10 home remedies for vaginal infections

The intimate well-being of women is still a somewhat taboo subject and sometimes it is not treated with the naturalness it deserves. This causes that, in many circumstances, doubts arise about how to prevent problems in the vaginal area. Today we want to talk to you about 10 home remedies for vaginal infections, without forgetting to remind you that regular visits to your gynecologist are essential at every stage of your life.

Do not think that because you are a young woman you do not need home remedies for vaginal infections because youth is not a reason to be exempt from suffering from an infection of this type. Vaginal infections affect women of all ages. Although there are different types of infections, it is true that the most frequent vaginal infections that women usually suffer are caused by fungi, bacteria or viruses which cause itching.

Types of vaginal infections

There are three very common types of vaginal infections:


The most common type of vaginitis is caused by one of the many species of fungi called Candida. Candida lives naturally in the body in small amounts, even in the vagina, and usually does not cause any harm, however, it thrives in a warm and humid environment, without air, and under those conditions it can grow in numbers causing a vaginal infection. Candida albicans is the most common.

Bacterial vaginosis

Along with yeasts, “friendly” bacteria called lactobacilli live in the vagina. When the number of lactobacilli gets too low, it can trigger a condition called bacterial vaginosis (BV). Gardnerella is the bacteria most frequently associated with bacterial vaginosis.

With bacterial vaginosis, a woman may have a thick or whitish discharge that is slippery and clear. Not likely to sting or burn. A fishy smell can be noticeable, especially during sexual intercourse.


Of the three most common vaginal infections, trichomonas vaginitis is the only one that is a true sexually transmitted infection. It is generally called “tricho,” which is caused by a single-celled parasite, Trichomonas vaginalis, and is transmitted from partner to partner during sex.

The symptoms of trichomonas vaginitis are similar to other vaginal infections: burning, irritation, redness, and inflammation of the vulva, with a yellow-gray or greenish vaginal discharge, possibly with a fishy odor. Some women also experience pain during urination.

Other infections and causes of common vaginal itching include :

  • Chlamydia Vaginitis. Chlamydia is a sexually transmitted disease that can cause inflammation of the vagina.
  • Non-infectious vaginitis. Non-infectious vaginitis is when the skin around the vagina becomes sensitive to an irritating substance, such as scented tampons, scented soaps, or fabric softeners. This is not an infection, and the solution is simple: You should not be exposed to what is causing a reaction.
  • This is a condition in which women have chronic pain or discomfort of the vulva with no known cause. Symptoms are similar to vaginal infections: burning, stinging, rawness, pain, and swelling. Symptoms can be constant or occasional.
  • Viral Vaginosis. Viruses can also cause vaginal infections. Most viruses are spread through sexual contact. The herpes simplex virus is a common cause of viral vaginosis.

Top 10 home remedies for vaginal infections

Can I treat a vaginal infection with home remedies? Yes, because being made using natural products they do not produce side effects and you can also do them in the comfort of your home.

Prevention to avoid vaginal yeast infections

The best home remedy that you can carry out is prevention to avoid vaginal yeast infectionsThe use of perfumed products for feminine intimate hygiene, whether they are soaps or deodorants, is not recommended at all.

Avoid humidity to avoid potential vaginal infection

Avoid moisture in the vaginal area as an excess of this can aggravate the infection. It is advisable to wear excessively tight clothing and synthetic underwear because they prevent perspiration. Wear cotton underwear during the day, and avoid thongs. Try not to wear tight clothing, and change out of wet bathing suits and sweaty workout clothes as quickly as possible.

Avoid douching

Avoid douching as it can interfere with the pH levels of the vagina, setting the stage for bacterial infections. Normally, the vaginal pH is around 3.8 to 4.5. If your vagina has a strong or unpleasant odor, consult your doctor; A shower will only cover up the smell without curing the problem it is causing. Avoid using harsh soaps or cleansers on the vulva or vagina, as these can also affect a healthy pH balance.

Eat plain yogurt

The daily consumption of a natural yogurt. Yogurt is a healthy and nutritious food that helps restore the acid balance that the vaginal flora has and that has been altered by infection. The consumption of yogurt contributes in an effective way to rebuild the good bacteria of the vaginal flora. You can also consume cranberry juice in the morning.


Garlic. We crush several garlic cloves and place them inside a sterilized gauze whose ends must be conveniently closed. We will place in the affected area not exceeding four hours. Wash well with water after use.

Tea tree oil

A bath with tea tree oil. Because it has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. We will add about six drops of this oil in the bath water, taking care that it dissolves correctly in the water. We will immerse ourselves for about fifteen minutes.

Lavender essential oil

A bath with lavender essential oil will disinfect the area because it has antiseptic properties. Apply about eight drops of this oil in the bath and soak in for about twenty minutes.

Pau D’arco bark herbal tea

An herbal tea made from Pau D’arco bark, as it contains a substance called lapacol that helps fight microorganisms. We will prepare it as a tea by introducing two tablespoons in half a liter of boiling water. We will let it rest and we will take a dose of 3 to 6 cups a day.


Calendula can be used to treat vaginal infections for its antibacterial properties. We can make an infusion by adding a marigold flower and a leaf to a saucepan of boiling water and take it twice a day.

Eat an alkaline diet

It is recommended that you remove products with sugary content, this type of food should be eliminated from the diet 100%, avoid processed products, avoid bread, dairy products and alcohol while you are treating your vaginal infection problem, whatever the type and the cause. Fresh foods such as vegetables (avoid sweet fruits, only fruits with low sugar content such as berries are recommended: strawberries, blueberries, blackberries, etc.).

Vaginal infection during pregnancy

During pregnancy we may have doubts when it comes to following any treatment or taking a certain medication due to the repercussions that it could have on the fetus. Therefore, at this important stage of life it is a good choice to trust home remedies for vaginal infections since they are based on the use of natural products.

During pregnancy, the body’s Ph is altered and the most common vaginal infection is Candidiasis, caused by the candida albicans fungus. Apple cider vinegar helps to rebalance the altered pH in the vaginal area because its pH is the same as that of the skin.
Apple cider vinegar is a natural disinfectant and therefore is one of the most traditional home remedies for vaginal infections.

Ingredients we will need:

  • Apple cider vinegar, also known as apple cider vinegar, and must be organic, unpasteurized, with the stem included.
  • 1 liter of water.

How to use:
Put a cup with apple cider vinegar in the bidet to which we have previously added warm water. We will clean the vaginal area for fifteen minutes; we will proceed to wash with clean water and finally we will dry.

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