Home remedies for dry hands

There are many ways to treat dry hands, for example with the use of home remedies we can get dry hands to become completely moisturized hands, because taking care of dry hands will help you avoid possible damage to the skin that I wash. are more difficult to solve.

You can experiment with various folk or home remedies for dry hands, until you find the one that works best for you. But instead of buying expensive creams or lotions, helping soothe dry hands by combining common household items to create your own moisturizer is a healthy option. Below we offer you several natural alternatives to treat dry hands.

Instructions to prepare an ideal home remedy for dry hands

Explore different home treatment methods

Olive oil for dry hands

1.- Prepare an olive oil bath. Fill a bowl with warm water. Add 4 tablespoons of olive oil to the water. Soak your hands in the bowl for 10 to 15 minutes. Wash your hands with lukewarm water. Dry them by leaving them a little damp. Apply a light moisturizing lotion.

Natural Vaseline for dry hands

2.- Incorporate natural petroleum jelly on your hands when you are about to go to bed for Sunday. It is ideal to wrap the hands with some fine cotton socks or socks. Then go to sleep and during the night the Vaseline will do its job, you can say goodbye to dry hands . You can consult on our site how to make a natural petroleum jelly

Using steam to moisturize your hands

3.- The use of the steam resulting from hot water is very effective for the dryness of our hands. Put petroleum jelly on them and when the hot water in the bathroom sink starts to steam, place your hands so that the steam embraces them and hold them there for as long as is comfortable, then dry them. This effective home remedy will help you keep your hands moisturized for longer and thus prevent them from drying out.

Aloe vera for dry hands

4.- Use an aloe vera plant. Cut off one of the leaves. Rub the blade in your dry hands to smooth and soften the skin. This is also a great home remedy for burns.

How to create a moisturizing hand cream

5.- Use an egg yolk mask (organic) to hydrate dry hands. Mix the yolk of an egg and apply it on your hands. Leave the mask on your hands for 15 to 30 minutes, depending on the severity of the dryness. Wash your hands with lukewarm water.

6.- Massage your hands with almonds or mineral oil as you would with any other moisturizer. Let the oil absorb into the skin without rinsing and your hands will no longer be dry to become well-moisturized hands.

7.- Moisten your hands with water and without drying them completely, rub honey over them. Wait 5 minutes and rinse with warm water.

8.- Place 1 teaspoon of granulated sugar (organic) in the palm of your hand. Add a few drops of castor oil and enough lemon juice to moisten them. Rub your hands together for several minutes. Rinse with lukewarm water and pat dry. As a bonus, this mixture also removes stains from your hands and exfoliates them.

9.- Soften your chapped hands by mixing 1/4 cup of cornmeal, water and enough pure apple cider vinegar to make a loose paste. Rub your hands together for 10 minutes. Rinse and pat dry.

10.- Tomato juice with lemon can be very effective methods to make your hands stop being dry.

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