Home remedies to rejuvenate tendons and joints

The joints and ligaments are an important part of the body, they allow mobility of the same. However, as time passes, these structures tend to wear out and cause a lot of pain. Thanks to grandmothers and ancient medicine, some home remedies to rejuvenate joints and tendons have survived to this day, and we will share them below.

Remedies that will make you rejuvenate your tendons and joints

If the damage to the cruciate or collateral ligaments is due to accidents or overloads, the treatment to be carried out should be followed by a specialist, but if in your case you suffer wear and tear or pain due to other conditions, with these home remedies that are mentioned below you can find ways to restore tendons and ligaments.

Remedy with gelatin or gelatin

Gelatin has many nutrients that help regenerate ligaments. In addition, it improves the skin, hair and the appearance of the nails. These benefits are due to the collagen protein it has. Here is an easy way to use it to take care of your health.


  • 2 tablespoons of honey
  • 1 ripe banana
  • Orange juice
  • 40 grams of gelatin

Preparation and use

The first thing will be to mash the banana until it is pureed and mix it with the honey to make a porridge. After having this preparation, we proceed to use the gelatin that will be previously dissolved in water. Orange juice is added to the gelatin, and everything must be heated in a water bath to achieve a consistent substance.

After, you must take a mold and place all the mixture of gelatin and juice. Then it is put in the refrigerator and left there for about 20 minutes to harden. The mold is removed and placed on a plate, next to the banana porridge with honey.

Oatmeal Remedy with Pineapple and Cinnamon

This is an effective remedy to rejuvenate tendons and ligaments. This is a juice that provides vitamin C, magnesium, brominel and silicon, which help reduce inflammation of the knees. It is best to take it in the morning with breakfast, until the desired effects are achieved.


  • 150 grams of oats
  • 1 teaspoon ground cinnamon
  • 1 cup of orange juice
  • 40 grams of almond crushed
  • 2 tablespoons of honey
  • 1 cup of pineapple juice
  • 250 ml of water

Preparation and use

To prepare it, the first thing to do is add the oats to the water, which must have been boiled previously. Then it is placed in the blender and the honey, cinnamon, almonds, orange and pineapple juices are added. It should be blended until a homogeneous mixture is obtained, cool and drink in the morning.

Nettles with lemon remedy

Nettle has great anti-inflammatory properties that help relieve knee pain. Combined with lemon, it brings numerous extra health benefits, as mentioned in hundreds of Lucid Life articles.


  • 80 grams of nettle
  • Lemon juice
  • 1 liter of water

Preparation and use

First, boil the water with the nettles and the lemon, when it is boiling it should be left to rest for 15 minutes. Then, it must be strained so that it is only liquid and it is placed in a glass bottle.

Cover and let stand for at least 1 hour. After that time, it can be taken, it is best to eat 1 liter a day. To give it a better flavor you can add a little honey to taste. For greater effectiveness take this remedy 3 times a week.

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