Strengthen bones and treat joint pain with 4-ingredient drink

Pain in the bones and joints is debilitating and can aggravate and cause chronic inflammation and various health problems. Pain in the bones exists and is a result of aging. It is extremely intense and prevents all the daily activities of a person. Therefore, you must make sure that you are doing everything possible to avoid this pain or at least reduce its intensity. Therefore, you must lubricate the joints, strengthen the bones, and calm inflammation.

Strengthen bones and treat joint pain with 4-ingredient drink

The main causes of joint and bone pain are injury, as well as gout, osteoarthritis and arthritis, autoimmune diseases, and inflammation.

The following remedy contains all-natural ingredients with powerful medicinal properties for all of this and more.

Ginger, as we all already know, is a powerful anti-inflammatory that strengthens the immune system and prevents diseases. Carrots are rich in nutrients that support joint and bone health.


Turmeric not to mention, is one of the superfoods with the most anti-inflammatory properties that exist. When the joints become inflamed, this leads to stiffness in the joints causing immobility and pain. The active ingredient in turmeric, curcumin are natural anti-inflammatory agents.

This powerful natural anti-inflammatory agent, inhibits the activity of the pro-inflammatory enzymes-COX and LOX coupled with the fact that it does not cause irritation in the stomach unlike non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs that, in addition to only inhibiting the COX enzyme, can be the cause of Stomach problems.

Studies have shown that curcuminoids are agents that reduce protein C reactive, an important marker of inflammation.

Almond milk

Almond milk is rich in calcium, necessary to maintain and build healthy teeth and bones. It is also required for the muscles to relax and for blood clotting, in addition to maintaining a normal heart rate. The inclusion of almond milk in the diet supplies calcium to the body and benefits healthy bone growth in adults as well as infants. It also helps reduce the risk of osteoporosis.

All these ingredients mixed with the almond milk, will give a delicious, creamy and spicy consistency to the drink that you will feel it act from the first moment.

Give this drink a try and prepare it every day by drinking it in the morning on an empty stomach. In addition to helping, you strengthen this area of ​​treatment that your body needs, it will provide you with a large amount of nutrients that will act in other areas of your body to strengthen your bones and relieve the pain of inflammation.

This is how you should prepare this powerful natural remedy:


  • 2 cm. fresh ginger root
  • 5 or 6 carrots
  • 1 cm. fresh turmeric root
  • 250 ml of almond milk


Grate the ginger and turmeric, and then mix with all the other ingredients in a blender. Blend until smooth. This amount is enough for one day.

Dose of the drink to strengthen bones and treat joint pain

You should take 50-60 ml. of the remedy three times a day, 30 minutes before the main meals. If it is too much for you, dilute with a little water.

Additional tip:

The following mixture is also beneficial in the case of joint and bone pain. Contains nettle, horsetail and meadowsweet. All of these plants have powerful analgesic effects, which support bone regeneration and repair the joints. Prepare these three herbs in infusion and drink this tea in the morning and at night.

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