Top 10 Edible Perennials

In addition to fruits and vegetables, there are also many edible perennials that you can grow in your garden. The good thing about this: They can be harvested multiple times and are extremely healthy too. Below, you will find our Top 10 perennials.

Very few know this, although most of us probably have at least one of them in the garden: among perennials there are many edible specimens. Some of its buds, leaves or flowers can be eaten directly raw or prepared. We would like to introduce you to our top 10 edible perennials.

Edible perennials

  1. Curry plant (Helichrysum italicum): The curry plant with its intense flavor is used to flavor rice and meat dishes, as well as soups. Its fresh leaves are used, finely chopped.
  2. Narrow lungwort (Pulmonaria angustifolia) has a flavor reminiscent of cucumber. It is traditionally used as a cough tea. For this, you can use all parts of the surface of the herb and dry them, to infuse with water.
  3. Nettle: The individual parts of the nettle fragrance smell like anise or mint. The leaves can be used for tea or, like flowers, can be used as a pretty, edible decoration for food.
  4. Campanula persicifolia – The leaves have a sweet taste and are used in salads, but also for smoothies. The flowers serve as edible decoration.
  5. Artichoke (Cynara scolymus): all the inflorescences of the artichoke are edible. They are first washed and placed in lemon juice, then cooked, salted, and served on bread. This is one of the most widely used edible perennials.
  6. Ox tongue (Anchusa officinalis) – Before flowering, the leaves and shoots can be prepared as steamed vegetables, similar to spinach. The fine blue flowers are then used as decoration, for example in desserts.
  7. Lavender (Lavendula officinalis): Royal lavender is an integral part of the classic “Herbs de Provence” blend. It is used as a condiment in meat dishes and stews. You can also put dried lavender flowers in oil to refine desserts.
  8. Minor Pimpernel (Sanguisorba minor): Pimpernel is mainly known for the famous Frankfurt Green Sauce, for which it is used. You can also put the leaves in vinegar and oil to refine salads.
  9. The viola cornuta, everyone knows it, but have you ever eaten it? The colorful flowers of this plant are edible. The fragrant flowers have a sweet scent and are good for desserts.
  10. Roman chamomile (Chamaemelum nobile) – The collected and dried flower heads can be processed into infusion or tea. When consumed, this perennial plant helps with an upset stomach, and when used externally it helps against inflammation.

Some more tips

Make sure to only use unsprayed flowers and leaves. Depending on the aroma of the plants, the edible parts give sweet or hearty dishes a very special flavor. After washing, you can place the plants, dry them or process them immediately. In summer, the flowers or leaves frozen in ice cubes are also a refreshing decoration for punch or homemade lemonade.

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