How to drink rice water to cut diarrhea?

For centuries rice water has been used not only as food, but also for its great properties for the body. Besides being nutritious, rice water has been used to curb diarrhea. How should you prepare it? What do you need to make good rice water? In this article we show you how simple it is to do it and how healthy it can be for your stomach and body in general.

Rice water and its stomach properties

Drinking rice water has become very popular these days. The main reason is due to the great nutritional contribution it provides to your body, in turn, the starch content it has completely relieves stomach discomfort. It does not matter if it is drunk hot or cold, this home remedy is special for treating diarrhea in babies and adults, there are even people who use it with their pets (dogs) and it works great. It also provides your body with a small but important number of vitamins and minerals.

Some prepare a recipe for boiled rice for stomach ache, and if you are wondering how to make boiled rice for gastritis, the truth is that it is also very easy and useful. However, to take advantage of all the benefits of rice, it would be better to prepare it natural without cooking.

Recent studies have shown how rice water protects the stomach lining and fights the infectious processes of the body, which cause diarrhea. In addition, the abstract concluded that rice water is effective in the treatment of gastritis in children. On the other hand, it replaces the electrolytes of the body if necessary, which makes it an oral moisturizing remedy.

How to prepare it?

First soak the rice and add a pinch of salt and sugar, let it soak for at least a couple of hours, stirring it every half hour at least. This will allow the starch in the rice to be released and along with the water and it will not be necessary to eat the rice.

You can also prepare it this way: To get the rice water, you really need to rinse the rice 2-3 times, and save the water.

  • Step One: Gather the Ingredients; 1 cup of rice (any type except wild rice) 4 cups of water; preferably distilled.
  • Second step: Boil purified water, then add the rice stirring around the pot until you have created a white and milky water.
  • Third step: Strain the rice and serve the broth as a tea. You can serve it hot or cold, but it is softer to take it fresh for someone who is sick. It really is that easy, without much hassle.
  • Step 4: Store any remaining amount of rice water in a jar with a tight lid. The duration of the water will be a maximum of four days in the refrigerator and two days at room temperature.
  • Fifth step: The remaining rice will be used for a rich soup, do not throw it away. It can also serve as food for poultry, if you have one.

Rice water is a Goliath against diarrhea, and as you may have noticed, making rice water is very simple, you only need water and rice. The next time that you or a family member needs help with diarrhea or a gastric process, prepare rice water to stop the diarrhea.

Other uses of rice water

  • Some people use rice water for cosmetic purposes, others as a skin eczema treatment.
  • This water contains inositol, a carbohydrate that can repair damaged hair and prevent hair loss. Inositol stays inside the hair, even after washing, thus offering continuous hair protection.
  • It can also be very useful for treating skin problems, such as inflammation and bumps.
  • It can also help in beauty treatments, thanks to the hydrating and antioxidant properties that rice water contains, it can improve circulation, prevent or remove age-related spots.

However, if you are dealing with stomach problems, it will undoubtedly do you good to put into practice these formidable recipes for your intestinal health and treat diarrhea.

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