Causes and remedies for nail fungus

The nail fungus, also medically known as onychomycosis, is a chronic fungal infection of the fingernails and or feet by dermatophytes, also known as tinea, yeast and mold, which leads to the gradual destruction of the surface the nail.

It is more likely to affect the toenails, especially the first toenail, according to the  National Institute of Health (NIH) there are very effective natural solutions to treat this problem. Learn about the most efficient causes and home remedies to treat finger and toenail fungus.

About half the population is affected with toenail fungus, and more specifically, nail fungus by the time they reach the age of 70, said Dr. Raza Aly, emeritus professor of dermatology at the University. of California at San Francisco Medical Center.

Causes of nail fungus

Nail fungus is a common condition that begins as a white or yellow spot under the nail tip of the fingers or toenails .

As the fungal infection goes deeper, the nail fungus can cause the nail to discolor, thicken, and crumble at the edge. Fungi can affect several nails, but usually not all.

If your condition is mild and doesn’t bother you, you may not need treatment. But if nail fungus is painful and has caused thickened nails, self-care measures with home remedies or medications can help. But even if treatment is successful, nail fungus often returns.

Nail fungus is also called nail onychomycosis and ringworm. When the fungus infects the areas between the toes and the skin of the feet, it is called athlete’s foot.

Types of nail fungus

Features of fungal nails:

  • Thick
  • Brittle, lumpy, or uneven
  • Deformed
  • No shine
  • A dark color, caused by accumulated debris under the nail

Infected nails may also separate from the nail bed, a condition called onycholysis. You may feel pain in your fingers and detect a slightly bad smell.

When to see a doctor. You may want to see a doctor if self-care measures haven’t helped. Also see a doctor if you have diabetes and think you are developing nail fungus.

How toenail fungus develops

Nail fungal infections are caused by a dermatophyte fungus. Fungi are microscopic organisms that do not need sunlight to survive. Some mushrooms have beneficial uses. Others cause disease and infection.

Fungi live in warm and humid environments, such as swimming pools and showers. They can invade the skin through cuts so small that you can’t even see them through a small gap between the nail and the nail bed.

Fungi can cause problems if the nails are often exposed to hot and humid conditions.

It usually begins with a fungal infection of the skin, such as athlete’s foot. Once the skin is treated, however, the nails can act as a reservoir for reinfection that can spread the fungus to other parts of the body or to other people.

In some cases, people may have a genetic susceptibility to nail fungus, a 1996 study reported in the Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology.

Nail fungus is more common on the feet than on the hands

Toenails are often confined in a warm, dark, humid environment and – inside your shoes – where fungus can thrive.
The feet generally have less blood flow than the toes, making it harder for the body’s immune system to detect and stop the infection.

Factors that can increase the risk of developing nail fungus

  1. Being older, due to reduced blood flow, more years of exposure to fungus, and slower growing nails
  2. Sweat excessively
  3. Being a man, especially if you have a family history of fungal nail infections
  4. Working in a humid environment where hands are often wet, such as cocktail bars or cleaning
  5. The use of socks and shoes that make ventilation difficult and do not absorb perspiration
  6. Living with someone who has nail fungus
  7. Walking barefoot in wet common areas such as swimming pools, gyms, and showers
  8. Have athlete’s foot
  9. Having minor skin or nail injuries or a skin condition, such as psoriasis
  10. Having diabetes, circulation problems, a weakened immune system, or, in children, Down syndrome

Home remedies to combat toenail fungus

Lemons for nail fungus

Extract the juice of several lemons, put it in a bowl and dip your nails in the juice; or you can also cut the lemon into slices and pass it on the nails, which is the same.

Oregano oil

Mix three or four drops of oregano essential oil in one tablespoon of olive oil; and apply this mixture daily on the nails, for three weeks.

Soak your feet with garlic for nail fungus

In a cup of water, boil 5 large garlic cloves. Pour this preparation into a large container with water so that your feet can be well submerged. Put your feet in the warm water for 20 minutes. After this time, remove the feet and dry them well. Repeat this action for 5 weeks.

Tea tree oil

Mix a few drops of tea tree oil in a tablespoon of olive oil and apply it directly on the affected nail. This formula must be applied alternately (every other day) until completing 20 days.

Apple cider vinegar for mushrooms

Mix 5 drops of lavender essential oil in a cup of apple cider vinegar (Apple cider vinegar) and pour everything into a large bowl of water that covers both feet well and leave them for a while. Repeat for two weeks.

Hydrogen peroxide for nails

Mix hydrogen peroxide in plenty of water and soak your feet for at least half an hour; every day for three weeks. At the end, always dry your feet well.

Garlic with lemon and iodine

In half a transparent enamel knob, mix a large clove of garlic, well cut, ten drops of lemon and three drops of white iodine. Let it rest for a week and then apply a layer of it, only on the nails that have the fungus. Repeat the action for a week, then remove everything with nail polish remover.

Vicks VapoRub

The Vicks VapoRub combines many ingredients that have antifungal properties. The eucalyptus oil in VapoRub is especially good. Some people have reported success using VapoRub for clearing up a yeast infection if they detect it in the early stages. Make sure your toes are dry before using the VapoRub.

Coconut oil

Medium chain fatty acids are almost miraculous in the way they work as natural fungicides. The fungal membrane is crucial to sustaining the “life” of the fungus, which is why many antifungal treatments target the fungal membrane. Fatty acids, such as those found in abundance in coconut oil, naturally insert themselves into the lipid (fat) layer of the fungal membrane and disrupt it, eventually leading to breakdown and ultimate destruction of the fungal membrane. fungus (to put it briefly.)


  • A little coconut oil
  • Gloves or a sink and soap to wash your hands between applications


Wear gloves or wash your hands between applications (if you have more than one affected nail), rub the coconut oil into the area and let it absorb and dry naturally. Repeat 2-3 times a day.


Pour a handful of mug wort into a cup of boiling water. Cover and let cool. Subsequently put the feet or nails with fungus in this infusion, for 20 minutes a day; perform this operation twice a day, a week.

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