8 effective home remedies for tuberculosis

Tuberculosis is an infectious disease which should not be taken lightly and requires special care, but it can be treated in conjunction with medical advice and natural remedies to reverse the infection.

Home remedies have been shown to be effective in curing a multitude of health issues; However, when it comes to tuberculosis, there are no known home remedies that offer a 100% cure. When used in conjunction with prescribed medicines, these natural remedies keep the infection under control and prevent its spread.

Natural home remedies for tuberculosis

The home remedies described here help relieve symptoms and improve your immunity power, paving the way for the medicines to work more efficiently.

1. Orange juice:

Oranges are packed with vitamin C and vitamin A precursors. The antioxidant potential of orange juice enhances the potency of immunity and enhances your body to fight a stronger fight against tuberculosis. Protects the body against damage caused by foreign agents.

Preparation of natural juice:

Juice of 2 oranges. Mix in some salt and flavor it with about 1 tablespoon of honey. Drink two glasses of this juice and it will help you relieve the symptoms of this contagious infection called tuberculosis.

2. Indian gooseberry:

Popularly called Amla, this bitter green-skinned fruit has the potential to fight tuberculosis. Along with replenishing your energy levels, the rich vitamin C in this fruit also improves immunity levels. It has anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties. Amla softens the inflammation of the lungs and helps in the elimination of bacteria, which guarantees the cure of tuberculosis (in conjunction with other medications).

To consume them, crush 3 currants, after discarding the seeds, and make a fine paste and extract the juice using a strainer. It has to be eaten on an empty stomach. You can also add about 1 teaspoon of honey as Amla has a bitter taste. Another way would be to buy Amla juice from the market. Mix 30 ml of this juice together with a glass of water and 1 teaspoon of honey, drink it on an empty stomach, and it will benefit you in your fight against tuberculosis.

3. Walnuts:

The nuts are energy enhancers. These nuts are wonderful sources of several vitamins and minerals, including vitamin B6, vitamin E, iron, phosphorus, and magnesium. All these elements can improve the immune system of the human body, increasing the potential to fight against tuberculosis.

Take 2 walnuts, discard the shells and crush them into a fine powder. Mix 2 teaspoons of crushed walnut powder with 1 teaspoon of freshly prepared garlic paste and 1 teaspoon of clarified butter. Eat this during breakfast time to fight tuberculosis alternately.

4. Black pepper:

Tuberculosis is accompanied by chest congestion, inflammation, and pain. The black pepper is rich in anti-inflammatory and analgesic and are wonderful home remedies for tuberculosis. Relieves inflammation, decongests and relieves pain that accompanies tuberculosis.

How to consume it

Add 1 teaspoon of clarified butter to a pan and roast 12 black peppercorns in it along with a teaspoon of asafetida. Let cool and then mix well. Consume this mixture with three doses daily until you recover completely.

5. Banana:

The bananas are deposits of nutrients, especially calcium. These fruits possess the potential to relieve fever and cough experienced due to tuberculosis. Bananas work against tuberculosis by enhancing the potential of immunity.

How to consume a banana

Mash a ripe banana and prepare a drink by mixing it with 1 cup of coconut water, ½ cup of plain yogurt and 1 teaspoon of honey. Drink this mixture twice a day. You can also receive help thanks to the stem of this plant to eliminate the phlegm collected in the lungs. Drink 2 cups of banana stem juice every two hours, this could help in relieving symptoms.

6. Cherimoya:

Custard apple is another effective home remedy for tuberculosis. Its rejuvenating and revitalizing properties allow the body to combat this condition in a very efficient way. Cherimoyas are rich in antioxidants like vitamin C, which scavenge free radicals and thwart oxidative damage.

The potassium present in custard apple helps to strengthen the lung muscles. To consume them, remove the seeds from two custard apples, mash the pulp, and simmer along with black raisins with about 2 cups of water. Let cool and filter the mixture. Add ¼ teaspoon powdered cardamom, ¼ teaspoon ground cinnamon, flavor with a hint of pure honey (optional) and drink this daily for faster healing.

7. Garlic:

An anti-inflammatory and analgesic agent innate, the garlic has the potential to inhibit tuberculosis and prevent its recurrence. Drinking milk and garlic decoction is beneficial in curing tuberculosis. Crush 4 cloves of garlic and simmer in a liter of goat’s milk (organic) together with a grated coconut until the milk is reduced by half. Add a little honey and consume this on an empty stomach for six weeks in the morning to ensure the absence of tuberculosis, in conjunction with treatment of course.

8. Mint:

Peppermint’s antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, and pain-relieving properties make it a potent home remedy for tuberculosis. Along with clearing the airways and relieving phlegm, peppermint calms pain and inflammation in people suffering from tuberculosis.

It also improves the body’s resistance and helps in the fight against tuberculosis. Drink a mixture of mint juice with honey and malt vinegar or mix mint with carrots to enhance its power. A carrot and mint drink are a pure and powerful lung tonic.

The rules to stay away from Tuberculosis:

  1. Stay away from allergens that could make symptoms worse.
  2. Include lots of vitamin B, vitamin C, vitamin D, and iron-rich foods in your diet.
  3. Stay hydrated with water and natural juices.
  4. Avoid processed foods, sodas, white flour, and white sugar.
  5. Say yes to whole grains, green leafy vegetables, and fruits.
  6. Choose protein sources outside of heavy meats.
  7. Say no to coffee and tea.
  8. Avoid smoking and alcoholism.
  9. Get plenty of rest.
  10. Last but not least. Keep your stress at bay.

Tuberculosis, if diagnosed in the early stages, can be effectively treated. However, the greatest caution is exercised when it comes to treatment.

Don’t give up on your medications. Remember, home remedies for tuberculosis are only effective when used together with medicines. Stay active, and you can strengthen your immune system.

Always go to the medical consultation before this condition or any other health problem that you present.

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