Effective remedies for irritable bowel

Irritable bowel syndrome can be treated when it is detected early, this condition, also known as irritable bowel, is usually accompanied by symptoms such as indigestion, intestinal inflammation, intestinal spasms, among others, but they can be treated in the hands of effective natural remedies and incorporating good eating habits.

Irritale bowel is one of the health problems that grows more and more, affecting more and more people every day at a younger age. Although its direct causes are unknown, it is popularly believed that irritable bowel is related to a diet very low in fiber, very large meals or the intake of certain foods such as citrus fruits, coffee or dairy.

The treatments for this intestinal condition are very diverse and choosing one or the other should always be under medical supervision.

How to treat irritable bowel effectively?

To treat it effectively, the main thing is to make a series of modifications in the diet in order to eliminate from it those foods that the human intestine is not able to eliminate completely. Some of these foods that we must eliminate are citrus fruits, soft drinks, dairy products, sauces and in general those foods that cause flatulence.

The ideal is to replace all these foods with others that facilitate intestinal transit, with minimal fat content and rich in fiber and protein. Some of these foods are fruits and vegetables, without forgetting water, since in these cases it is vitally important to be sufficiently hydrated.

Currently there are drugs whose main objective is to combat irritable bowelalthough it is not entirely convenient, since many of these are composed of substances that can further aggravate the situation.

Home remedies to treat the colon.

There are many home remedies that we can use to combat irritable bowel that we mention below.

Aloe vera to treat colon conditions.

The sap contained in aloe vera has a powerful healing effect on our intestines, capable of repairing the mucosa that the intestine has inside, as well as helping to reduce inflammation. The most effective way to take it is by mixing it with water and honey and taking it on an empty stomach.

Carrot juice for a healthy colon.

The vegetables are essential to reverse the irritable colon, and specifying a bit more carrot. This vegetable ingested in juice can help to calm the sensation of pain. It is one of the most effective folk remedies for irritable bowel.

Apple and papaya to counteract irritable bowel.

These two fruits have enormous healing power, as well as definitely favoring almost any intestinal ailment. Make a juice with a piece of each of these fruits and mix them with the juice of a lemon. Take it on an empty stomach and you will start to notice the results very soon.

Chamomile and a healthy colon.

The chamomile infusion is one of the most powerful antis – inflammatory herbs, as well as much calm irritable bowel symptoms. It is preferable to sweeten the infusion with honey than with sugar or saccharin, and take as many times as necessary.

Castor oil to improve irritation in the colon.

In the case of castor oil, its objective is to treat the colon, being absorbed through the skin of the abdomen instead of ingesting it directly. You have to soak a cloth with the oil and place it on the abdomen. Afterward, place a hot water bottle on top of the cloth and allow it to cool. Castor oil can be purchased at any herbalist or health food store.

These are the most effective natural remedies to cure irritable bowel. In one way or another, we want to remember that it is convenient that before doing anything we consult with our trusted doctor. It is the professionals who must evaluate which treatment is most effective for each case after evaluating the health status of each person.

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