twenty days, then strain the mixture and put in another bottle. With this mixture you can massage the scalp, leave it on for 15 to 20 minutes and then wash your hair as usual.
Wash your hair more often
Increasing the frequency of hair washing can also be an excellent recommendation since in this way the formation of oil on the scalp is avoided, which prevents the chances of contracting dandruff or seborrhea from being increased.