Bronchospasm and how to treat it with these 10 home remedies

A bronchospasm is a spasm of the muscles of the bronchi. Bronchospasm often develops against the background of irritation of the respiratory tract, such as allergies or the absorption of toxic substances. In addition, bronchospasm is often found in obstructive disease of the lung called, for example asthma or COPD.

Having a cough is not a very serious illness, but it can certainly affect our daily performance. And if you neglect it, it can turn into bronchospasm or even pneumonia. There is a wide range of bronchial treatment, as well as methods that can be exercised without the use of chemical medications that often have side effects. In this article we show you the most effective ones.

What is a bronchospasm

Bronchospasm occurs when the muscles of the airways contract rapidly. It can cause breathing difficulties, pain, and anxiety. In some cases, this may be due to clinical negligence, and people who have suffered personal injury due to bronchospasm may be able to make a medical malpractice claim.

Essentially, bronchospasms are a kind of cough. However, while coughing usually occurs when the body wants to clear an airway, bronchospasms are more like an involuntary muscle spasm. Sufferers say that bronchospasms are worse than normal coughs, as they cause an unpleasant tightness in the chest and can lead to a coughing fit.

What causes a bronchospasm

Bronchospasm occurs due to a number of different factors. The factors that led to a particular case of the condition will influence the treatment options patients receive.

  • Excessive mucus production.
  • Inflammation of the respiratory tract.
  • Certain diseases.
  • Emotional stress.
  • Allergens and irritants.
  • Clinical negligence during anesthesia.
  • People exposed to the cold and dry atmosphere.
  • Vigorous physical exercise.

What to do if you have bronchospasm

E l Children and adults bronchospasm, which are generally cured after a certain period of time, but there are many natural ways to speed up the healing process and cough to disappear almost instantIf you are wondering what to do with a bronchospasm? We are sure that some of these natural remedies will work very well for you. Next, we will analyze the best 10 natural home remedies for the treatment of bronchospasm.

1. Take a tablespoon of honey

Honey is a natural product that comes with many health benefits. Just a tablespoon of organic raw honey can help relieve a chronic cough. It can be taken up to three times a day and it is advisable to use it before going to bed in case the cough increases. In the case of bronchospasm in older adults, the first option is to consult your trusted doctor.

2. Breathing techniques

As you probably know, there are different breathing techniques that can improve your health. The Buteyko breathing technique is one of the most efficient when it comes to acute bronchospasm. This shallow breathing helps people increase their carbon dioxide intake and clear the airways.

3. Mint and ginger syrup

This excellent remedy for chronic cough and bronchospasm is very easy to prepare. All you need to do is add one tablespoon of dried mint and three tablespoons of minced ginger to four cups of water. Boil the mixture for a while and gradually reduce the heat. Simmer the mixture until you get half the amount you used. Strain and add in a cup of honey. Use a tablespoon of this syrup a couple of times a day. This is an excellent treatment for bronchial hyperresponsiveness in adults.

4. Use turmeric

Quick preparation is required to use this remedy. You will need to take some turmeric and grind it into a fine powder. With this powder create a mixture consisting of two tablespoons of honey and one tablespoon of turmeric. Using this mixture daily will make the symptoms of asthma and bronchospasm disappear quickly.

5. Parsley leaf

This is another simple recipe. Take two teaspoons of fresh parsley and add to a cup of hot water. Let the leaves soak for about 15 minutes and take it twice a day. You can also add a little honey to it for a better flavor.

6. Use butterbur

Butterbur is an extraordinary herb that contains powerful properties for our good respiratory health. Although this herb is not very popular, you need to know that it contains natural anti-inflammatories and antihistamines that will help you in the elimination of bronchospasm and cough. It is also a powerful spasmodic, sedative, gastroprotective, antihypertensive, mucolytic, and expectorant.

How to prepare it? For this recipe, you will need about 7 grams of dried butterbur. Take this amount at a rate on a daily basis. It contains isopetasin and petasin compounds that are very efficient in cases of bronchial inflammation. Some people may experience side effects like vomiting, nausea, and headaches.

7. Ginkgo Biloba

This powerful herb has been used since ancient times. It was known for its anti-inflammatory properties and can certainly alleviate bronchospasm in case of asthma attacks. Make sure to ask your doctor about the correct dosage.

8. Chamomile flower

Prepare a tea based on a teaspoon of Echinacea root, chamomile flowers, passion flower leaves and mullein leaves and ¼ of hot water. This unique blend will improve your breathing.

9. Bromelain

Bromelain is a pineapple extract. Bromelain has been theorized to have anti-inflammatory properties that relieve airway symptoms that cause bronchospasm. This bronchial treatment has shown positive results in clinical tests carried out on animals.

10. Infusion of thyme

The thyme infusion acts as a powerful expectorant and anticonvulsant. It can generally be used for upper respiratory tract infections and bronchitis.

To prepare this tea that will relieve the symptoms of bronchospasm, you will need the following ingredients:

  • Thyme Herba (Thymi Herba)
  • 250 ml of boiling water.
  • sieve
  • honey
  • strainer

Add 2 teaspoons of thyme herb to 250 ml of boiling water. Later you must cover the infusion for 10 minutes to infuse, then you must strain its contents. You can sweeten with honey. You can consume this infusion several times a day.


Coughing is not only a symptom of a cold, but it can also indicate more serious diseases, bronchospasm is a symptom derived from an asthma problem. For this reason, any cough that lasts longer than 1 to 2 weeks or that recurs constantly should be evaluated medically.

If the cough occurs with the following concomitant symptoms, see a doctor immediately:

  • High fever.
  • Blue discoloration of the lips or face.
  • Audible breathing sounds.
  • Shortness of breath (rapid and forced breathing).

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