Garlic and lemon remedy for heart blocks

In most cases, we use garlic and lemon to season our salads and other foods, but only a few are aware of the fact that this mixture can work miracles for our health. Read on to find out the power that this garlic and lemon mixture has on diseases related to heart blockages.


Garlic and lemon remedy for heart blocks

These ingredients, when combined, can lower blood cholesterol levels, increase circulation, and unclog arteries.

Increased cholesterol levels are actually a result of the accumulated LDL cholesterol in the major arteries that can cause a heart attack or other heart disease.

These diseases can be treated with various products offered in pharmacies, but we offer a very effective natural method to fight them and experience absolutely no side effects.

Regular consumption of garlic and lemon can increase heart health, and improve circulation thereby preventing heart blockages. This is the best mixture for unclogging the arteries of the heart, and you can prepare and use it in two ways:

Recipe No. 1 with garlic and lemon for heart blocks


  • 30 garlic cloves
  • 6 lemons


Peel the garlic and lemons and cut them into pieces. Then add them to a blender, pour in some water and mix. Pour the mixture into a pot, add 2 liters of water, and bring to a boil with occasional stirring. You should cook it for 5 more minutes after it boils. Then pour it into a glass jar and store it in the fridge.


You should take 50ml of this remedy daily for 3 weeks, then take a one-week break, and repeat for 3 more weeks. This treatment can be done twice a year.

Recipe No. 2 with garlic and lemon for heart blocks


  • 1 cup fresh lemon juice
  • 1 cup garlic juice
  • 1 cup of ginger juice
  • 1 cup apple cider vinegar


Mix all the ingredients in a pot and leave this mixture boiling for half an hour. Then, let it cool down and add 3 cups of organic honey. Stir well and pour the mixture into a glass jar, and store it in the fridge.


You should take a tablespoon of this remedy before breakfast on a daily basis.

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