Liquid in the knees, relieves pain and reduces inflammation with these remedies

The liquid in the knees is a common sign of inflammation generated much pain and the treatment of which can be equally frightening. Fortunately for everyone, there are some remedies to alleviate this condition and reduce inflammation in the area a bit, without the need for medical intervention.

What is also known as a joint effusion, is a very seen sign in medical practice today. The knee is enlarged, accompanied by an increase in temperature and pain. All this can be caused by trauma or sustained stress, in which the production and absorption of synovial fluid – in charge of lubricating the joints – is altered and occupies more and more space.

General symptoms of fluid in the knees

After spilling fluid as a result of trauma, sprains, or a condition such as arthritis or gout. Some main symptoms can be observed such as:

  • Bruises and bruises
  • Greater rigidity in the area.
  • Hot knee.
  • Strong swelling.
  • Excessive pain when flexing or extending the knee.

Remedies to relieve pain and reduce inflammation of the knee

To eliminate this condition as soon as possible, which is so painful and prevents normal day-to-day activities from being carried out, the following remedies and methods can be used:

Diuretic drinks

The diuretic beverages are of great help to solve this condition in the knee and can be taken together to other methods that favor faster removal of accumulated liquid, as is the case of the RICE method.

Some options of these drinks are: rooibos tea, dandelion infusion, melon juice, arenaria infusion, etc. This effect will help to eliminate excess fluid, once the joint has reabsorbed it and it is excreted through urine.

RICE method

This word is made up of 4 acronyms that mean: Rest, Ice, Compression and Elevation. It is one of the most effective and at the same time very simple methods to relieve inflammation in the knee due to fluid retention.

  • Rest is essential to avoid getting worse and gradually relieving inflammation.
  • The ice applied to the area with a cloth is left on the area for a period of 20 minutes, repeating at 5-minute intervals until one hour is completed.
  • Compression using a bandage will decrease irrigation and help decrease inflammation.
  • Lastly, the leg should be kept in an elevated position in order to reduce blood pressure and facilitate deflating and relief of knee pain.

Neuromuscular bandage

Using a neuromuscular bandage is another known way to remove fluid from the knee. For this, you can go to a specialist to place the bandage properly and thus reduce inflammation and reduce excess fluid.

Drainage by massage

Lymphatic drainage can be done at home, or by going to a professional. It is a recommended method to reduce inflammation in a natural way, through a massage that dilates the lymphatic ducts, thus emptying the excess fluids and fats that have accumulated in the area.

By eliminating waste and toxins that have been accumulating, it is possible to notice improvement and a significant reduction in the size of the knee.

Natural anti-inflammatories

Some very effective natural anti-inflammatories can be performed, some of the most popular are:

  • Remedy prepared with Nettle, Parsley, Thyme and Mistletoe. To prepare it, add a handful of each of the ingredients to a liter of water, boil it until it starts to boil and let it rest for a few minutes.
  • Avocado and Aloe Vera Remedy: Avocado seed and aloe vera pulp have impressive nutritional power. The seed should be allowed to dry and then crushed until it becomes a kind of powder. It is then mixed with the aloe vera pulp in quantities that give a uniform paste. To complement it, you can add a touch of honey. It is refrigerated and applied directly to the area to soothe pain.

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