Remove tartar naturally and effectively

The Tartar is an accumulation of plaque that can SORT, favoring the appearance of decay and destruction of the tooth, remove it and keep away plaque and tartar buildup on the teeth is vital for proper oral hygiene and avoid complications. Below we will offer you some natural solutions to learn how to remove tartar effectively and without chemicals, we will also give you some tips to avoid it in the future to forget about that annoying problem.

The dental plaque is a rough film that forms on teeth, but when it is too accumulates forms called tartar. This is responsible for the teeth looking yellow and even brown, and is the main cause of cavities.

Tartar is an accumulation of bacteria and waste, so it not only looks bad but also makes the mouth have a bad smell, it also threatens oral health that can be seriously affected if the tartar is not removed in time.

How to remove tartar from teeth

To remove tartar, you can go to the dentist for a treatment but if you do not have the time or money, there are also some natural remedies that you can use to remove tartar little by little and achieve good oral hygiene.

Correct brushing

Tartar forms mostly when there is too much accumulation of bacteria in the mouth and this occurs mainly when the person does not brush their teeth properly.

A person should brush at least 2 times a day, but if you want to avoid tartar, it is best to do it when you get up, after each meal and at night, you have to use the brush that best fits your mouth and replace it at least every 3 months.


Dental floss is essential for proper oral hygiene. You should use it every day, preferably before going to bed, pass it well between your teeth to make the tartar that accumulates, come out easily.

To remove tartar between the teeth and on the gum line, you have to use a good dental floss, even today there are some that are indicated for the removal of tartar.


You have to look for a mouthwash indicated to eliminate tartar and bacteria; this eliminates it but also prevents it. In the market there are many brands of mouthwashes, although there are some prescription products that are special for this and much stronger, you can consult with your dentist or with the pharmacist to see which is the most indicated according to your case.

Sodium bicarbonate

Baking soda not only removes tartar but also helps whiten your teeth. You can mix half a teaspoon with a portion of toothpaste and brush with this mixture at least once a week. You will be able to eliminate tartar, prevent it and have whiter teeth, but without falling into excesses because it can be harmful to the teeth.


Two or three times a week you can mix equal parts hydrogen peroxide or hydrogen peroxide and rinse your mouth for a while. This gets rid of tartar and if you use it as part of your weekly routine you can also prevent it, prevent bacteria from settling on your teeth and keep your mouth healthy, it also acts to make your teeth look whiter.

Baking soda and aloe vera

In a cup of water, you can add half a cup of baking soda, 1 teaspoon of aloe vera gel, 10 drops of lemon essential oil and 4 teaspoons of vegetable glycerin. Mix the ingredients very well to combine them and store the liquid in a suitable container. With this preparation you can wash your teeth daily, gradually removing tartar.

Use these fruits and vegetables to clean your teeth:

Chewing some fruits and vegetables such as apple, melon, carrot or celery, and doing it 1 hour after the meal, is highly recommended to clean the teeth naturally. This not only removes food particles, plaque or tartar on the teeth, but also strengthens the gums.

Chew sesame seeds

Another very effective home remedy that removes tartar from teeth is to chew sesame seeds. slowly and without swallowing. Another way is to brush your teeth with a dry toothbrush, using the chewed sesame seeds still in your mouth. These seeds act as a natural exfoliator. They can clean, polish teeth, and help remove tartar.

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