Genital herpes its symptoms, causes and natural treatments

The genital herpes is a sexually transmitted disease that has no cure. In the United States, an estimated 25% of adult women and 20% of adult men have the disease. The genital herpes simplex virus can live latent within a person’s immune system.

Genital herpes symptoms, such as cold sore pain, can appear periodically. Natural treatment for genital herpes focuses on practicing safe intimate relationships, strengthening the immune system, and naturally reducing pain.

Risk factors and causes of genital herpes

  • Intimate relationships with a partner who has cold sores
  • Any form of unprotected sexual intimacy
  • Having intimate relationships with multiple partners
  • Having other diseases that decrease immune functions

Symptoms of genital herpes

  1. A single cold sore from a group of multiple canker sores that form on the genitals, buttocks, upper thigh, or near the groin.
  2. Cold sores that become exposed and painful, develop a white coating, and burn for a period of time before healing.
  3. Pain, tenderness, and other symptoms of a rash around a cold sore.
  4. Symptoms of a viral infection such as fatigue, aches, or fever.
  5. On average, genital herpes ulcers generally occur at the base of the penis and the surrounding area.
  6. In women, genital herpes sores occur on the vulva, vagina, and cervix.

Genital herpes treatment

1. Practice safe sex

Unprotected sex is a major risk factor for genital herpes. Even if your partner doesn’t have any noticeable symptoms, they can pass the virus to you. Avoid any kind of intimate contact with someone who has an ulcer, mouth ulcer, or other symptoms of oral or genital sores. Research has shown that most HSV-2 infections are acquired from people who did not know they had herpes and report no symptoms. Practicing safe sex can help you better protect yourself from illness.

2. Improves immune function

Strengthening your immune system can help keep genital herpes symptoms at bay. A strong immune system is able to fight the virus much faster than a weak immune system. To help improve your overall immune system for the treatment of genital herpes:

  • Cut out sugar and processed foods from your diet
  • Avoid smoking or using drugs
  • Limit or avoid the use of unnecessary antibiotics and medications
  • Limits exposure to toxic chemicals in food packages, cleaning chemicals, or synthetic beauty products
  • Eat plenty of anti-inflammatory foods loaded with vitamins, minerals, essential fatty acids, and antioxidants
  • Exercise regularly
  • Manage stress levels
  • Sleep enough

3. Use antiviral herbs

Antiviral herbs can help treat symptoms of genital herpes by decreasing inflammation and helping the body attack the virus. Antiviral and antioxidant herbs that you can use as part of a genital herpes treatment plan include:

  • Astralagus root
  • Burdock root
  • Elder
  • A multivitamin that includes vitamin C, zinc, and vitamin D
  • Calendula
  • Adaptogenic herbs including ashwagandha, maca, medicinal mushrooms, and rhodiola

4. Reduces pain and accelerates healing naturally

When you experience a genital herpes outbreak, you can use natural methods to help speed healing and reduce pain:

    • Only using natural, mild soap and warm water on the sores.
    • Pressing a hot towel against the affected area to reduce pain.
    • Hot bath seat.
  • Wear loose, comfortable clothing to allow air to reach the sores.
  • Use an exclusive towel for the genitals near open sores, and another for the rest of the body, especially the mouth.
  • Do not touch any open sore during an outbreak.

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