Why is pierced earlobe infected and how to combat the condition?

Lack of hygiene when piercing, use of non-sterile instruments, touching with dirty hands and allergies to materials are some of the most frequent causes of infections after ear piercing, regardless of whether you want to place an earring, earring or piercing. The reason for this is that it is an open wound that takes about 8 weeks to heal; Fortunately, it can be prevented or combated with natural remedies.




Reasons why the earlobe becomes infected after a piercing:

As small as it may seem, an ear piercing implies opening a wound, therefore, it requires specific measures before and after doing it; The first recommendation to avoid this kind of infection is to use sterile gloves and instruments, and to ensure proper hygiene after completing the procedure.

In general, piercings take 6 to 8 weeks to heal, it all depends on the size and care given, and is that something as simple as touching your ears with dirty hands, can trigger an infection.

Another recurring cause for which pierced ears become infected lies in the use of earrings so wide, that they impede the breathing of the wound; in the same way, those allergic to the material used in the manufacture of the earring or piercing may be victims of an infection, of which it is recommended to use pieces of silver, stainless steel, platinum or gold.

What are the symptoms of an infected ear after being pierced?

Generally speaking, earlobe infection is characterized by itching and burning sensation; It is common for the area surrounding the earring or piercing to become red, inflamed and accompanied by pain or great sensitivity. When the infection is advanced, there may be yellow discharge similar to pus and even a mild fever.

Although it is a mild infection, it will be necessary to see a doctor if it is impossible to remove the earring or its buckle is embedded in the skin; likewise, in the event that the fever is high and does not subside, as well as if the redness and swelling extend too much.

Homemade alternatives to counteract infections in the earlobe:

Avoiding infection, or failing that, preventing its course demands that the area be clean; In this sense, the best way to do it is to wash the area several times a day using a cotton ball soaked in hydrogen peroxide. Other options are:

White iodine: in the same way as if it were hydrogen peroxide, a cotton ball or swab will be soaked in the product to clean the area 2 times a day.

Epsom salt: this alternative consists of dissolving 1 teaspoon of the salt in 1 cup of warm water; The result will be applied to the area to be treated with the help of a sterile cotton ball or a swab, about 3 times a day.

Garlic: with a cotton stick, place the paste obtained from crushing a clove of garlic on the perforation wound, this will be enough to have on hand a natural antibiotic of great power and effectiveness. It is necessary to leave no more than a few minutes on the skin to avoid causing discomfort and burning.

Rosehip oil: the healing and regenerating qualities of the oil act immediately on the piercings of the earlobes, promoting their speedy healing only by passing a wet swab in it.

Juice of a lemon: diluted in a little water, the lemon juice has an astringent effect, which helps to heal the infection, being used in the same way as in the previous suggestion.

Tea tree oil: being a natural antiseptic, the essential oil fights infection, while optimizing healing, being enough to wet the area several times a day, using a cotton pad soaked in the product.

Do not forget, the key to avoiding infections after piercing is prevention, in addition to the use of sterile material and adequate hygiene measures, it will be necessary to clean with a swab or cotton soaked in alcohol, both sides of the lobe at least 3 times a day. Finally, apply a small amount of antibiotic ointment or apply an antiseptic before going to sleep.

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