Tickling throat causes and natural remedies

Having a tickle in your throat can be a source of irritation, especially if you can’t find a way to get rid of it. It is also possible that you suffer from a tickle in the back of your throat accompanied by a cough at night or at any time of the day, and this can be very annoying, impeding your activities. Usually, a tickle in the throat is accompanied by a cough, which is the body’s reaction to relieve the tickle. You may also experience the feeling that you have an itchy throat. There are many natural home remedies that can be used to reduce the sensation, dryness, and irritation caused by a tickle in the throat.

Throat irritation that leads to a trickle in the throat and a cough could be caused by a number of reasons. A tickle in the throat can be caused by irritation from dry air, a cold, the result of an infection, acid reflux, as well as other conditions. A tickle in the throat can be caused by a post nasal discharge as a result of allergiesIt can also be the side effect of some medications.

How could you get rid of this annoying tickle in your throat? Here are some home remedies that will help soothe and treat a dry, scratchy throat.

Tickling throat causes and natural remedies

In general, treating only the symptoms of a tickle in the throat is sufficient. However, if your throat irritation is caused by allergies or acid reflux, you will have to deal with those underlying conditions to get rid of the tickle throat.

Raw honey

Raw honey is a great all-around remedy for any throat condition, but honey is especially effective in relieving a tickle throat. Honey is antibacterial and anti-inflammatory and can help you get rid of itchy throat that is caused by infection.

Honey also helps relieve irritation from an itchy throat. The Journal of Complementary and Alternative Medicine published research on the effects of honey on coughs. Honey was found to be a better cough treatment than dextromethorphan and diphenhydramine. Dextromethorphan is a drug that is used in many cough syrups to suppress coughs, and diphenhydramine is an antihistamine that is also used for coughs.

To use honey to treat a tickle in the throat and cough, it is advisable to take 2 teaspoons of honey at bedtime. If you have children remember that honey should not be administered to children under 1 year of age.

Herbs tea

Another way to help soothe a dry, scratchy throat along with the tickling is by drinking a cup of hot herbal tea. There is some clinical evidence that drinking hot tea with honey can soothe your throat.

Remember that you should always use raw honey and you should not add it to boiling water, as it will lose its medicinal properties.

There are some herbal teas that are especially good at helping to reduce the sensation of tickling, dryness, and irritation in the throat. For example, you could make a special red clover tea to soothe a sore throat.

Ginger tea to treat a tickle in the throat

Ginger can help relieve a tickle throat and cough. A study on how ginger can help people with asthma showed that ginger helps relax the airways and can help calm coughs.

You can make a ginger tea to soothe a throat by cutting or grating 1-2 inches of ginger root and steeping it in a cup of boiling water for 5 minutes. You can also add honey to your tea to make it even more calming.

Lemon tea to relieve a tickle in the throat

Hot lemon tea can also help soothe an itchy throat and a tickle in the throat. What you should do is squeeze the juice of a large lemon into a cup of warm water. Add a teaspoon of honey and drink slowly.

Gargle with salty sea water

You can get rid of the sore throat that is causing your tickle by gargling with salt water from the sea. Salt helps wash out any type of virus from the throat and provides symptomatic relief. Therefore, gargling with salt water should soothe your dry, scratchy throat.

It is suggested to mix 1/4 to 1/2 teaspoon of salt in a 200 ml cup of warm water and then gargle. Sea salt and water are also one of the best home remedies for chest congestion.

Using apple cider vinegar (VSM)

Apple cider vinegar can help get rid of a tickle in your throat. Apple cider vinegar has many antiviral and antibacterial properties that can help kill infections. You can also use it with honey to improve the taste and provide more relief for an itchy throat.

To use apple cider vinegar and honey together you must mix 1 tablespoon of raw unprocessed apple cider vinegar, the juice of half a lemon and 1 teaspoon of raw honey in a 200 ml glass of warm water. Drink this 3 times a day to relieve a tickle throat and cough.

Apple cider vinegar can also be used for very effective gargles. Add 2 tablespoons of VSM to ½ cup of warm water and mix well. Gargle that can quickly soothe your dry, scratchy throat.

Aloe Vera Juice

Aloe vera juice contains many vitamins, enzymes, minerals, and anti-inflammatory compounds. Although no research has been conducted on the use of aloe vera to treat a tickle in the throat, you can still use its healing properties for your throat.

You can add some aloe vera juice to warm water, or drink this or gargle with it to reduce throat irritation.

Tickling in the throat caused by acid reflux

Many people refer to acid reflux as heartburn, and it happens when some acid from the stomach leaks into the esophagus. One of the symptoms of acid reflux is a persistent, wheezing cough. While natural remedies for a tickle throat can help control symptoms, if acid reflux is the culprit, then you should treat it.

However, some of the remedies for treating a tickle throat and cough can also help treat acid reflux.

In one study, aloe vera syrup successfully treated and reduced the symptoms of gastroesophageal reflux (a more serious form of acid reflux). For example, drinking ¼ cup of aloe vera juice about 20 minutes before a meal can help reduce burning and also help relieve an itchy throat.

Apple cider vinegar can also help relieve a tickle in the throat while also providing relief from heartburn. To use apple cider vinegar against acid reflux, you should mix 1 or 2 teaspoons of apple cider vinegar in a glass of water and drink it before meals or when you have heartburn attacks.

Tickling in the throat caused by allergies

Allergies can be caused by pollen, pets, dust mites, as well as other substances. If you suspect that your throat is dry and rough due to an allergy, it is important to identify the source and move it away from you if possible.

Regular washing of bedspreads and sheets in hot water is recommended to kill dust mites. This can help reduce an allergic reaction to dust mites. You can also cover your mattress and pillow with a special dust mite cover (dust mite barrier) to completely enclose your mattress and pillow.

If you have pets, you can try to limit them in certain areas of the house. Also, you should keep the bathrooms mold-free. If your throat tickle is caused by a runny nose, you can try a sinus rinse.

You can also try an herbal tea to relieve dry, itchy throat caused by asthma.

Other ways to get rid of a tickle in the throat

  • There are other practical ways that can help treat a tickle throat. Because one of the causes is irritation from dry air, it is important to make sure there is enough moisture in the air in the home.
  • A humidifier can help. Although you are warned that if humidifiers are not cleaned regularly, they can start pumping fungus and mold into the air.
  • Sometimes a hot steamy shower can help provide plenty of moisture to your throat and can also help reduce coughs that are caused by allergies.

Usually having a tickle in your throat is nothing to worry about. However, you should consult your doctor if your symptoms persist and especially if they are accompanied by fever, rash, or inflammation of the glands.

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