Home treatment for atherosclerosis

Some of the most important home remedies for atherosclerosis include as a first measure avoiding meat, eating organic foods, garlic, onion, spinach, beans, yogurt, and salmon, in addition to behavior changes such as quitting smoking, drinking in moderation, and regular exercise.

What is atherosclerosis

Simply put, atherosclerosis is the name given for clogged arteries. However, it is a bit more complicated than you really want to understand the situation. When certain cells die, triglycerides or cholesterol begin to build up in the arteries and blood vessels.

Consequences of atherosclerosis

White blood cells attack these areas in order to remedy the situation, in addition to adding more to the blockage, the arteries gradually narrow. As the arteries and blood vessels narrow, the heart must work harder to pump blood, causing blood pressure to rise. This can be very dangerous, and if a blood clot flows through these clogged arteries and gets stuck, a heart attack or stroke can occur. These may be the consequences of this cellular accumulation that occurs, called arteriosclerosis.

Fortunately, there are ways to lower triglyceride levels, reduce inflammation in the cardiovascular system, and eliminate that buildup that causes arteries to harden and narrow. This is the reason why atherosclerosis is often called “hardening of the arteries“.

Below, we are going to cover some of the most effective and well-researched home remedies for preventing or reversing the effects of atherosclerosis. While some damage to the cardiovascular system is irreparable, atherosclerosis can be significantly reduced or “treated” through changes in diet and natural behaviors, rather than risky and expensive surgery. Let’s take a look at some of the natural approaches and home remedies for atherosclerosis.

Home remedies for atherosclerosis

Fish oil:

The high concentration of omega 3 fatty acids versus omega-6 fatty acids found in fish oil make it very effective in rebalancing the cholesterol balance in the cardiovascular system and preventing dangerous plaque build-up into the blood vessels that can trap a blood clot and cause a stroke or heart attack.

People think that fats are bad, but in fact, certain fats are essential for our bodies to function properly.


For a similar reason to the previous one, salmon is very beneficial in regulating cholesterol. In addition, salmon has a wide range of unique minerals that make it beneficial for many other aspects of health, including selenium, protein, phosphorus, potassium, choline, and pantothenic acid.

Potassium, for example, is also a vasodilator, which means that it can reduce stress on the cardiovascular system by relaxing blood vessels, effectively lowering blood pressure, and preventing coronary heart disease.

Avoid meat and processed foods:

The title could be a bit confusing; This is not to say that you have to be a vegetarian to reduce atherosclerosis, but the proteins, minerals, fiber, and nutrients found in fruits and vegetables are easier for the body to break down and process efficiently. Also, they tend to have less dangerous fats that can increase the content of bad cholesterol in the body.

Avoiding processed foods is a very effective way to reduce the effects and severity of atherosclerosis. Many processed foods contain hydrogenated fats, which can cause even more problems than dangerous saturated fats (unlike monounsaturated fats, which are good for the body.)

For that reason, eat organic or natural foods, as opposed to those excessively processed and frozen foods that can be found in normal grocery stores.

Garlic and onion:

When it comes to proven methods of effectively lowering bad cholesterol levels, the allium family is one of the best. The most common forms in this family are garlic and onion, which can easily be added to any number of meals and diet plans. Allicin is the active component of the allium family, and this particular organic compound has been shown in research studies to directly lower LDL cholesterol levels in the body. This has made garlic and onion some of the most important recommendations for the prevention of atherosclerosis and in those susceptible to cardiovascular problems.

Spinach and nightshade:

Spinach is a special type of vegetable, one of the most respected, and is very good at boosting heart health and reducing overall atherosclerosis in the body.

First of all, spinach is able to lower blood pressure by inhibiting angiotensin converting enzyme 1, which effectively improves the body.

Second, selenium, beta-carotene, and manganese can help reduce atherosclerosis in the body, and spinach is high in these nutrients. Lastly, neoxanthin and violaxanthin, two anti-inflammatory compounds in spinach, can help reduce inflammation in your blood vessels, which helps maintain your physical integrity.


The vast majority of grains contain high levels of potassium, but white beans, or kidney beans, are undoubtedly the highest in that concentration. Although people think of bananas as the super food rich in potassium, white beans contain much more, and are easy to incorporate into the diet as a source of essential minerals and protein.

Potassium, as mentioned above, lowers blood pressure by dilating blood vessels and relieves stress on the cardiovascular system.

Regular exercise:

The regular exercise is essential to keep your heart healthy, because a sedentary lifestyle means faster accumulation of fat deposits and triglycerides in your body. In addition, speeding up your metabolism can go a long way toward burning fat more effectively, avoiding obesity, and improving your overall health.

Give up smoking:

Smoking has an astringent effect on blood vessels and arteries, which means that it makes them harden and narrow faster, as well as having a much higher chance of suffering a heart attack or issues related to atherosclerosis. Also, smoking makes you less likely to stay active as it damages your lungs and oxygen capacity, leading to a sedentary lifestyle.

Drink in moderation:

Research on alcohol use and its exact relationship to atherosclerosis is still ongoing and often contradictory; however, excessive alcohol consumption has been associated with atherosclerosis and heart disease. That said, low levels of alcohol can actually be good for your heart, as it can reduce the damaging actions of LDL cholesterol. It’s a delicate balance, obviously. As always, everything should be consumed in moderation.

One final word of warning:

Although natural remedies are effective as early-stage or preventive treatments for atherosclerosis, there are certain more serious heart conditions that most likely require surgery. Make sure to see a medical professional regularly and talk to him or her about your current heart health before embarking on any natural strategy on your own.

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