How to use lavender oil to lower anxiety

Modern society has made life more stressful than ever, so we all feel a bit exhausted at times. We constantly worry about our future, work, health, family, etc. Therefore, people often feel anxious and cannot lead a normal daily life. Follow the next tip that will teach you how to use lavender oil to reduce anxiety.

Symptoms of anxiety

In the case of severe anxiety, people worry about too many things without a rational reason, severely impeding their normal abilities and activities in life.

Around the world, but especially in the United States, anxiety disorder is the most common mental illness. In the United States alone, about 6.8 million adults suffer from generalized anxiety disorder.

Also, women are more prone to this disorder than men. Anxiety appears most often in adolescence and its symptoms tend to intensify over time.

Sometimes depression and anxiety can be caused by a neurochemical imbalance in the body, such as a lack of serotonin or dopamine.

These are the most common symptoms of anxiety in women:

  • Unrealistic perception of problems
    • Muscle tension, and body aches
    • Tension
    • Worrying about simple, everyday tasks
    • Fatigue
    • Stomach pain and nausea
    • Inability to relax
    • Difficulty concentrating
    • Frequent urges to go to the bathroom
    • Irritability and mood swings
    • Difficulty swallowing
    • Perspiration
    • Symptoms of depression
    • Restlessness and being “on edge” or easily frightened
    • Dizziness or shortness of breath
    • Frequent headaches
    • Difficulty falling asleep

In most cases, lowering anxiety is treated with benzodiazepines such as Xanax, Valium, and Ativan. However, these drugs cause addictions, so when patients become dependent on these chemicals, they develop more psychological and physical satiety, as well as withdrawal symptoms, if they stop using them.

In some cases, the treatment of chronic anxiety or panic attacks involves antidepressants, which often do not achieve results, but cause serious adverse effects.

On the other hand, numerous researchers have suggested that lavender is an extremely effective herb for lowering anxiety.

One study showed that lavender oil is as effective as some pharmaceutical drugs. Furthermore, this herb, in natural or extract form, has no potential for dependence or abuse and has no sedative effects.

Many other studies have confirmed the beneficial effects of lavender oil for anxiety, including:

  • Treats symptoms of depression
    • Relieves restlessness, nervousness and insomnia
    • Helps in the case of agitation related to dementia
    • It is extremely useful in the case of painful and inflammatory conditions, as well as migraines and pain in the joints

How to use lavender oil to lower anxiety

The Essential Oils Manual: Science, Technology and Applications, Second Edition, states that there have been a number of clinical trials involving the inhalation of lavender essential oil that indicate a reduction in stress and anxiety.

A study using oral lavender essential oil via capsules, found that heart rate variation increased significantly compared to placebo while watching an anxiety-provoking movie. This suggested that lavender had anxiolytic effects.

Other research shows lavender’s ability to reduce anxiety in patients undergoing coronary bypass surgery and in people visiting the dentist.

You can prepare lavender tea, just add 1 – 2 tablespoons of dried whole flowers to a cup of boiling water, and let it steep for 10-15 minutes, then strain it or use a tea infuser before consuming it.

You can also get the flowers in extract form. You should add 6 drops of lavender oil extract or 1/4 to 1/2 cup of dried lavender flowers to your bath water.

This extract can also be taken orally by adults, or in capsules, although the latter are difficult to find in health food stores.

Be sure to consult your doctor before starting any new treatment to determine the proper dosage. The capsules should not be taken by children.


If combined with pharmaceutical medications such as certain antidepressants, benzodiazepines (Xanax, Ativan, Valium), or narcotics such as codeine, the oral use of lavender, as well as in the case of aromatherapy can lead to drowsiness.

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