6 preparations and home remedies with lemon

There is a wide variety of home remedies with lemon that can be prepared from home and at a very low cost with excellent benefits for people’s daily health.

Lemon is a fruit that has been used since ancient times for all kinds of situations and health problems, whether as an antiseptic, a disinfectant, a purifier or to lose weight. In that order of ideas, home remedies with lemon are a very good option to cleanse our body of toxins, so it is an excellent ally for health.

Lemon and vitamin C

It is a known fact that a low intake of vitamin C makes people prone to infection. Vitamin C helps keep the immune system in optimal function, lowers the levels of histamine, a natural chemical that causes our noses to get clogged. Lemon juice is packed with vitamin C, an antioxidant that can prevent oxidative damage to cells.

Home remedies with lemon

Natural remedies with lemon juice have been used over the years for the relief of colds and flu, but it can also be useful for treating a wide variety of health problems, such as the ones mentioned below.

1. Stop diarrhea

In the event that you have diarrhea that is not infectious, we can take the lemon juice by diluting it in a liter and a half of water, with some honey and adding a pinch of sea salt. This is a natural remedy that acts like an oral serum with lemon for diarrhea, which although it is simple to prepare, has many properties to treat diarrhea, due to its astringent properties.

2. Regulates hypertension

When the juice of a lemon is consumed every day, we will begin to regulate our blood pressure to an appropriate level. Start your day with the juice of this fruit before eating any other food.

3. Remedy for throat and mouth infections

This fruit has antibacterial properties, so the colonies of bacteria will disappear with its effect. Also, if we go through some type of infection, the vitamin C present in lemon will help us regulate this deficiency.

4. Drink to lose weight

Prepare the next shake to start the day with energy and be in good condition until it is time for lunch.
To make this effective home remedy with lemon, which in turn is a delicious recipe, you must put a slice of pineapple, natural yogurt and the juice of a lemon in the blender. With this you will obtain a satiating drink but at the same time ideal to include in a slimming diet.

5. Lemon infusion for digestive problems

It just consists of having a cup of lemon leaf tea right after lunch and dinner. This infusion can be of great help to improve the digestive process, in addition to helping you digest fats better. In a short time, you will be able to notice the relief in your body.

6. Cough remedy

The flavor of this drink is a bit strong but it will surely help you. For its preparation you should do the following:
Heat some honey and add a little lemon juice together to half a glass of hot water. Drink little by little.

In addition to the home remedies with lemon that you can prepare every day, do not forget to try the benefits of hot water with lemon in the morning, this is a very effective way to protect our body and alkalize the blood. In addition, the use of lemon in meals should not be lacking.

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